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The Communist Party's Ban on the Nine Commentaries Arouses the Curiosity of Party Members

May 23, 2005 |  


Case 1

One can become a Communist party member in Zanhuang County, Hebei Province simply by merely paying 80 yuan.

Since the Epoch Times website published the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, after reading them, many people recognized the evil nature of the Communist Party. One by one they announced their membership withdrawal in all related Communist party organizations.

One day a relative came to my house to visit. After she read the Nine Commentaries she told me this: in every village in Tumen Township in Zanhuang County, Hebei Province, some membership vacancies had been allocated for the villagers to register and join the Communist Party. Those who registered had only to pay 80 yuan to join. Her son paid 80 yuan. When she asked him, "You are already so old; why are you still trying to get something out of this?" Her son replied, "In the past it was almost impossible to join the Communist Party. Now the opportunity has come knocking on my door. I wanted to get a membership for the benefit of my son who is attending school. Maybe in the future it will be useful."

From this incident it is not difficult to see that the evil Communist Party spirit is struggling to survive. The so-called "advancement" had become a cheap sales campaign effort for peddling Communist Party memberships in the villages and remote mountainous areas. I immediately gave her the Nine Commentaries so her son could take a good look.

Case 2

Communist Party members' curiosity were aroused when the Gansu Province Communist Party's grass roots organizations banned the Nine Commentaries.

Recently, some grass roots Communist Party organizations in Jinchang City, Gansu Province had already spread the word from their superiors:

Forbid Communist Party members to read or pass around the Nine Commentaries.

Slander the Nine Commentaries and say that its contents are false.

No one is allowed to withdraw their Communist Party membership; even if they refuse to pay their membership fee they will still remain members, as along as they don't renounce their membership.

This eventually had the opposite effect than what was intended, as it aroused the curiosity of the Communist Party members. Instead of obeying the directives from above, they went around asking people for and looking for the Nine Commentaries. They were determined to take a look and see what was actually written in the Nine Commentaries.

One Party secretary at a certain work unit in Jinchang City read the Nine Commentaries. After having read only five chapters, he left his post as Party secretary. Someone said that he did not resign of his own accord but was dismissed. Whatever it was, what happened to this person was something good, as he managed to free himself from the clutches of the Communist Party.