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Some American Law Professors Understand the True Situation

May 09, 2005 |   By a practitioner in the U.S.

(Clearwisdom.net) I work at an elite law school and have had a lot of wonderful opportunities to clarify the truth to the professors, students, and staff at the school. They see that I'm a bright, conscientious, hard-working, level-headed person and so they are interested in my views on things. Plus, many of them are now my friends. The following are a few stories that will give you an idea about the law professors' sympathy for persecuted Falun Gong practitioners.

One professor whose name almost every law student knows, and who has published numerous books on corporate law, became very supportive through our conversations. One day I gave him a copy of the Falun Gong Today newspaper. As he looked through it and saw the pictures and headlines his face changed.

He asked me, "Why do you think the Chinese torture them? What are they trying to get out of them?"

"Renunciations," I said.

"Wow," he said, "so these people are martyrs."

I replied, "Well, yes."

You could hear the respect in his voice, which perhaps stemmed from the fact that this man is a Christian and understands what it means to die for one's beliefs.

Once I had a nice conversation with another professor who was describing some Chinese people's negative comments about Falun Gong. He said, "You know, when they say bad things, it's not necessarily what they really think." He went on to say, "And then, for some of them, well, sometimes it's just easier to believe the lies." Clearly he understood that some Chinese people simply choose to believe the lies out of fear or the desire to protect their interests.

When I talked with a professor who works a lot with human rights law he understood very quickly how oppressive the Communist system in China can be. He told me he was once invited to give a scholarly talk in Beijing. When he arrived there the person in charge asked him what his speech would be about. He told them it would be about human rights, and the person in charge said that he wasn't allowed to discuss that topic.

A few other professors, after getting to know me and learning of my interest in human rights in China and in Chinese culture, have introduced me to friends and colleagues that work on China issues. Through their actions they have helped more people learn the truth about the situation with Falun Gong in China. They have been very concerned.