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Break of Dawn (Part IV)

May 13, 2005 |   By Ms. Zhou Huimin, Falun Dafa practitioner from Sichuan Province

(Clearwisdom.net) (Continued)

Part 1: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2005/5/6/60397.html

Part 2: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2005/5/7/60423.html

Part 3: http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2005/5/12/60660.html

The Police Attempted to Start Another Round of Brainwashing

One morning, a 50-year-old official with glasses from the Political and Legal Committee came to feel my pulse. After a while, he sighed, "Zhou Huimin, I admire your spirit, you are not afraid of being arrested or detained. But your pulse is very weak; it can hardly be felt. You must be "transformed" before you can go home." I quietly recited,

"The steadfast, righteous thoughts of a cultivator transcend all human understandings, transcend all human thinking, and can never be understood by everyday people. At the same time, they cannot be changed by everyday people, because humans are not able to change Enlightened Beings." ("Coercion Cannot Change People's Hearts" in Essentials For Further Advancement II)

At lunchtime, they invited three collaborators from the Yangma Female Jail in Jianyang City, Sichuan Province to try to "reform" me, while the military policemen guarded the entrance of the ward. I felt pain in my heart seeing these fellow practitioners who have been reformed. Only the brutal persecution and intense pressure changed them to this state. I recited Master's article "Path" to them word for word with tears rolling down my face. Ye Ruiying, also from Jianyang City and who I knew well, started crying when she heard me reciting Master's article. Abei from Sichuan Province said, "We had been detained for a few years. We couldn't get a hold of Master's articles. I also felt that our path was not right."

I told them that after I was released, I would help fellow practitioners who were reformed to cultivate on the right path of Dafa again. I shared with them about the extraordinary manifestation that Dafa has demonstrated to me. I told them, "Even though I was on hunger strike without food and water for nearly three months, my blood vessels shrunk so that an infusion couldn't be done. However, every day my mouth tasted sweat and the saliva was watering my mouth. Even though I was tied to the bed, my body felt light and without any feeling of pain, especially when I recited the Fa, I felt very comfortable. Even though I only had a thin blanket to cover me and didn't dress up warm enough, I didn't feel cold. Trust me, I will break through the persecution, and go back home in an open and dignified manner because I am a true cultivator." They nodded their heads to show that they believed in what I said.

Civilians Show Repugnance for the Evil Crimes of the 610 Office

Policemen from the southern and northern parts of my area were assigned to take turns to monitor me for about a month. All people who had to take turns to watch me were dead-tired. They were at the end of their endurance. Some of them requested their leaders to release them.

At some point, I overheard doctor Jiang Hongmei, who was pregnant, reprimand town head Liu Huaigu in the corridor, "She can't be changed. Why don't you release her? Set her free. All these people have to come here. Does Jiancheng Town have too much money? Why do they spend it like that?" Liu Huaigu was speechless. After a while, the person who at the time monitored me also loudly demanded that Liu Huaigu report my situation to the "610 Office" and release me. In the afternoon, given all this pressure, Tang Xianguo, the "610 Office" head came to my room. Two people came with him. They saw that I was on oxygen. Tang Xianguo asked, "Zhou Huimin, are you still practicing Falun Gong?" I said, "Yes!" He said, "Set you free? Haven't you thought of what you have done all these years (he implied that I was illegally jailed for several years)? You'd better contemplate deeply about being reformed, and as soon as you have decided, ask them to tell me!" Then he left haughtily with his attendants.

The people who had to monitor me lost all hope that I would be released. They complained about the "610 Office" staff behind their backs and grumbled about why they did not take over the job of monitoring me. From then on, some people tried to find excuses so they could change jobs. A few policemen who did not understand the truth blamed everything on me. They reprimanded me every time they were on duty. A young policeman from the Chengzhong Police Station said, "You already seem to be near death. Why are you still alive!" Because the "610 Office" ordered policemen and government employees to monitor me against their will, they were disgusted with the "610 Office." Therefore, they played mahjong, and gambled inside the ward all night long. The patients in surrounding wards could not rest, and I was also kept awake by their loud noise. At 11 p.m., police chief Cao from the Chengnan Political Committee Area was drunk. He came to my bed, put cigarette butts to my mouth and told me to smoke. He also used vulgar language. The other policemen burst into laughter. In July 2003, chief Cao ordered his cronies, including Jiang Jun (the policeman also monitored me) to beat a young pedestrian until he was disabled. The CCTV reported this incident, and he and Jiang Jun were both sentenced to jail terms.

