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A Few Stories of People Who Have Awakened after Reading the Nine Commentaries

May 21, 2005 |   By a Practitioner from northern China


A school principal read the Nine Commentaries, and one by one the teachers at the school denounced the CCP

A Northern Chinese school principle always considered the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to be "great and glorious." And he thought that although the CCP had committed wrongdoings, they were reasonable.

After he read the Nine Commentaries from Epoch Times, he was shocked and understood the true nature of the CCP. The CCP disowned the misfortunate and killed countless others. The CCP has the characteristics of an evil cult. It is a helpless evil spirit. Only by denouncing "the mark of the Beast" could he be saved.

So, not only did the principal resign from the CCP, he gave the Nine Commentaries to other teachers. After they read it, more than 10 people from their school renounced membership in the CCP too.

Ceremony to join the CCP Young Pioneers cancelled

An elementary school counselor from Northern China read the Nine Commentaries and understood the CCP's evil nature. During the students' ceremony to join the CCP Young Pioneers, he announced that the ceremony would be cancelled.

The whole class wrote their statements to quite the CCP

An entire classroom of elementary students from Northern China read "Awakening" and articles relating to resigning from the CCP to save oneself. Afterward the whole class wrote statements to resign from the CCP Young Pioneers.