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Radio Free Asia: Couple Encounters Persecution in China after Application for Asylum Status Was Denied in Germany

April 08, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Jiang Renzheng and his wife encountered severe persecution shortly after they went back China. Because they practice Falun Gong, when they were in Germany, they filed application for asylum status there. Unfortunately, their application was turned down and they had to go back China. Their plight shocked the German society. The following is compiled from a report filed by by Radio Free Asia correspondent Yang Tianyi on April 5.

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In recent years, although the German public and government have learned about the brutal persecution encountered by Falun Gong practitioners in China and the government has protected a good number of persecuted practitioners by granting their political asylum status, the brutality of the persecution, in many cases, is far beyond the imagination of the government officials who handle the matters.

During the period of their life outside China, Mr. Jiang Renzheng and his wife started practicing Falun Gong. The government officials who handled their asylum application did not believe that they would be persecuted if they went back to China. Therefore, earlier this March, they did not give a thought to the public opinion and forcefully deported the couple to China.

Shortly after the couple stepped onto China's territory, they encountered brutal persecution. The incident shocked the German society. Hence, this reporter interviewed Ms. Tang who is actively working on and calling for the rescue of this couple.

Ms. Tang: On March 7, they were deported from Frankfurt to Beijing. Two weeks later, three leaders, including Director Yan and a Sector Chief, Mr. Yi from National Security Bureau in Benxi City took turns interrogating Mr. Jiang Renzheng. In addition, they even brought in Mr. Jiang's father. The interrogation started at about 4 pm on March 17 and went on to 4 am the next day. The officials forced him to report all he had done in Germany over the past few years, especially things associated with Falun Gong. They pressured him to write a statement renouncing Falun Gong, but he refused to do so. They then tried to put pressure on his father.

This kind of forceful interrogation lasted a few hours and was then repeated.

Ms. Tang: Now their entire family has lost their peaceful lives. Mr. Jiang's father suffered a tremendous mental shock, and as a result, he is unable to recognize his family members. His mother keeps crying every day.

Ms. Tang said that in less than one month after Mr. Jiang and his wife went back to China, their parents, children and they, themselves, are now facing physical and mental collapse.

Ms. Tang: This matter has raised a great impact. It aroused the media's attention just before the couple was deported. Human rights organizations, some related institutions and some politicians were all aware of this matter. At that time, the related German government officials indeed could not imagine that the persecution is so severe and so brutal that it affects every Falun Gong practitioner.

Ms. Tang said that what occurred to this couple did not only shock the governmental departments that deal with asylum applications, but because it is so typical, it also became one of the issues of most concern for human rights organizations and German media. Therefore, they will continue to follow up on this incident and will make all possible efforts to help Mr. Jiang Renzheng and his wife regain their freedom.

The above news is reported by Tianyi, correspondent of Radio Free Asia in Germany.