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Mr. Zhao Yubao's Dying Words: "Jiang Took My Life Away."

May 11, 2005 |  


When he was in critical condition, Mr. Zhao Yubao finally came to understand the truth. He said, "If I could have continued practicing Falun Gong, I wouldn't have been like this. Jiang took my life away."

Mr. Zhao Yubao, 42 years old, was a resident of Shangyi Village in Weijin Town, Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province. Before he started practicing Falun Dafa, he had a serious health condition and was always in great pain. He felt that he would rather die than live. In May 1998, he started to practice Falun Dafa. His pain disappeared completely, and he continued doing the exercises for the next five months. One day, he lost his Falun badge and feared that the Teacher might not take care of him anymore. Therefore, he stopped doing the exercises and studying the Fa. About four months later, his pain returned. The doctor said that he had stomach cancer and performed surgery. After the surgery, eighty percent of Mr. Zhao's stomach was gone, and he was not supposed to eat much. Contrary to the doctor's advice, however, Mr. Zhao ate a lot. Other people's wounds itched when they started to heal three days after surgery, but he didn't feel anything from right after the time he was discharged from the hospital.

After he came home, Mr. Zhao watched videotapes of a Falun Gong practitioners' experience sharing conference at his sister's home, and he understood that his pain had returned because he hadn't been doing the exercises. After his realization, he started doing the exercises again. The doctor told him he needed to go through chemotherapy, but he refused. Still, he recovered very well.

On July 20, 1999, Jiang started the persecution of Falun Gong, and Mr. Zhao dared not to practice any more. At that time, Zhao didn't know he had cancer. In 2004, six years after the first operation, he had a second occurrence. After his abdomen was opened up, the doctor discovered that it was full of tumors and that surgery couldn't help. The doctor said it was rare to see such a case and told his family members that most patients in his state could only live for less than five years. The doctor also said he might live for another three months at the most.

After he returned home, his situation became worse day by day. When he was dying, he finally came to understand the truth. He said, "If I had continued doing the exercises, I wouldn't have to be like this. Jiang took my life away." Five months after getting out of the hospital, on December 26, 2004, Mr. Zhao died.