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Always Remember to Search Within

May 20, 2005 |   By Lianqi from Taiwan

(Clearwisdom.net) Not long ago, a fellow practitioner was suffering from severe sickness karma, and was taken to a hospital. Many practitioners went to the hospital to express their concerns and understandings.

When I visited her the first time, all I wanted was to help her find her attachment so that she could get through the tribulation sooner. But I failed to remember this was interference arranged by the old forces. It not only interfered with this practitioner but with everyone who visited her in the hospital. As a result, I felt ill when I left the hospital. I went home and went to bed.

My righteous thoughts were a bit stronger on my second visit. But I still failed to treat myself as a cultivator who should look inside and strictly follow Master's teachings. Instead I was anxious to share with her my righteous thoughts and actions.

Another practitioner who came with me, while sending forth righteous thoughts at the hospital, saw this practitioner entangled with four snakes. Three of the snakes were small whitish ones, but the other one was a big black snake. Our Gong during sending forth righteous thoughts could not reach the four snakes and thus failed to eliminate them.

Later, when the practitioner shared with us what she had seen, I realized that the three small snakes were actually the attachments of the three practitioners who went to the hospital. We failed to remember that we are cultivators, and that we should always look inward and purify ourselves first whenever and whatever we see or encounter, before helping fellow practitioners with our strong Gong. Our sharing not only failed to help the fellow practitioner who was experiencing the tribulation, but also failed to eliminate the demons attached to that practitioner when sending forth righteous thoughts, even in close proximity.

In addition, the tribulation that the fellow practitioner encountered was not entirely due to her own attachment and lack of righteous thoughts. The old forces arranged the tribulation that way in order to test other practitioners. Practitioners in Taiwan have a better environment, without any direct persecution from the evil, and even practitioners with strong attachments can cultivate and participate in various projects that validate Dafa. Some practitioners who are not steadfast in Dafa might be shocked and shaken upon seeing such a severe tribulation of a veteran practitioner who has done pretty well in validating Dafa. Thus, if we are only thinking about how to help our fellow practitioner let go of his or her attachment or how to strengthen his or her righteous thoughts, aren't we actually acknowledging the old forces' evil arrangement?

Whenever a fellow practitioner has a tribulation, based on our kindness, we always want to lend a hand. But cultivation is a serious matter. If we fail to strictly follow Master's teaching at all times, our kindness stays only at the level of an ordinary person's care. The persecution and tribulation that our fellow practitioners are facing can't be solved by everyday people's kindness. We should cultivate ourselves well and look at things from the perspective of the Fa. Only then can we truly help our fellow practitioners using our kindness that is cultivated from the Fa.