The police and government employees who supervised me brought alcohol with them and drank it in the ward. When some were drunk they came to see me. They used vulgar language and cursed at me. I repeatedly "clarified the truth" to them, but they did not listen. A policeman who was over 40 years old from the Chengbei Area said, "How much does your Teacher pay you that you persist in starving yourself? You have not eaten or had anything to drink for so long?" I replied, "My Teacher does not give me one cent. My Teacher teaches us how to be a good person, and become a better person. Falun Gong practitioners do not steal, rob, gamble, whore, smoke and drink. They don't have any unhealthy habits. You hurt me and yell at me without any reason, yet I hold no hatred against you, and still tell you the truth. Don't you think Falun Gong is good? Don't you think that Falun Gong practitioners are good people? Your colleague asked me yesterday, 'Zhou Huimin, are you an indestructible diamond, made of iron? You have not eaten and taken any liquid for so long.' His observation is correct. I can suffer like this because of the supernatural power and miracles of Falun Dafa. You know my muscles are withered, and it is very difficult to inject fluid into me. I have not had a drop of water or a bite of food for more than 80 days. You see me every day when I clarify the truth to you. You notice that I am still energetic. The ability to withstand such suffering was granted by our Teacher. This ability cannot be bought with all the money in the world. That is the reason why all Dafa practitioners, including myself, persist in practicing Falun Dafa despite this brutal persecution. We remain firm in practicing Falun Dafa even if we are jailed or lose our lives."

The Doctor in Charge, Hu Min, Is Completely without Human Consciousness

Hu Min, the doctor in charge of internal medicine section at the Chinese Medical Hospital does not abide by medical ethics. He is greedy and wants money. He colluded with officers from the "610 Office" and with Jiancheng Town officials twice. They tied me to the bed. They instructed nurses to tie up my hands and feet, and inject fluid into me. The nurses who tied me up said, "We are not willing to stick you everywhere to find a vein. We are unable to find blood vessels. The backs of your hands were punctured and have big and small lumps. Your entire body is dry. We really feel sorry for you. But, if we do not do it, doctor Hu will reprimand us."

Doctor Hu Min claimed that I suffered from leukemia. One morning, he said that he had to go to a meeting. Therefore, he asked doctor Qiu Shu to inject me with an unknown drug. He claimed that this could increase my white blood cells. As soon as the drug was injected, my entire body felt numb, white foam dribbled from my mouth, and my tongue became swollen. I could not talk, but vomited lots of white foam. I felt nervous, and my suffering was beyond description. I struggled and after a while I fell into a coma. After I woke up, I found that I was on oxygen through my nose. I did not know what drug Dr. Hu had injected into me, but I almost lost my life. The next morning, Dr. Hu wanted to inject me again with this drug. I firmly resisted, and said, "Your poisonous drug almost killed me yesterday, why do you have to inject me again? Why are you doing this? Did someone order you to do this? You should know the heavenly principle that good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil. If you kill me, you will suffer retribution." He roared, "Don't you talk to me like this! We received authorization to use forceful means against you." I asked the policeman who monitored me to call Dr. Qiu Shu, as she had injected the drug yesterday. This female doctor said, "When I injected this drug, she actually looked as if her life was in danger." At long last, Hu Min took the drug away.

I used to weigh more than 50 kgs. Now I weigh between 25 and 30 kgs. A 16-year-old girl called Ta, who was about 1.50 meters tall [4.9ft], could carry me around by holding my waist with one hand, and holding up my legs with the other hand. Dr. Qiu Shu said many times, "Zhou Huimin, even if you recover in the future, you have to learn to walk again." I had lost the ability to walk, because even my muscles had withered. I was just skin and bones.

