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Latest News from China - June 13, 2005

June 25, 2005 |  


  1. [Beijing] Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Gong Xiurong Arrested for Distributing Truth Clarification Materials
  2. [Qi County, Henan Province] Practitioner Li Xiuqin Sentenced to One-and-a-Half Years of Forced Labor
  3. [Beipiao City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Ms. Wang Yanhua Arrested and Sent to the Xidayingzi Forced Labor Camp
  4. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Since May 2005, Five Male Practitioners Sentenced to Forced Labor
  5. [Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Ms. Sun Yumei Brutally Tortured at the Daqing Detention Center
  6. [Beijing] Ms. Shan Xiuying Currently Being Held at the Haidian District Detention Center
  7. [Xinjiang Autonomous Region] Mr. Cao Hongqi Again Sentenced to Prison

1. [Beijing] Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Gong Xiurong Arrested for Distributing Truth Clarification Materials

On June 9, 2005, the Shijingshan Police Department arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Gong Xiurong from Bajiao, the Shijingshan District, Beijing because she was distributing truth clarification materials. She may be held at the Shijingshan Police Department Detention Center.

Ms. Gong Xiurong: 86-10-68847393 (home)

Related government departments:

The Shijingshan Police Department: 86-10-68872992, 86-10-68873814
The National Security Division of the Shijingshan Police Department: 86-10-68873698
The Bajiao Police Station: 86-10-68873077

2. [Qi County, Henan Province] Practitioner Li Xiuqin Sentenced to One-and-a-Half Years of Forced Labor

On May 9, 2005, police officers Liu Hongtao, Li Yuanting and others arrested Dafa practitioners Li Xiuqin and Hou Yanling from Qi County, Henan Province and held them at the Qi County Detention Center. In order to protest their arrest, Li Xiuqin and Hou Yanling have been holding a hunger strike at the detention center for over ten days. Their family demanded their release, but officer Liu Hongtao repeatedly applied for a forced labor sentence. After detaining the practitioners three days past their original term, he sentenced Li Xiuqin to one-and-a-half years of forced labor.

3. [Beipiao City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Ms. Wang Yanhua Arrested and Sent to the Xidayingzi Forced Labor Camp

On April 26, 2005, Ren Shuli, head of Beipiao City Police Station and officers Liu Bingrui and Cai Zhongfu from the same police station went to the West Group of Daifuyingzi Village, Batuyingzi County. They broke into Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Yanhua's home and ransacked it. They took Ms. Wang to the Beipiao Detention Center and held her there for over half a month. Then they sent her to the Xidayingzi Forced Labor Camp without any legal procedure.

4. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Since May 2005, Five Male Practitioners Sentenced to Forced Labor

Since May 2005, five male practitioners have been sentenced to forced labor; they are:

Mr. Huang Jinru, in his 60s, lived in Hekanzi, Lingyuan City
Mr. Lu Naicong, in his 50s, lived in Baoguolao Town, Beipiao City
Mr. Tian Shaochun, in his 30s, lived in Shangyuan, Beipiao City
Mr. Sun Zhongyang, in his 50s, lived in Xidayingzi Town, Chaoyang City

5. [Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Ms. Sun Yumei Brutally Tortured at the Daqing Detention Center

Practitioner Ms. Sun Yumei was arrested when hanging Dafa banners; she was held at the Daqing Detention Center and was brutally tortured.

Dai Jinsheng tied Ms. Sun's hands and feet and tried to force her to give the names of other practitioners. The rope cut into her flesh and her hands swelled to the size of grapefruits. They wrapped her head in a plastic bag and almost suffocated her. The guards also forced her to sit on a metal stool for four days in a row. They used smoke and cold water to torture her, which caused severe kidney damage. As a result, she often urinated blood. Her hands are so severely injured that she cannot even tie her pants.

Those who took part in the persecution: Yang Jijun, Liu Yanfei, Liu Yong, Hu Xiao and others

6. [Beijing] Ms. Shan Xiuying Currently Being Held at the Haidian District Detention Center

Dafa practitioner Ms. Shan Xiuying, around 50 years of age, lived at the Xiangshan Agricultural Cadre's Institute in the Haidian District, Beijing. She was arrested after July 20, 1999, and was sentenced to two years of forced labor. In April 2005 the police arrested her at home. She is currently being held at the Haidian District Custody Center.

7. [Xinjiang Autonomous Region] Mr. Cao Hongqi Again Sentenced to Prison

Practitioner Mr. Cao Hongqi, 69 years old, used to be a volunteer assistant at the Xinjiang Province practice site. He was a senior engineer at the Wulumuqi Engineering & Research Institute for Nonferrous Metallurgy in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region. After July 20, 1999, the police ransacked his home and took many Dafa books and materials. He was sentenced to four years in prison.

On December 3, 2004, Cao Hongqi was arrested when clarifying the truth and distributing Dafa materials including VCDs. He was sentenced to one year of forced labor and was brutally tortured at the Changji Forced Labor Camp in the Xinjiang AR. He wrote a letter of appeal. We have not heard anything from him for a long time. The government has forbidden his daughter to visit him.

Departments involved in the persecution:

The Changji Forced Labor Camp in the Xinjiang AR

The Wulumuqi City Police Department in the Xinjiang AR

The Sha District Police Department in Wulumuqi City, the Xinjiang AR

The Wulumuqi Engineering & Research Institute for Nonferrous Metallurgy in Xinjiang AR:

Address: No. 4 North Youhao Road
Zip code: 830000