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Rectify Our Environment to Save More People

May 14, 2005 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1997. On March 3, 1997, I went to a practice site and joined practitioners doing the exercises. Soon, the illnesses I had for many years completely disappeared. Under Master's compassionate care, I have completely changed, both physically and spiritually.

On July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin started persecuting Falun Gong. My husband believed the slanders on TV, so he did not understand why I continued to practice Falun Gong. He always beat me and cursed me. When I went out to study the Fa, he would lock the door and not allow me back in. I was very scared, so I left the study site early in order to come home. Through studying the Fa, I realized that coming home early was an attachment. I should not be afraid of my husband and should not solve the problem with human notions. I should look at the issue with the mind of a cultivator. I enlightened to the fact that he should not interfere with me. I should tell him the truth about Falun Gong, since he might be controlled by vicious old forces in other dimensions. Master said in Zhuan Falun,

"When you say you want to cultivate, they won't put up with it, 'You want to cultivate, you want to leave. If you develop gong I won't even be able to reach you, I won't be able to touch you.'"

I learned that outside forces control the interference. I strongly believe in Master and want to follow the path arranged by Master. Now when I go to Fa study, I stay until the end. We have continued our group study. Every night we study one lecture from Zhuan Falun and send forth righteous thoughts twice. The study site is a very good environment.

I value my family very much, and I have had emotional attachments. I work hard so that my family members can have a comfortable life. In 1998, my son went to a vocational school. He frequently returned to ask for money. I thought, "If I do not give him money he might go astray." So I tried my best to satisfy him time after time, which encouraged the demon nature inside of him. I thought it was because of my karma and that I might have owed him in previous lives. Later I came to understand that the old forces had taken advantage of my attachment to sentimentality. They allowed my son to spend the money and irritate me mentally so that I could not study the Fa in peace. I looked into myself, dug out the fundamental attachment, and got rid of it, so that there was no opportunity for persecution by the old forces. Master said,

"Cultivating until no attachments are left,

With bitterness gone and sweetness coming, true happiness arrives."

(Hong Yin "Cultivating in Maze," provisional translation, subject to improvement)

I closely follow the path arranged by Master and firmly believe in Dafa. The Fa is the teacher. I should completely oppose the old forces' arrangements and eliminate their evils.

I am very fortunate to live in the time when the Fa is being spread and to understand so many principles of life. Our compassionate Master saved me and taught me how to really be a good person, a practitioner. Since July 20, 1999, when Jiang began using the government to spread the overwhelming, poisonous lies to the public, the persecution of Falun Dafa has become really extreme. One of my thoughts at that time was to protect the Falun Dafa books. As a practitioner, I had to pass the test. Zhang Jiuquan, an official of my hometown, ordered me to curse Master. I said that our Master told us not to curse and that I did not know how to curse. They were furious at me and ordered me to call Master by name. I stared at them and did not obey. They then wanted to confiscate my Dafa books, saying that other practitioners had turned in their books, and some had even handed in their hand-written copies. They threatened to punish me if I did not turn in my books. I was not afraid of them and had very strong righteous thoughts. They did not take anything from me. I knew that Master was beside me and protecting me. That night, Master purified my body and I felt warm energy flowing all over my body. Master also gave me hints to help me improve my xinxing. My righteous thoughts became stronger and stronger and I believed Master more and more.

I am a practitioner during the Fa-rectification period so I, with the compassion of a practitioner, must clarify the truth with wisdom and save everyone I can. I do not have any regrets or hatred towards my family as they are also victims of this persecution. I should use righteous thoughts to completely eliminate harassment towards them from the dark minions of the old forces and the vicious spirits of the communist party. I am busy at work, so I do not have much time to go out to clarify the truth. I always feel that I cannot explain things clearly in only a brief conversation. In the current situation, I can only tell people to remember that Falun Dafa is good, and that Master teaches us to be good, innocent people.

I frequently have gone to factories to clarify the truth to the bosses, their families, and the workers. Sometimes I bring materials with me. Every time I go, they say "Hello" to me and ask whether I have brought new "good things." They are eager to be saved and have equipped themselves with positive thoughts.

During the process of clarifying the truth, I have run into danger several times, but I was safe in the end under Master's protection. This manifested the mighty virtue of Dafa and wisdom as a result of my cultivation. Everything has shown me what Master said, "cultivation is up to you, gong is up to the master." (Zhuan Falun)

Fellow practitioners, let's learn from the Fa and rectify the environment around us to save more people.

April 26, 2005