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Latest News from China - April 17, 2005

May 04, 2005 |  


  1. Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Police Arrest Practitioner Ms. Liu Peizhen Again
  2. Heilongjiang Province] Partial List of the Practitioners Held in the Provincial Women's Prison
  3. Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Non-Practitioner Mr. Yu Yefu Died Because of Persecution of His Practitioner Wife
  4. Xiaochi County, Hubei Province] Mr. Li Puyuan Arrested and Taken to the Shayang Farm Forced Labor Camp
  5. Tianjin] Ms. Chen Guizhi and Mr. Zhang Yong Arrested
  6. Liaoning Province] Ms. Ma Yanhua Held in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp with an Extended Term
  7. Sichuan Province] Police and 610 Office Personnel Arrest Practitioner Mr. Zhang Deyuan
  8. Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Police Arrest Ms. Chen Guizhen
  9. Acheng City Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Tao Hongmei and Others Brutally Tortured
  10. Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Updated Information of Some Arrested Practitioners
  11. Weifang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Sun Zhensheng from Linju County Arrested
  12. Beijing] Ms. Jing Lirong Arrested
  13. Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Honggang District Court Secretly Sentences Practitioners Ms. Zhang Guiyun and Ms. Han Naixiu
  14. Beijing] Ms. Xiaomei Has Disappeared Since January 2004

1. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Police Arrest Practitioner Ms. Liu Peizhen Again

At around 9:00 a.m. on April 14, 2005, personnel from the 610 Office and from the Nanshan District Police Department in Shenzhen City broke into the rented home in which Ms. Liu Peizhen, in her sixties, and her husband lived and arrested them. They put them into the Xili Police Station in the Nanshan District. Police confiscated their Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials and Falun Dafa books.

Previously, on October 21, 2004, personnel from the Nashan District 610 Office and the police station arrested Ms. Liu and ransacked her home after she clarified the truth of Falun Dafa to them. With the power of her righteous thoughts she climbed down from the tenth floor and walked away. After that she had to live in exile.

Relevant phone numbers (Country code: 86, Area code: 755. Do not dial area code before a cell phone number):

Xili Police Station: 26620723
Wang Li, Head of the 610 Office in the Nanshan District, Shenzhen City: 26563676 (Office) 13802223388 (Cell)
Mayor's hotline in Shenzhen City: 82100099

Judicial Bureau in Shenzhen City: 25507303
Falun Gong Issue Administration Office: 28180494

2. [Heilongjiang Province] Partial List of the Practitioners Held in the Provincial Women's Prison

During the last few years, nearly 600 practitioners have been held in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. Following is a partial list of the practitioners held there:

No.1 Ward: Wang Juyan; Guan Shuling; Zhang Jing; Zhang Linwen; Zhang Xiaopo; Wang Tao; Song Qing; Yao Yuming; Fan Guoxia; Xu Jingfeng; Gao Guizhen; Chen Weijun; Liu Shufen; Liu Chunlan; Song Libin; Pan Hua; Zhu Xiangqin; Geng Yafen; Zhang Li; Wang Shuxia; Xie Yaqin, who started to practice in the prison; Gao Jingmei; Zhang Feng; Wang Yuqin; Liu Xuewei; Yu Xiuying; Li Hongxia; Zhang Shufen; Xu Jiayu

No.2 Ward: Feng Haipo, who started to practice in 1995 in the prison; Wang Jinyue; Wang Shuzhen; Wang Guili

No.5 Ward: Ding Yu; Zhang Shuqin, Feng Shurong, who started to practice in prison; Zhu Xiumin; Li Qingzhen; Lu Yingchun; Li Guihua

No.7 Ward: Ren Shuxian, Wang Hongjie, Liu Hongxia, Fu Guichun, Wang Fajuan, Hu Guiyan, Wen Jie, Wu Lijun

No.8 Ward: Zhao Xin, Wang Aihua, Zhang Yanfang, Piao Yingshu, Lu Yujun, Guan Yingxin, Sang Xiufang, Li Xiuhua, Jia Shuying, Xu Youqin, Han Ying, Yan Huijuan, Wang Jianping, Wang Hongzhou

