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Ms. Wu Xianju from Sichuan Province in Critical Condition on the Seventh Day of Hunger Strike

May 24, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wu Xianju, 39, is a farmer from the Fifth Commune at No. 5 Village of Taihua Commune in the Dingshui District of Nanbu County, Sichuan Province. Her husband works out of town on odd jobs, and Ms. Wu was taking care of her parents and a 13-year-old child.

On March 23, 2005, Wang Chaoyang, a security official of Taihua Commune, called Ms. Wu into the commune's family planning office. Li Anqin, officer from the Dingshui Police Station, and Luo Xiao, the commune's deputy Party secretary in charge of the 610 Office, unlawfully arrested her. She was immediately taken to the Nanchong City Brainwashing Center in a police vehicle. Ms. Wu has been on a hunger strike in protest for seven days.

It was learned that in March 2003, this brainwashing center in Nanchong City identified Ms. Wu Xianju for unlawful arrest. Ms. Wu managed to escape using her righteous thoughts. Another practitioner, Liu Anhui, was also taken to the brainwashing center. This time, Liu Guoqing, a state security officer in Nanbu County, ordered the Dingshui Police Station to arrest Ms. Wu.

Individuals responsible for the persecution:

Lu Wenrong: 86-13088195588 (cell)
Fu Shaolin: 86-13198829186 (cell), 86-817-2195972
Nanchong Brainwashing Center: 86-817-3325788 (office), 86-817-3325768 (guards at the gate), 86-13700973177 (cell number of staff member assigned to brainwash Ms. Wu Xianju)

March 31, 2005