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Latest News from China - April 25, 2005

May 06, 2005 |  


  1. Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Practitioners Ms. Xie Yanshuai and Ms. Yang Hongli Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison
  2. Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Practitioner Mr. Ding Zhongbin Sent to a Brainwashing Class After His Labor Camp Term Expired
  3. Liaoning Province] Practitioner Ms. Dong Jingya and Her Sister Dong Jingzhe Sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp
  4. Jilin Province] Practitioners Held at Division 3 in Jilin Prison

1. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Practitioners Ms. Xie Yanshuai and Ms. Yang Hongli Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Xie Yanshuai and Ms. Yang Hongli from the Yuanbaoshan District of Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, were arrested in Pingzhuang Town on January 17, 2005, by police officers from the Xilutian Police Station. They were held at the Pingzhuang Detention Center. The Yuanbaoshan District Court sentenced them to seven years in prison. The two practitioners were sent to the Huhehaote City Women's Prison on March 27, 2005.

2. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Practitioner Mr. Ding Zhongbin Sent to a Brainwashing Class After His Labor Camp Term Expired

Practitioner Mr. Ding Zhongbin is in his forties. He graduated from Sichuan Normal University and is from Liangping in Chongqing City. He has been detained many times for practicing Falun Gong. While he was teaching at the Huaxi Health School, he was sent to a forced labor camp because he clarified the truth about Falun Gong to his students. Mr. Ding was incarcerated at the Xinhua Forced Labor Camp in Mianyang, where he was brutally tortured. He was released after one month. He then distributed truth clarification flyers and was sent back to the Xinhua Forced Labor Camp. His term was extended by six months after it expired. In December 2004, Mr. Ding was sent directly from the labor camp to the Jinhua Brainwashing Center in the Wuhou District of Chengdu City.

3. [Liaoning Province] Practitioner Ms. Dong Jingya and Her Sister Dong Jingzhe Sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

Practitioner Ms. Dong Jingya, 34 years old, used to live in Shenyang City. She is being held in Group 3, led by Qi Fuying of Division 2 in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Her sister Dong Jingzhe is being held in Division 3 at the same labor camp. Both were sent to the forced labor camp because they had helped take care of practitioner Gao Rongrong, who had been incarcerated and severely abused at the Longshan Forced Labor Camp.

4. [Jilin Province] Practitioners Held at Division 3 in Jilin Prison

Practitioners held at Division 3 in Jilin Prison include:

Zhu Dexiang, Bu Jingwen, Yang Junsheng, Wan Junfeng, Yun Qingbin, Han Lihui, Zhang Weixi, Zhang Wenfeng, Zhou Liansheng, Jin Chengquan, Yang Feng, Li Huzhe and Liu Haixiao.