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A University Department Dean Resigns from His Party Secretary Position after Reading the Nine Commentaries

April 29, 2005 |  


A University Department Dean Resigns from His Party Secretary Position after Reading the Nine Commentaries

After reading the Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party and learning of the evil nature of the CCP, a dean from a Northern China university immediately wrote a statement renouncing the CCP. It was published in the Epoch Times (Chinese) Online Registry of CCP Renouncements.

Afterward, he passed on the Nine Commentaries to many other fellow teachers to read. He was also the Branch Party Secretary and recently turned in his letter of resignation to the school authority so he could resign from his Branch Party Secretary position. People did not understand why he had to do this, so he explained, "Since I have already learned and understood the nature of the CCP to be a possessing evil spirit, I should quit so that I will not be implicated because of the evil CCP."

CCP Membership Renouncement Statement Publicly Posted Overnight

After one of the employees from a company in Northern China read the Nine Commentaries, he felt very anxious. He did not know how to register on the Epoch Times (Chinese) Online Registry of CCP Renouncements. So, after work, he immediately wrote his CCP renouncement and publicly posted it overnight.

Everyone is Talking about the CCP Membership Renouncements Movement

I am from Shijiazhuang City. Last week, I visited one of my friends and gave her a copy of the Nine Commentaries. My friend and her husband are retired. Her husband said to me, "Every day we walk in the park and everyone is talking about the CCP membership renouncements. Many people no longer pay their CCP membership fees. The CCP is coming to an end." He also told me that his younger brother, a policeman, called from Northeast China and said that many people in his area are talking about the CCP membership renouncement movement too.