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Eighth Grader Shan Jing Expelled from Rushan City Middle School for Practicing Falun Gong

May 03, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Shan Jing was an eighth grade student at Shandong Rushan City No. 1 Middle School. On March 26, 2005, her teacher found her reading Master Li's new article and confiscated it. After class Shan Jing went to ask for the article, but she was driven out of the office.

Three days later, Liu Renchong, the teacher in charge of the class, called Shan Jing to the office and asked whether she would rather give up cultivation or give up school. Shan Jing said that she didn't want to give up either one, but if she only had one choice, she would give up school and continue cultivation. Liu Renchong told her to take her schoolbag and go home. Later, Liu Renchong and the secretary of the school went to Shan Jing's home. They told her that she had to write a promise that she would no longer cultivate or the school would expel her, but Shan Jing refused. On March 29, Shan Jing went to school but was turned away at the door.

Shan Jing is a good student, and all of her classmates like her. Her teachers have also said that Shan Jing is a good and honorable student. When the director told her to take her schoolbag and go home, her classmates all murmured, "How can this happen?"

Rushan Education Department
Head of the Bureau Zhang Lidong: 86-631-6652371
Office: 86-631-6678909

No.1 Middle School
Principal Zhao Chao: 86-631-6628826
Grade II Department Chief Song Bo: 86-631-6633869
Class Director Liu Renchong: 86-13863001226(Cell)

April 2, 2005