No.9 Ward: Zhang Shuzhe, Liu Kun, Fu Lihua, Zhang Guilan, Wang Yuhua

Sick Person's Ward: Lu Shuqin, Wang Shurong, Tang Hengfen

Intensive Training Group: Hu Aiyun, Yan Chunling

3. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Non-Practitioner Mr. Yu Yefu Died Because of the Persecution of His Practitioner Wife

Mr. Yu Yefu, 49 years old, from Dalian City, Liaoning Province, did not practice Falun Gong. His wife is a practitioner. In January 2002, police raided their residence. After that, police frequently harassed his family. Mr. Yu could not get over the harassment and persecution and passed away.

4. [Xiaochi County, Hubei Province] Mr. Li Puyuan Arrested and Taken to the Shayang Farm Forced Labor Camp

Practitioner Mr. Li Puyuan from Xiaochi, Hubei Province, 61 years old, started practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. Since July 22, 1999, Mr. Li suffered severe persecution. During the evening on June 29, 2004, police arrested him and ransacked his home. He was sent to serve one and a half years of forced labor at the Shayang Farm in Hubei Province.

5. [Tianjin] Ms. Chen Guizhi and Mr. Zhang Yong Arrested

Practitioner Ms. Chen Guizhi, in her fifties, is from northeastern China. She lives at Apartment 303, Gate 4, Building 4, Chunchangli in the Nankai District of Tianjin City. On the evening of February 23, 2005, she was reported to police and arrested for posting banners reading, "Falun Dafa is Good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is Good" in the residential community of the city's Fourth Construction Module Factory. Ms. Chen has been held in the Xiqing Police Station for nearly 40 days. The police station paid 4,000 yuan to the four people who reported practitioner Chen.

Mr. Zhang Yong, around 30 years old, graduated from Nankai University in Tianjin City. In the middle of March 2005, police arrested him and took him to the Hedong Police Station for posting Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials along Eleventh Jing Road in the Hedong District, Tianjin City.

Relevant phone numbers (Country code: 86, Area code: 22. Do not dial area code before a cell phone number):

Xiqing Police Station: 27393016
Banqiao Women's Forced Labor Camp in the Dagang District: 63251619, Education Section: 63251069
Dagang District 610 Office, Liu Hengcheng: 13802043848 (Cell)
Li Quanxin: 63390890, 13920299105 (Cell)

6. [Liaoning Province] Ms. Ma Yanhua Held in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp with an Extended Term

Ms. Ma Yanhua has been held at the Masanjia Female Forced Labor Camp and should have been released by April 2, 2005. It has been heard that her detention term was extended.

No. 2 Women's Camp, Shenyang City Masanjia Women's Forced Labor Camp: 89210074 Ext: 383; Head: Su Jing

7. [Sichuan Province] Police and 610 Office Personnel Arrest Practitioner Mr. Zhang Deyuan

Mr. Zhang Deyuan of the No.5 Group, Yejia'ao Village, Shunhe Town, the Guide District, Zizhong County, Sichuan Province, was reported to local police when clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa in the village. On March 16, 2005, personnel from the local police station and from the Zizhong County 610 Office arrested him at his home and put him into the Zizhong County Detention Center. On April 5 he was transferred to the Mianyang City Xinhua Forced Labor Camp.

No.2 Team, No.6 Division of the Mianyang City Xinhua Forced Labor Camp, Sichuan Province: 86-816-2830769

8. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Police Arrest Ms. Chen Guizhen

In the middle of March 2005, Ms. Chen Guizhen of No. 5 Group, Bailian Village, Qinglongchang Township, Chengdu City, was reported to police for clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa in Fenghuangshang, Feijiba, Chengdu City. Personnel from the Dongzikou Police Station and the Qinglong Police Bureau arrested her and ransacked her home. Her whereabouts are unknown.

