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Seriously Read the Nine Commentaries, Put Down Human Notions and Save Sentient Beings

May 25, 2005 |   By a practitioner from China


I know a 67-year-old Chinese Communist Party (CCP) member who was transferred from the army to civilian work and is now a businessman. In the past he did not understand Falun Gong and would only listen to the CCP's one-sided propaganda. He would often make disrespectful comments about Falun Gong. Thus, I have frequently told him the stories of my family and myself benefiting from Falun Gong. Each time before clarifying the truth I would send righteous thoughts, eliminating evil factors that prevented him from learning the truth about Falun Dafa. Eventually he developed a favorable impression of Falun Gong. Other practitioners also clarified the truth to this man while buying merchandise from him. He liked to read the truth-clarifying materials. Later he said to me, "I've read the flyers of Falun Gong. It is very good. If we all follow what is said in Falun Gong flyers, society will really become better." Afterwards I brought the book Zhuan Falun to him and he happily accepted it. He carefully read it and told me cheerfully, "This book is not written by some average person. Each sentence is right and truthful. I did not read it before, and I had many misconceptions. Now that I have read it, I realize that it is really very good."

After the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party came out, I gave him a copy and at the same time I sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the Party Culture in his mind. The next day he told me, "This book is really good. What it discusses is all real history, a lot of which I either know or have experienced. The book is so clear about the historical facts."

Before reading the Falun Dafa books, this man often fought with his customers. Although he is short in height and old in age, he fought fearlessly. Even people in charge of the city market were apprehensive around him. Now after reading Zhuan Falun and the Nine Commentaries just once, he got rid of many bad habits and no longer fights as he did before. He often applies Falun Dafa principles to himself to be a better person. He also talks to other people about what is mentioned in the Nine Commentaries. Before he could not sell much of his merchandise, and his wife was doing better than him. Now his business is doing better than his wife's.

Several practitioners that I have contacted all read the Nine Commentaries seriously, and they all got rid of their human notions. When we meet, we remind and encourage each other to study and memorize more of the Fa. Because they are my family members and neighbors, I know they used to have illnesses, and they were uneducated and could not read much. Now I can see that they are quite different from before. Everyone has good health. They feel like their body is light, as if walking on air, and their speech is truthful and amiable. People of the same age cannot compare with them.

Relatives and friends not familiar with them ask them how high their educational levels are and why are they so exceptional. One elder practitioner explained, "I used to be uneducated. My wisdom all comes from Falun Dafa." A fellow villager heard that gods have sentenced the Communist Party to death for its crimes and mistakenly thought we were trying to overthrow the Communist Party. He said, "If you are trying to overthrow the Communist Party, count me in." An elder practitioner said, "It is not that we want to overthrow the Communist Party, rather it is the Communist Party that overthrows itself. It is self-eliminating and self-destroying." Then she told them to ensure their own futures, they should withdraw from the Party, withdraw from the Communist Youth League and withdraw from China Young Pioneers. When hearing this, some of them said, "If it is true, we would like to use our real names instead of aliases!" Within a few days over 20 people declared their withdrawal from CCP and its related organizations.