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Summary of Other Articles and News - May 18, 2005

May 26, 2005


Facts of the Persecution

Perpetrators in Daqing City Prison intensify persecution of Dafa practitioners

After the May 1 holidays, Jiang Shuchen, the deputy head in charge of persecuting Falun Gong at Daqing Prison, and Guo Chuntang, head of the Education and Reform Section and also the head of Daqing Prison's 610 Office, started another round of persecution. They announced that practitioners who hold hunger strikes to resist the persecution would be force-fed corn porridge every two or three days. On May 12, practitioners Zhu Hongbing and Cheng Peiming, who were being illegally held in the Infirmary Division, were stripped of their clothes and forced to wear inmate uniforms. They were tied up for one day. On May 15, Zhu Rui, head of Division 3, and Zhang Guosong, deputy division head, tied up practitioner Wang Yufeng in the instruction room for 24 hours.


Personnel from the Chaoyang District Political and Judiciary Committee and the Qinghe Police Station in Changchun City arrest practitioner Mr. Chen Chengyuan

On May 12, 2005, practitioner Mr. Chen Chengyuan and his parents-in-law went to the Heizuizi Women's Prison to visit Mr. Chen's wife Yan Huawei, who had been illegally sentenced to nine years in prison. Qinghe Police Station police officers arrested all three and subsequently ransacked their home. Personnel from the Chaoyang District Political and Judiciary Committee and from the Qinghe Police Station had planned the abductions in advance. Mr. Chen Chengyuan was savagely beaten and is currently being held at the Daguang Detention Center. His mother-in-law was released that night.


Practitioner Mr. Zhou Youfu in Ruichang City, Jiangxi Province, suffered a mental collapse from persecution at the Jiujiang City Forced Labor Camp

Practitioner Mr. Zhou Youfu, 50 years old, was an employee at the Ruijiang City Textile Factory in Jiangxi Province. After the persecution started on July 20, 1999, he was detained. He was first sent to a brainwashing class and later to the Jiujiang City Forced Labor Camp, where he was brutally tortured. He suffered a mental collapse and has not yet recovered.
