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A Former Thief: "I Witnessed the Might of Dafa Practitioners and the Evil Nature of the Police"

June 13, 2005 |   By a practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) In June 2003, I was locked up in Changping District Detention Center in Beijing for burglary. A practitioner's righteous thoughts and righteous actions completely changed my attitude toward Falun Gong and life itself. Through this, I was able to clearly see the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

On July 1, 2003, a practitioner named Cui Xiangjun was put in the detention center. Late at night, when he entered the cell, he immediately crossed his legs and sat at the entrance. He sat there the whole night. The next day when they brought him up for interrogation, as soon as he stepped out of the cell, he shouted in the passageway, "Falun Dafa is good!" His voice resounded through the entire detention center. All the prisoners and police officers were shocked. He kept shouting, "Falun Dafa is good!" One police officer said, "If you continue to shout, we will stuff your mouth with stinking socks." Mr. Cui didn't pay attention to him at all and continued shouting, "Falun Dafa is good!"

Mr. Cui was brought up for interrogation every morning, afternoon, and evening. Every time, he would shout three sentences, "Falun Dafa is good! Don't persecute Falun Gong! Unconditionally release Dafa practitioners!" But he didn't shout at night when people were sleeping. He always thought of others.

On July 4, the police officers started to brutally force-feed him. They asked me and some other prisoners to hold his arms and legs and force-fed him at the doorway. It was during that time that I learned more about him. The police officers ordered the prisoners to mix milk powder with a full washbasin of water and then force-feed him. How can a human's stomach stand a full washbasin of stuff? The police officers, however, never cared about the lives of practitioners. After being force-fed, Mr. Cui vomited over and over. Every time, the police officers used a broom and dustpan to gather the vomit, put it back into the washbasin, and then force-fed him with it!

One time, a doctor from the detention center came to observe Mr. Cui's condition. Looking at Mr. Cui's drawn face, the doctor grinned fiendishly and then stomped on Mr. Cui's wrist with his boots. He even twisted his boots on Mr. Cui's wrist. He was the CCP police doctor. While he tortured practitioners, he laughed contentedly. He looked just like a reincarnated ghost from hell.

I grew up in the countryside of Henan Province. From childhood, the seed was already planted into my heart to believe in Gods and to worship Gods. Of course, I never saw a supernatural being. At that moment, however, I did see a supernatural being. This marvelous practitioner was exactly such a supernatural being!

After July 8, we never heard Mr. Cui's voice again. We had no idea where he was sent. However, the words "Falun Dafa is good!" that he told the people from the bottom of his heart in his resonant voice were forever engraved in my mind.

Half a year later, my term was over and I was released. Not long after I returned home, I found a local practitioner and got a copy of the precious book Zhuan Falun. I thus obtained the Fa.

Recently, a practitioner in our village gave me a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. The book was written very well. I also can give countless examples of the CCP's evil deeds. Let's talk about one of the CCP's deceptions: The CCP brags that its guards treat prisoners the same as mothers treat their children or doctors treat their patients. Yet anyone who has had direct experience of their treatment would call them wild animals. Deceiving people is an inherent characteristic of the CCP.

The commodities sold in the jail were extremely expensive. The CCP makes a fortune by exacting staggering profits and through the persistent use of violence. When they were not on duty, some police officers made profits by exploiting prisoners' family members. They then allowed the prisoners use their cell phone to call home from jail. That is the level at which the CCP's police execute the law. I saw a police officer holding an iron stick and yelling in the passageway, "Those who don't fear death stand up." Then he guffawed. That is the level of the CCP's police!

May 30, 2005