Those Who Attempted to Persecute Me Ended up Defeated

The Jiancheng Town government, the Chengzhong Police Station, the Jianyang City 610 Office and the Jianyang City Chinese Medicine Hospital used all sorts of methods to reform and persecute me, but ultimately they failed to achieve their objective. During my unlawful detention and persecution, they used 70 people from many Jianyang City local government agencies, including doctors, policemen and other government employees at a cost of more than 30,000 yuan. This is how Jiang's regime spends large amounts of people's hard-earned money to persecute kind Falun Dafa practitioners. According to statistics, Jiang's regime used a quarter of the national gross domestic product to persecute Falun Gong.

It does not matter how much they spend, it is useless, because our Master said,

"In the human world, all individuals, organizations, and groups do things in human society in order to achieve something in this world. Dafa disciples, however, are getting rid of all ordinary human attachments--including the attachment to their human lives--in order to reach the realms of higher beings. This is why we've been able to come through the most evil, most malicious, and most indecent persecution in human history. This is what those evil wretches could not have expected." ("Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s)")

After 3 p.m. on November 29, 2002, I was set free and left this inhuman unlawful house arrest, detention and persecution, because of my 89 days long hunger strike. My elder sisters took me home, washed me, carried me, and put clothes on me while I sat on the lap of one of my sisters. They all felt sad upon seeing how cruelly I had been tortured.

Jianyang City gave a dinner for all of the people who had persecuted and monitored me. They ate and drank extravagantly. They threatened to continue to monitor me and forbid me to leave Jianyang. My friends in Chengdu took me back to Chengdu the same night to assure my safety. I finally was free from the den of monsters, comprised of the Jianyang City 610 Office, the Jiancheng town government and the Chengzhong police station. I regained my freedom.

I Was Arrested Again Nine Days after my Release

I returned to Room 622 of my Market Apartment at No. 31 West Guangrong Road, Chengdu City. This was the temporary residence that a destitute practitioner and I rented, and the temporary office for my business. On December 9, because I was very weak from the hunger strike, I asked my fellow practitioner to send some merchandise to a customer of mine who lived in another province. Around 2 p.m., I heard the fellow practitioner call for help. Shortly after, a group of police rushed into my room. At that time, I was sitting in bed. They pulled me up. Two held me, and searched my body. They did not find what they wanted. Other policemen ransacked the room and opened my closet and desk. They confiscated several thousand yuan, a mobile phone, a recorder, a small handbag for the mobile phone, two leather bags, all of the truth-clarification materials and VCDs, my television, DVD, fax paper, alloy samples, product catalogues and drawings, and much more. They packed all of the items that were worth something into several bags and took them away. They even confiscated my graduation certificates, all honor certificates, divorce certificate, etc. They emptied my entire office.

Afterwards, the police put packing tape over my mouth and head, cuffed my hands behind my back and covered my head with a black plastic bag. Two policemen carried me downstairs, threw me into a car, and took me to the Guangrong Area Police Station in Chengdu City. My sweatshirt, pants and shoes were full of soil and black ash from the pulling. They put me on the ground, and asked two policemen to watch me. After a while, I was put on a black bag, thrown into a car and taken away. Finally we arrived on the 4th floor of the Baifurong Hotel in Chengdu City.

Suffering Torture 24 Hours A Day for Five Days in a Row

Four policemen first pulled off my sweatshirt and sweater. I wore now only a tight-fitting thin sweater. They cuffed my hands behind the back of a chair, then soaked a bath towel and hand towel with water, and slowly wrung it over the top of my head. It was very cold in December. They continuously poured water over my head, and my entire body was wet from the cold water.

They wanted me to disclose the source of the truth-clarification VCDs and materials they found at my home. They wanted to know where I was going to distribute this material. I explained the truth, yet they continued to pour cold water over me. They did not allow me to close my eyes. They even put a strong light in front of me so I could not close my eyes for 24 hours. I went on a hunger strike to resist the persecution. The 610 Office staff ordered policemen and junior police from the Guangrong Police Station to torture me around the clock. They assigned four people to every shift. As soon as I closed my eyes a bit, they hit my face with wet towels. They left many marks on my face. Some used sticks to beat my face. Some sat next to me and slowly hit my thighs and some poured cold water over me. They wanted me to divulge where I got the materials.

