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United Kingdom: Candlelight Vigil at the Chinese Embassy to Commemorate the 6th Anniversary of the "4.25" Peaceful Appeal (Photos)

May 04, 2005 |   By a UK practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) On April 25th, 2005, UK practitioners held a candlelight vigil outside the Chinese Embassy in London to commemorate the 6th anniversary of the "4.25" peaceful appeal. The candles, like bright lamps and shining stars, were spreading their peaceful light. They symbolized the Beijing "4.25" peaceful appeal, conveying practitioners' firm and clear will to uphold conscience and justice. The following are a few short stories reflecting the situation on that evening.

A candlelight vigil in front of Chinese Embassy in London

It was raining a little when the candles were lit. Two gentlemen walked out from the Royal Institute of British Architecture (RIBA), and stood in the rain for a long time to watch us. One of them said, "We are the members of RIBA and come here quite regularly. I know you have been here to appeal for over three years regardless of wind or rain, day and night. We are moved by your peaceful and persistent appeal. I really don't know what the people in the Embassy building opposite think, but I can tell you that your peaceful and persistent appeal conveys an uncompromising faith, makes people feel a strength, an all-conquering strength."

An Italian elderly man told us that many TV stations in Italy have broadcast positive programs about Falun Gong. He stood there for over two hours after signing our petition form and watched the practitioners' peaceful and slow-moving exercises.

A couple that lives nearby came out of curiosity when they saw the candlelight and more than the usual amount of practitioners present. After hearing about the "4.25" incident, the wife took a copy of our newsletter and promised to read it carefully later.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200505/26290.html