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A Doctor's Testimony: Dafa Has Given Me a Harmonious Family

April 05, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) My name is Li Ying. I am a fifty-three year old medical doctor in internal medicine. My oldest son had primary pulmonary artery high-pressure syndrome (a very rare congenital heart disease). Neither surgical treatment nor medicine could cure his disease. He died at the age of twelve.

We later had twin sons when I was thirty-eight years old. However, I found that they both had similar symptoms: chest pain, coughing blood, dizziness, vomiting and flu-like symptoms.

I started practicing Falun Dafa in April 1999, and my sons also started practicing during the same year. Very soon all of their illness symptoms disappeared. They became happy and healthy, and everyone loved them.

In 2000, my husband frequently had bloody stools. In January 2005, he started coughing blood. His bleeding worsened, and was accompanied by chest pain. All kinds of medicine did not seem to help. He asked me what kind of disease he had. I dared not tell him the truth, and only told him that coughing blood was due to some lung disease and the bloody stool was due to some colon disease. He told me that he knew he had lung cancer and colon cancer.

His condition worsened daily until one day he could no longer stand the pain. He told me, "I may die anytime. Please bury me at this place." I said, "Please recite sincerely from your heart, 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truth, Compassion and Forbearance are good.' Our teacher will help you and you will not succumb to the disease." He did what I told him to do, and immediately he felt much better. Surprised by the miracle that "Dafa is good" brought, my husband started watching Teacher's lectures every day, and he rapidly recovered. He quit smoking after having smoked for thirty-five years. Dafa has given him new life and hope.

Dafa has given me a happy family. Words cannot describe my gratitude. I can only be more diligent and not let down Teacher's compassionate salvation. Please do not believe the fabricated propaganda from the Chinese government, and keep this in mind: "Falun Dafa is good!"