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Persecuted Practitioners Should Not Be Satisfied with Merely "Not Being Reformed"

April 07, 2005 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently, because I did not have strong righteous thoughts, I was illegally abducted and taken to an infamous brainwashing class in a forced labor camp. Thanks to Teacher's benevolent help, I successfully resisted the persecutors' demands, and was unconditionally released after ten days on a hunger strike.

During this period I met some other Falun Dafa practitioners who were illegally detained there. Sharing our experiences, I realized that some of the practitioners still had an attachment to comfort. They were satisfied with merely "not being reformed." They were content with the relatively loose environment and were therefore unable to completely deny the evil persecution with righteous thoughts and actions.

Currently the situation in Fa-rectification is changing rapidly, and the evil elements have been eliminated down to a remnant. At the same time, the requirements for Dafa disciples during Fa-rectification have become higher and stricter, as illustrated in the battle between righteousness and evil in Manhattan.

"Then with so many Dafa disciples here in Manhattan, why would the evil dare to come here? It's because the old-force elements are--as if sweeping up trash--driving the evil over here, sweeping it here, and gathering it here, so that Dafa disciples and the multitude of gods can eliminate it. Otherwise the evil absolutely wouldn't dare to come here right now." (Teaching the Fa at the 2004 International Fa Conference in New York)

For the practitioners who are in the dark dens of the evil forces, regardless of the reasons we were arrested, or the gaps and omissions in our cultivation that provided the loophole for the evil to persecute us, shouldn't we always remember to eliminate the evil and have righteous thoughts and actions?

"The Fa-power of righteous thought destroys demon caves."

(Provisional translation subject to further improvement, "Surround and Exterminate" in Hongyin II.)

At the same time, we should identify our shortcomings, eliminate our attachments and become mature. If we are satisfied with "not being reformed," then we haven't really learned our lesson from the persecution, and we haven't actively eliminated the evil.

The above is my personal understanding according to the level of my understanding; please kindly point out my mistakes should there be any.