On the afternoon of December 11, 2002, a policeman who was around 50 years old asked the attending police if I had told them anything. The policemen on duty said no. Therefore, he jumped into a sudden rage. He grabbed a ballpoint pen from the table, and fiercely and repeatedly stabbed my forehead, which left several small holes on my forehead. In the end, the ball pen broke. He threw away the pen and dashed out the door. Because I had not slept for several days, I felt very sleepy, and my head dropped even when my eyes were open. I felt a bit muddle-headed, but I kept reciting,

"Dafa disciples, wipe away [your] tears,

Satan the devil, completely crumbled.

Speak the truth, send forth righteous thoughts,

Expose the lies, clear out rotten ghosts." (poem "Clear-headed" from Hongyin-Volume II, Provisional translation subject to improvement)

I also kept sending forth righteous thoughts.

On the second morning, a policewoman with the name Bai began to yell at me as soon as she arrived. She cruelly hit my face. I saw in the mirror that my face had become very red and swollen. At 2 a.m. on December 12, I demanded to write an appeal. The police officers all drank and ate a meal nearby. One policeman said, "As long as she writes, no matter what she writes, let her write." So they untied the handcuffs. Therefore, I could close my eyes and sleep for a while with my head resting on the desk.

My mind started to become clear. I finally picked up the pen and wrote down the persecution that I had suffered over the past several years. I asked the police to take it to the Sichuan Province Appeal Office and the relevant departments. At noon o December 13, the head of Falun Gong special case team either from Chengdu City or Sichuan Province came with a few people to my cell. The police monitored me, photocopied my appeal letter and gave it to the head. He read it and asked the police who supervised me, "Has she eaten anything?" The police answered, "She still has not had a drop of water." Thereupon, the head roared, "Zhou Huimin, it does not matter that you do not eat or drink, I will spend several hundred yuan to send you to the crematory." I calmly looked at him, and thought, "You can't decide this. I am a practitioner, and my Teacher is guarding me. I will certainly leave here alive, and expose your atrocities." After a while, police officer Li Ke opened his briefcase, took out a notice of detention, and told me that I was in criminal custody. My heart did not move a bit, and calmly thought about how I could escape from their persecution. After 3 p.m., they called Tang Xianguo, the chief of Jianyang City "610 Office" and his cronies to my cell. He saw that I was still skin and bones. He asked the police, "Has she eaten anything?" The police said, "Not a bit of water, it has been for several days." Tang Xianguo told all the present police, "We only released her a few days ago, and she did not eat and drink for three months." Tang Xianguo was not willing to take me back to Jianyang for detention, so Tang Xianguo had a meeting with police officers from the Chengdu special case team and Guangrong Police Station. They had a big argument. Tang Xianguo knew when he released me on November 29 that the hospital doubted that I had symptoms of blood cancer and that my internal organs had stopped functioning. Moreover, I was still on a hunger strike, and had little hope of being alive in their eyes; therefore none of them dared to take me. In the end, they had to give me my freedom. I finally escaped from the 24-hour persecution of the Chengdu Falun Gong special case team and the Guangrong Police Station.

Dafa practitioner Wu Huizhen from Deyang City, Sichuan Province, who was once illegally detained in a forced labor camp with me, brought me food and special local products. The police who monitored my home arrested her and took her to the Pi County Detention Center, where she was detained for a month. The police confiscated all the special local products, even two top grade bed sheets from my home. They have not returned the confiscated goods so far.

Forced to Become Homeless

Because the police guarded my house, I was forced into homelessness to avoid being arrested again. After my body healed enough for me to be able to walk, I left my home in Zhuhai City, which is far away from Sichuan, and stayed in a practitioner's home. She let me stay in one of the garden houses she bought in Gangzhou City.

