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Three Stories of Righteous People in China Supporting Falun Gong

June 22, 2005 |  


The villagers who understood the truth wiped away words and pictures slandering Falun Gong on the walls on both sides of the street

On a street in Guantao City, wicked people had plastered the walls with cartoons slandering the founder of Falun Gong and Dafa. The local practitioners promptly sent righteous thoughts, and distributed flyers and video discs to clarify the truth, and tell people how they had benefited from the practice of Falun Gong. After just a few days, the villagers wiped away all the slanderous cartoons along the nearly one-kilometer-long stretch, and whitewashed the walls.

The police used threats and enticement to induce a woman to slander Falun Gong; she adamantly refused

At the end of 2001, a woman in Jilin Province had a quarrel with her husband, and accidentally killed him. She went to the police station to turn herself in.

In the detention center, the police repeatedly attempted to induce her with promises to release her if she admitted to killing her husband because she practiced Falun Gong; and threatened her with a death sentence if she did not comply. She firmly refused every time, saying, "I take responsibility for what I do. Why would I want to frame Falun Gong? I will not do anything unconscionable."

She also told the inmates in her cell, "Please everyone, whoever gets out, please expose this. I am not afraid. I will bear witness when the time comes." Later, she was given a ten-year sentence.

The smile returned

This is a real story that happened in Jinchang City in Gansu Province.

Dafa practitioners often delivered Dafa truth-clarification materials to a certain household. In time, the resident had accumulated a big box of the materials. He put the box on his windowsill. When his relatives and friends came to visit, he had them read the truth-clarification materials.

This year, when Minghui Weekly [a service of the Clearwisdom website] was published, the practitioners delivered it to the household as usual.

There were several weeks when the practitioners failed to deliver to this house for one reason or another. The homeowner became anxious. After a period of time, he became depressed and worried. Finally, he asked around and found another practitioner, and immediately asked, "Was the Minghui Weekly published over the last several weeks? I can't do without it. Where is it published? I want to subscribe."

Upon learning this, the Dafa practitioner immediately delivered the missed issues to his house personally. He and his wife were very happy. His wife said to the practitioner, "My husband just loves this paper. Without it, he was so miserable. But look, today he is so happy!"