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More Than Fifty Falun Dafa Practitioners from Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province Arrested on the Same Day, Mr. Gai Chunlin Dies in Police Custody

May 14, 2005 |   By a Falun Dafa Practitioner in Liaoning Province

(Clearwisdom.net) On April 14, 2005, more than fifty Falun Dafa practitioners from Nankouqian Township, Qingyuan County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province were arrested. Police surrounded each Falun Dafa practitioner's home before arresting them, frightening the local folks. On May 6, 2005, police notified the family of Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Gai Chunlin that Mr. Gai had died.

On April 14, 2005, police from Fushun City and Qingyuan County departments sent fifty police vehicles to Bawanggou Village, Gengjiapu Village, Shipaidi Village in Nankouqian Town with their sirens blaring. They surrounded each Falun Dafa practitioner's home upon arriving, ransacked the homes and arrested the practitioners. At the time, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Yu Fengying was burning paper money for her father, who had recently passed away. The police took her away before she could attend the funeral.

Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Gai Chunlin from Bawanggou Village was arrested at his home. On May 6, 2005, his family was notified that he had died. People have learned that the police in Fushun City First Division branch are very cruel and often torture Falun Dafa practitioners. They routinely beat Falun Dafa practitioners until they pass out, and then pour cold water on them to revive them. One policeman said while during torturing Falun Dafa practitioners, "We beat Wang Touxia to death!"

We have learned that the stepped up pattern of arrests is an attempt to stop the spreading of the Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party. On April 18, 2005, the CCP Qingyuan County Committee held an urgent meeting to plan strategy for monitoring Falun Dafa practitioners, such as using four people to watch each practitioner, door to door questioning, and so on. On the afternoon of the same day, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Jing, who is more than 60 years old, was arrested.

Relevant perpetrators and phone numbers:

Police First Division of Fushun City Heads, Hao Jian'guang (male), and Hao Shifu (male).

Policemen Guan Yong (male), Liu Minghe (male), and Wang (gender unknown).

People in charge of persecution Falun Gong in Qingyuan County:

CCP Secretary Guan Huiting (male), 86-413-3024199(Office) , 86-413-3024053(Home) , 86-13941373968(Cell).

CCP vice Secretary Huang Baohua (male), 86-413-3022065(Office), 86-413-3021622(Home), 86-13941373908(Cell).

CCP Political and Judiciary Committee Secretary Li Yongzhi (male), 86-413-3039367(Office) , 86-413-3024137(Home), 86-13904933818(Cell).

CCP Political and Judiciary Committee Vice Secretary Bian Changqing (male), 86-413-3039489(Office), 86-413-3035336(Home), 86-1380413258(Cell).

CCP Political and Judiciary Committee Vice Secretary Zhang Baoquan (male), 86-413-3023693(Office), 86-413-3020600(Home), 86-13942362969(Cell).

CCP Political and Judiciary Committee Vice Secretary Yao Hongsheng (male), 86-413-3023640(Office), 86-413-3024708(Home), 86-13604137081(Cell).

Qingyuan County Police Department:

Director Song Yi (male), 86-413-3031333(Office), 86-413-3024600(Home), 86-13904139303(Cell).

Political Director Wang Shengli (male), 86-413-3028811(Office), 86-413-3025966(Home), 86-13904139107(Cell).

Vice Director Xiao Long (male), 86-413-3021576(Office), 86-413-3021658(Home), 86-13904230780(Cell).

Vice Director Zhou Jie (male), 86-413-3031833(Office), 86-413-3032216(Home), 86-13304231117(Cell).

Political and Security Office Head Li Xin (gender unknown),.

State Security Division Head (under Political and Security Office) Ruan Li (male).

Qingyuan County zip code, 113300.