I wrote letters to my relatives, best friends and co-workers to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. But my friends in Sichuan did not receive the letters I mailed to them. I wondered whether the post office withheld the letters. In order to expose the situation, I wrote another letter to clarify the truth and mailed it to my friend in Zhuhai. After I dropped the letter into the mailbox, I sat on a stool to observe the situation at the post office.

At that time, a young staff member went outside to retrieve the letters from the mailbox and went into an office with a young guy. After a few minutes, the one who took the letters from the mail box came out with a letter in his hand and bent his other hand to his back. I walked near to him and saw it was the letter I mailed to Zhuhai. I did not ask why he took that letter. I was sending forth righteous thoughts and left the post office by instinct. I went to a store on the other side of the post office and continued to watch the situation.

All of a sudden, more than 20 policemen came from the side of the bridge near the post office, armed to teeth. Some of them stood in the jeep and some rode motorcycles. The staff member handed the letter to the police. It became clear that he had reported my letter to the police. I rushed into a store and kept sending forth righteous thoughts to clear away the evil and rotten demons controlling the police. I asked Master to help me leave there safely. After two hours, I was free of the police and in a safe place.

Arrested in Dujiangyan City

In early March 2003, I went to Dujiangyan City of Sichuan. Still homeless, I lived in the home of two old practitioners and set up a small material-production site. Because the practitioner I used to contact was arrested, our phone was found and monitored by the police. On May 21, 2003, at about 5 o'clock, more than 10 policeman came to where I was staying. The other practitioner was compelled to open the door of the room where I produced the material. Several policemen dashed in and dragged me out of the room. They threw me on the living room floor. The place I stayed is near a playground of a business school. At that time, there were a lot of students and teachers on the playground.

I spoke loudly, "Please remember Falun Dafa is good."

Several police immediately sealed up my mouth with tape. When I looked up, I saw they were part of the same gang of police that captured me last time in Chengdu Market. They used the black plastic bag to cover my head and handcuffed me. They tied up both of my legs and threw me on the sofa. I couldn't breathe and felt nervous. I struggled to the ground. They opened the plastic bag a little to let me breath then sealed the bag immediately. It made me so uncomfortable, I had to roll on the ground back and forth several times. When I was about to lose consciousness, they opened the bag a little bit.

They let me suffer like this over and over. Finally they took off the plastic bag to take a picture of me. I resisted, so several policemen pushed me around, but they still could not do it. After searching the home, they carried me downstairs and threw me into the car. I asked the practitioner who was arrested at the same time to take the tape off of my mouth. I shouted with all my energy to the people on the street, "Everyone, please remember Falun Dafa is good."

I Should Get Out of the Police Station

I was sent to Qingchengqiao police station in Dujiangyan. I was prevented from using the restroom. Around 9 o'clock, Zhou Tao and He Qin from the central police station brought me to their police station. After a while, I heard He Qin, the police station chief, asking why the police from Chengdu still had not arrived. I immediately recognized that they wanted to bring me back to Chengdu. I could not let them treat me like they did last time in the Baifurong Hotel. I should not allow them to take me there. I should leave immediately and go back to the wave of Fa-rectification.

After sending forth righteous thoughts, I stood up and ran. Zhang Rong followed me closely. In the emergency, I jumped out the building from 2nd floor. My upper body hit the flower stage. The bricks from the flower stage scraped my legs, the blood vein was broken and the patella was broken.

Tortured For 49 Days While Immobilized on a Bed

Zhou Tao, the deputy police station chief and police officer Zhang Rong sent me to several hospitals in Dujianyan. None would accept me. They all said the surgery needed was too extensive and that they couldn't handle it. In the meantime, I told Zhou Tao to set me free so I could go home to study the Fa and practice in order to recover naturally. Zhou Tao did not say anything and sent me to the West China Medical College in Chengdu to have the surgery. I continued to clarify the truth to Zhou Tao and Zhang Rong and asked them set me free. As a result, they sent me back to the forestry central hospital orthopedics in-patient department in Dujiangyan. They used bandages to tie my arms to the side of the bed and handcuffed me to the bed. They also tied my leg to the bed.

