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Experiences from Truth Clarification in Manhattan, New York City

April 02, 2005 |   Written by Xiu E, a Falun Gong practitioner from Taiwan


Huge Changes Happened to Me Physically and Spiritually after Practicing Falun Dafa

The first time I ran into Falun Gong was when I saw practitioners sitting on the ground in a circle, reading a book. I was very excited and went up to them, asking: "Can I join you? How much do you charge?" They answered that practicing Falun Gong is free of charge, and they welcomed me warmly.

The next morning I went to the exercise site. When the assistant practitioner was teaching me the exercises, I saw another person in front of him, doing exactly the same movements, also showing me the exercises. I did not think much about it and I just followed them. Now I understand that it was Master's Fashen and that Master started taking care of me then.

Since I started practicing Falun Gong, my body has been quickly purified. In the past my health condition was very bad. Suffering from insomnia and other ailments, my hair was thin and there are black spots all over my face. After I practiced Falun Gong, my body was purified and I have become a healthy person. It is really wonderful!

Experiences Clarifying the Truth in Manhattan, New York City

As my cultivation progressed, I gradually realized what Fa-rectification is and the relationship between Fa-rectification and cultivation. I have also come to the understanding that each flyer we pass out and everything we do could decide whether a being can enter the future.

During the 6-month truth-clarification in Manhattan, the most amazing thing to me was seeing fellow practitioners, who did not speak English, having the courage to ask westerners for their signatures to support us and to stop the persecution. Once there was a westerner who was very touched after seeing the anti-torture exhibit. He told us that they were misled by their Chinese coworker, and he would bring the coworker to the site.

Along with clarifying the truth, we realized that coordination as one body is a very subtle cultivation process. The purpose of cultivation is to improve our level. We should not just call everything old forces' interference and leave it at that. Besides sending forth righteous thoughts, we need to look inside to improve as one body. To form one body as strong as a diamond in cultivation is the key.

Some practitioners said: "Whom are you saving in Manhattan? If you get rid of your attachment which is as high as a mountain (the one you did not realize at home and have found out in Manhattan), people would naturally listen to you clarifying the truth and accept your flier." Some practitioners with their Third Eye open saw that when two practitioners in conflict look inside, the old forces would immediately die off. If they look outward, the old forces would immediately come back to life, as if it were recharged. The old forces focus more on our individual cultivation. If we are attached to finding problems in others and do not look inside, the old forces will take advantage of us.

If we are not strict with ourselves, it will harm the whole body. Practitioners in Manhattan who stayed together had a lot of conflicts, most of which were caused by overlooking Fa study, as they have been very busy and tired in clarifying the truth. Those who encouraged people to be diligent were blamed. One's Xinxing is directly correlated with the gong. Let us not just talk about overall coordination. It is a reflection of the daily solid cultivation of each disciple in the Fa-rectification period.

Looking back after 6 months in Manhattan, it seems that every step was systematically arranged by Master. Each experience was to prepare me to better clarify the truth and save sentient beings. The unity of the whole body is strong enough to break through all barriers. Let's unite our strength, eliminate the evil, save more beings and fulfill our prehistoric promise.

March 16, 2005