9. [Acheng City Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Tao Hongmei and Others Brutally Tortured

On April 14, 2005, Ms. Tao Hongmei and Ms. Yang Lixia from Acheng City, Heilongjiang Province were transferred from the Acheng City No.1 Detention Center to the Harbin City Women's Prison for torture. Ms. Yang was sent to the prison hospital because she had scabies all over her body. Ms. Tao was sent directly to a cell.

Ms. Jin Hailan from Pingshan Town, Acheng City, Heilongjiang Province, has been held in the city's No.1 Detention Center for over eight months. Ms. Jin does not cooperate with the vicious guards. She has been on a hunger strike for nine days. The guards have force-fed her with a saline solution.

10. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Updated Information of Some Arrested Practitioners

On March 1, 2005, personnel from the Hebei Police Station in the Heping District of Shenyang City arrested practitioner Ms. Zheng Shoujun. On March 3, police transferred Ms. Zheng to the Heping District Detention Center. On March 10 she walked out the detention center after seven days of being on a hunger strike.

Practitioner Ms. Zhang Lirong was sent to three years of forced labor at the No.4 Team, No.1 Division, No.2 Women's Camp at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Wang Xiaofeng is the No.1 Division chief.

Practitioner Sui Hua is being held in Shenyang City's Detention Center.

Practitioner Ms. Ma Yuping from the Tiexi District was arrested for trying to help practitioner Ms. Gao Rongrong. Ms. Ma was sentenced to three years of forced labor at the Shenxin Forced Labor Camp. Practitioner Liu Qingmin is also held there.

Practitioner Sun Shiyou was transferred to an unknown location for being on a hunger strike. Sun Shiyou's wife Ms. Dong Jingzhe and his mother-in-law Ms. Ma Lianxiao were held at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. They all went on a hunger strike. Later, Ms. Ma was transferred to an unknown location.

11. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Sun Zhensheng from Linju County Arrested

At 5:30 a.m. on April 16, 2005, seven or eight police officers from the Linju County 610 Office and the Yeyuan Town Police Station went to practitioner Mr. Sun Zhensheng's house in Ping'anyu Village, Yeyuan Town, Linju County. They arrested Mr. Sun, who was cooking at the time. They put him in the Linju County Detention Center and tortured him.

Since July 20, 1999, Mr. Sun's house has been searched many times. The police have fined him about 20,000 yuan and confiscated his motorcycle and other personal belongings. The four Sun family members have practiced Falun Gong for over seven years. They practice "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" and are regarded as good people in the village. Policemen attempted to arrest Mr. Sun several times but the previous attempts failed because kind villagers informed Mr. Sun beforehand.

Relevant phone numbers: (country code: 86, area code: 536. please do not dial the area code before a cell phone number)

Zhong Genmin, the Party Secretary of the CCP Linju County Committee: 8253988
Kao Jijia, head of the county: 13853636966 (Cell), 8892018
Lv Chuanyu, associate head of the police department: 3160618
Yang Dehua, head of the Yeyuan Police Station: 3632610
Policemen Tan Fazheng: 3632787 and Zhang Zaili: 3330901

12. [Beijing] Ms. Jing Lirong Arrested

During the evening of April 14, 2005, plainclothes officers from the Sanhe Police Station arrested Ms. Jing Lirong, a night-shift employee of the Capital Steel Machine Factory. They sent her directly to the Langfang Brainwashing Class.

13. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Honggang District Court Secretly Sentences Practitioners Ms. Zhang Guiyun and Ms. Han Naixiu

At 9:00 a.m. on April 14, 2005, the Honggang District Court in Daqing City held a secret trial for practitioners Ms. Zhang Guiyun and Ms. Han Naixiu without informing their families.

14. [Beijing] Ms. Xiaomei Has Disappeared Since January 2004

Ms. Xiaomei, about 26 years old, was arrested in March 2003 from her residence. She was detained in Room 1 of Division 4 at the Fengtai District Police Department's Women's Detention Center in Beijing. While she was detained there, a fellow practitioner sent her some items. In January 2004, when the practitioner went to see her for a third time, the detention center staff said that Ms. Xiaomei had gone but did not say where. Ms. Xiaomei's whereabouts remain unknown.