During this time, I refused to eat in order to protest the persecution and request an unconditional release. The injuries turned black and were festering. The director of the "610 Office" Xu Wenhai in Dujiangyan came to the hospital and asked me to eat. I said, "If you release me, I will eat. A hunger strike is painful, but for my freedom of belief, I have to choose the hunger strike. You are wrong to treat a Falun Gong practitioner like this. I hope you release me." Xu Wenhai said, " Zhou Huimin, we knew your situation. You were released before because of hunger strikes, so you benefited from it. This time we have a way for you to eat."

I said, "My Teacher said, 'Throughout history, forcing people to give up their right to freedom of belief never wins.' You try to force Falun Gong practitioners like this and you will definitely lose."

Xu Wenhai said, "You think our country's public security institution can't cope with your tiny Falun Gong?"

Forced Feeding

On the 13th day of my hunger strike, eight perpetrators, including Xu Wenhai, the head of "610 Office," He Qin from Central Police Station and a young, tall police officer, pinned down my head and my neck. He Qin and the tall police officer pressed on my injured leg and force-fed me. They inserted a tube into my stomach and tied the other end to my head. I felt horrible and kept vomiting. The contents of my stomach gushed out of my mouth and poured onto my face, neck and clothes. I vomited for several hours and could no longer endure it. I thought about Master and the tube slipped out of my nostrils with Master's benevolent help.

Two days later, they again planned to force-feed me. He Qin, Xu Wenhai and the tall police officer again came to me. Nurse Jiang Li brought a cart of medical equipment, including a mouth gag and a clamp. They again tried to force-feed me. I asked Master to help me so the tube would not enter my stomach. By this time, the ward was filled with patients and their families who looked on. The perpetrators threw out all the onlookers after they finished setting up, and they closed the door before they began their torture. The tall police officer again pinned down my injured leg, and He Qin said, "Don't mind her; just hold her down!" Police officer Zhen Zhaofu held my head tightly and the other officers clamped my neck and my stomach. I could not breathe and I pleaded with Master in my heart to help me. They could not insert the tube into my stomach no matter how hard they tried. The tube went from my nose into my mouth instead. Nurse Jiang Li tried to pull the tube out of my mouth but I bit the tube with all my strength. One end of the tube remained outside my nose while the other end stuck outside my mouth. They tried to pull out the tube and they clamped my throat. They squeezed my cheeks and pried open my mouth with the mouth gag, and they tried to pull the tube out. The inside of my nose was bleeding and my airway was scratched. It was painful for me to take a breath. They tortured me for an hour and still could not pull out the tube, so they gave up. I thought, "No matter what, I can't let them get the tube out and torture me again." Although it was excruciating to hold onto the tube with my teeth, because the tube scratched against my throat every time I took a breath, the smell of rubber was nauseating and I couldn't even swallow saliva due to pain, I still persisted in order to destroy the evil persecution.

I kept my eyes open because they tugged on the tube every time I closed my eyes. I bit the tube for three days and three nights. My stomach was severely swollen and my protruding stomach could be seen even with the quilt over me.

The fourth morning after the tube was inserted, Li Jianqiao, the head of the Orthopedics Department, led a group of doctors and nurses, and they came to my ward. After looking at my stomach, they applied general anesthesia and I was unconscious within a few seconds. I came to at noon, and they had already removed the tube. My stomach was still swollen several days later. In the morning, Li Jianqiao told a young anesthesiologist to again put me under. I came to at noon and found out a tube was inside my stomach, and the part of the tube outside my nose was firmly taped to my face. Also taped to my face was a copy of Master's picture. They tied the rest of the tube to my head with a rope. I asked Master to help me remove the tube and to not allow them to persecute me. Several minutes later, a nurse came to my bed and screamed, "Five minutes ago I saw the tube was tied safe and sound, where is it now?" The two police officers and one nurse were stunned and said, "She didn't do anything to the tube." Jiang, my caretaker saw the tube was gone, and she peeled Teacher's picture from my face and put it under my pillow. She put it in a shirt pocket inside a closet when the officers were not looking. She witnessed the power of Dafa and believed the things I told her before about Dafa. She said excitedly, "Zhou, today I believe you." When the perpetrators came to check on me, my arms and legs were still firmly tied up, yet the firmly fastened tube was gone. Zhang Rong, the police officer sent to watch me, phoned He Qin. He Qin saw the force-feeding failed. He came to my bed and told me to eat. I said, "I won't eat here. Release me and I'll eat at home." He Qin cursed me with very vile words for over 10 minutes as I repeatedly recited Master's article,

