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Facts Surrounding the Persecution and Death of Three Practitioners in Hulan County, Heilongjiang Province

May 22, 2005 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Heilongjiang Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Practitioners Mr. Ren Pengwu, Mr. Zhang Xuewen and Ms. Sun Yuhua from Hulan County, Heilongjiang Province, were tortured to death. While illegally imprisoned at the detention center, they suffered brutal force-feedings. The doctors and guards inserted tubes into the practitioners' noses and force-fed them with massive amounts of a salt solution, causing their deaths. Wang Gongchao, the then chief of the detention center, stated, "Death from force-feeding is nothing." What follows are the details of the persecution experienced by these three practitioners, as well as others in the Hulan County Detention Center.

On February 10, 2002, 17 practitioners were transferred from the Hulan County Detention Center to the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp. Practitioner Mr. Zhang Xuewen conducted a hunger strike to protest the persecution but was tortured until he became extremely weak. He was then rejected by the forced labor camp and sent back to the detention center. The prison doctor, Wang Jianxin, force-fed Mr. Zhang every day, even prying open his mouth with a stick. Doctor Wang Jianxin mixed large amounts of salt with a small amount of milk powder and force-fed Mr. Zhang this mixture. As a result he became very emaciated. After the force-feedings, Mr. Zhang was very thirsty. He drank seven bottles of mineral water at one time, but it was still not enough to ease his thirst. Doctor Wang Jianxin also colluded with police to force-feed Mr. Zhang with boiling hot water. As a result, he had blood in his stool for several days. Mr. Zhang Xuewen has been arrested many times. In early August 2003, Mr. Zhang was transferred to the Hulan Prison in Harbin City, where he died on the morning of August 8, 2003. The prison did not want to take responsibility for Mr. Zhang's death, so they told his family, "Zhang Xuewen's death was caused by the detention center. Our superiors ordered us to send him here."

In February 2001, two male and two female practitioners were arrested, imprisoned, and tortured brutally the entire night. Their bodies were full of bruises. The chief of the Politics and Security Section led the group of guards in the torture. When they were tired from beating, they had to stop and rest. Practitioner Ms. Sun Yuhua's face was distorted from the beating. These four practitioners conducted hunger strikes and were force-fed that same day. On January 14, 2004, police from the National Security Unit in Hulan County again arrested Ms. Sun Yuhua. She was on a hunger strike in the Hulan County No. 1 Detention Center and died from torture on March 8, 2004.

One morning after 9 a.m., police guard Cui, who was on duty at the time, instructed Doctor Wang Jianxin to force-feed the practitioners. Four to five strong male prisoners came to drag Ms. Sun Yuhua away. Practitioner Ms. Dong Yazhen tried to stop them and was also taken away. Police guard Cui, Dr Wang Jianxin, and prisoner Gao Sanmao tied Mr. Ren Pengwu to a metal chair and cuffed both his hands behind his back. One person stood behind him and pulled his head back by the hair while Dr Wang Jianxin pressed his knee into Mr. Ren's ribs as he inserted a rubber tube into his nose. The doctor force-fed Mr. Ren with salt water, beat him, and cursed him. Mr. Ren's stomach bled after the ordeal, and he was in excruciating pain.

The next day, February 21, 2002, at about 5 a.m., somebody yelled for guard Cui, but he did not come until after 6 a.m. When practitioner Wang carried him out, Mr. Ren was dying and stopped breathing on the way to the hospital. That very day, Hulan County enforced martial law and cremated his body. Mr. Ren Pengwu, 33 years old, died at the hands of guard Cui, the leader of the group; prison doctor Wang Jianxin; and several other police guards.

On November 21, 2002, practitioner Ms. Dong Yazhen was arrested for distributing truth-clarification materials and again taken to the Hulan County Detention Center. Eight practitioners conducted hunger strikes to protest the illegal detention. Wang Gongchao, the chief of the detention center, ordered doctor Wang Jianxin to force-feed them. The practitioners' mouths were forced open, a wide tube was inserted into their stomachs, and salt water was poured down the tube. They were tormented this way for a month. Practitioners Ms. Dong Yazhen and Ms. Ma Fenglan were locked in a room and tortured so badly that Ms. Ma felt she was going to die as soon as she closed her eyes.

On April 12, 2003, eight practitioners were given sentences of eight to twelve years imprisonment. Ms. Dong Yazhen, Ms. Pan Hua, Huang Xiuying and Zhou Chunling conducted hunger strikes to protest. Doctor Wang Jianxin came to the cell, fiercely pulled Ms. Pan Hua's hair, and dragged her back and forth. He also kicked her and then force-fed her. Several practitioners had their larynxes damaged from the tube inserted by Wang Jianxin. On one occasion, Ms. Pan Hua suddenly started to have a seizure. Wang Jianxin called on several prisoners to give Ms. Pan an injection, kicked her, and stepped on her arms with all of his weight. The injection was supposed to be a medication to stabilize the seizure, but after a while Ms. Pan lost consciousness, and Wang Jianxin said, "She won't wake up until after 7 o'clock tomorrow." After this treatment, Ms. Pan Hua's reasoning was seriously affected, and she often became confused. Her arms still hurt after many days.

One day, Deputy Chief Zhao Liangui, Wang Gongchao, and Chief Chang gave orders to force-feed Ms. Dong Yazhen. They tied her to a chair, and she immediately fainted for seven to eight minutes. Wang Jianxin pinched her philtrum with his fingers and continued force-feeding after she regained consciousness.

In 2001, four days before the Chinese New Year, police officers Zhang Hengyou and Bai Chunlin went to Ms. Dong Yazhen's home and deceived her by saying, "The New Year is coming, and we are having a meeting in the government office. You can come back in ten to twenty minutes." Ms. Dong Yazhen and her husband were deceived into going to the police station, where seven to eight practitioners were already gathered. All the police officers were there. With no explanation, they put the practitioners in a big passenger van and sent them to the Hulan County Detention Center for further persecution. Ms. Dong Yazhen's two children were left home alone without care.

The relevant work units and telephone numbers:

Wang Yufeng, Chief of Hulan County Detention Center: 86-451-57343203 (office), 86-451-57332968 (home)
Zhao Liangui, Deputy Chief of Hulan County Detention Center: 86-451-57343203 (office), 86-451-57322567 (home)

Wang Jianxin, Doctor of Hulan County Detention Center: 86-451-57343203 (office), 86-451-57335811 (home)

Hulan County Police Department switchboard: 86-451-57322454, 86-451-57322786

Wang Gongchao, Police Department Deputy Chief: 86-451-55261664 (home), 86-13903665976 (cell)
Heilongjiang Province Hulan Prison: 86-451-57304738