"Indestructible righteous faith in the cosmos's Truth forms benevolent Dafa disciples' rock-solid, Diamond-Like Bodies, it frightens all evil, and the light of Truth it emanates makes the unrighteous elements in all beings' thoughts disintegrate. However strong the righteous thoughts are, that's how great the power is." ("Also in a Few Words" from Essentials for Further Advancement II)

They failed again and again in their attempt to persecute me, yet they refused to give up. They decided to send me to prison. Around 3 p.m. on July 2, 2003, Zhen Zhaofu opened my handcuffs, untied my arms and legs and removed the cast on my leg. He brought his wife's clothes and told my caretaker to put them on me, and he told me I was going home. I was put on a stretcher and carried in an ambulance. It was a short drive and I was carried outside and thrown on the ground. I heard military police drilling, and I opened my eyes and saw I was inside a prison. Soon, a male prison doctor in his 50s came and listened to my heartbeat, and he tried to bend my stiff leg but could not. He said to Xu Wenhai, the head of 610 Office, "She has internal and external problems. Her heart is beating too fast and she can't bend her legs. We can't take her."

Xu Wenhai, the police and the prison doctor took me to Jiangyan City People's Hospital to meet with a medical expert. They left me in the hospital hallway. The doctor immediately did an electrocardiogram and other tests and saw that I had palpitations so severe that the EKG did not form any legible graph. Two medical experts listened to my heart with stethoscopes and said, "Her heartbeat is more than 140 beats per minute. If she is sent to a prison, she will die quickly. She should be hospitalized right away and receive emergency treatment." An orthopedics doctor came and tried to move my leg, but my leg could not bend no matter what he did. The muscle around the injured area had died and seeped vile-smelling excretions. The prison authorities followed the doctors' advice and firmly refused to take me. The perpetrators took me back to the in-patient division of the Orthopedics Department of Forestry Central Hospital. Zhang Rong and another police officer dragged me off the stretcher and put me in a van. Zhang Rong was furious that the prison didn't accept me. He violently hit my injured leg and I screamed in pain.

On the morning of July 3, 2003, the patients and their families who shared the same ward as me thought the police had released me as they claimed the day earlier. They were very surprised when they saw I came back on a stretcher. They came up and asked me questions. Zhang Rong and Zhen Zhaofu lied to them and said my family didn't want to take me back. I clarified the truth to them and told them about the police's attempt to send me to prison. I told them, "This is a persecution of innocent good people who believe in Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, and all of what these people say is based on lies. One example is the Tiananmen self-immolation, which Jiang's group staged to instigate public hatred against Falun Gong. Falun Gong practitioners can't kill. Killing is a crime. Dafa practitioners don't kill chickens or fish, not to mention killing themselves. In the seven years since Falun Gong's public introduction in 1992, there has never been a single case of Falun Gong practitioners killing others or themselves, yet numerous alleged murder and suicide cases happened after the persecution started on July 20,1999. Isn't it obvious that Jiang and his group are framing Falun Gong? Right now, people in more than 60 countries around the world practice Falun Gong. If Falun Gong really is as the Jiang group claims it to be, would there be so many people who practice it? Out of personal envy and spite, Jiang used his power to abuse the laws to launch the atrocious public persecution of Falun Gong. Right now, Jiang and his accomplices are facing lawsuits in many countries around the world as they are charged with torture, genocide and crimes against humanity. They will face public trials around the world. You, madam, didn't you say that after your appendix was cut off, you were starved after not eating for three days? And didn't you say that you felt awful if you didn't turn your body at night? You all saw that I didn't eat or drink for more than 40 days, but I still defecated yellow stool, sometimes three times a day, for more than 40 days. Madam, you joked with me and said maybe I was eating a god's food. I was tied up and could not move my body even once for more than 40 days, but I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. Whenever you looked at me, you saw that I was peaceful and calm, and I was always able to talk to you and clarify the truth to you. All of these supernatural phenomena are the result of me practicing Dafa!"

They listened quietly without a word, including the police officers who were sent to watch me.

Digging a Hole in My Chest to Insert a Piece of Tubing into My Body

They should have released me since the prison refused to take me. However, Xu Wenhai from the "610 Office" not only refused to release me; he sent large groups of police officers from a detention center and Dujiangyan City Police Department to take turns monitoring me and torturing me, although no one wanted to watch me. Some police officers who didn't know the truth vented their frustration on me. A male officer from Dujiangyan Police Department burned the back of my hand with a cigarette and left two large blisters. The scars are visible to this day. Xu Wenhai, He Qin and Jia, the head of the detention center, discussed and decided they would pretend to be my family members and sign my name on a consent form to a medical procedure. They planned to open up a hole in my chest and put a feeding tube into my stomach through the hole like a terminal cancer patient. The 16-year-old daughter of my caretaker overheard their plan and she came to me and told me, "They'll come soon to do an operation on you." I quietly recited Master's article, "Coercion Cannot Change People's Hearts." (from Essentials for Further Advancement II)

"The evil has utilized the power in bad people's hands to create turmoil for nearly two years, using the most base actions ever in human history--whether ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign--and employing all the most malicious means to persecute Dafa and its cultivators. Its aim is to use coercive measures to change Dafa cultivators' hearts and have them give up their cultivation practice. This is futile."

I sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Master to strengthen me and not allow them to persecute me. My heartbeat grew more rapid and the EKG showed my heart was beating more than 160 times a minute. The perpetrators were scared and didn't operate on me.

With Master's benevolent protection, I ended with the 49-day torture in Dujiangyan City, and eventually gained freedom around 5 p.m. on July 8, 2003. Police officer Zhang Rong unlocked my handcuffs and pushed me out of my ward on a stretcher and we stopped at the elevator. I quietly sent forth righteous thoughts. He Qin, Zhang Wei, Jia, Xu Wenhai and two police officers all waited by the elevator. Zhang Wei said to me, "Zhou Huimin, you won and we lost. If you have a chance, we welcome you to visit Dujiangyan City again." I nodded. My friend who came to pick me up was afraid I might die on my way home, and he took a bottle of glucose water to feed me in the car. I was carried into a car. The car slowly drove out of Forestry Central Hospital as I quietly recited,

"Dafa disciples are magnificent, because what you are cultivating is the ultimate Great Fa of the cosmos, because you have validated Dafa with righteous thoughts, and because you have not fallen during the massive tribulation. Dafa disciples' doing Fa-rectification has no precedent in history. In the magnificent, grand feats of validating the Fa with rationality, clarifying the truth with wisdom, and spreading the Fa and saving people with mercy, each Dafa disciple's path of Consummation is being perfected. At this great moment in history, every steady step is a glorious historic testimony, and is incomparably magnificent mighty virtue. All this is being recorded in the history of the cosmos. The magnificent Fa and the magnificent epoch are forging the most magnificent Enlightened Beings." ("The Disciples' Magnificence," Essentials for Further Advancement II)


I recovered after three months of Fa study and doing the exercises. I can again sit in a double cross-legged position. Although I still cannot go home and unite with my family, I am fortunate compared to fellow practitioners who lost their lives in this persecution, or who are still being held and tortured in brainwashing centers, custody centers, detention centers and labor camps. I sincerely hope all those who are still ordering and participating in the persecution of Dafa practitioners awaken and stop persecuting good people. You should know that good will be rewarded with good and evil will reap its own peril. Don't create karma that you will never be able to repay simply for worldly interests. Good-hearted people, all that I want to say is in fact one thing: Please remember Falun Dafa is good! Please believe that the truth about Falun Gong will be known throughout the world and the day when people can freely believe and practice Falun Dafa is not far away.

(The End)