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Summary of Other Articles and News - April 4, 2005

April 18, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1. A Teacher from Chicheng City, Hebei Province is Abducted

Practitioner Ms. Wang Chuanmei, around 45 years old, is a senior teacher at Chicheng County No. 3 Elementary School. She teaches a third grade class, and has taught for over 20 years. At noon on March 31, 2005, officers from the Hebei Province Chicheng County Police Bureau broke into Ms. Wang's home, ransacked it, and abducted her to the police station. They also confiscated her personal computer and Falun Gong books. Those who participated in the abduction included Deputy Commissar Yue Bingzhong, Head of the Political and Judiciary Section Zhang Yongxin, and four to five policemen. Currently, she is still being held in detention.


2. Ms Chen Ruiyun, a Teacher in Weifang City, Shandong Province, is Abducted and Her Current Situation is Unknown

On March 6, 2005, someone reported on Ms. Chen Ruiyun when she was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to people. She was unlawfully arrested by the police in Kuiwen District and detained at Weifang City Detention Center. The day after her arrest, her home was ransacked and many of her personal belongings were confiscated, including a personal computer she uses to teach at school. On the evening of March 9, she was transferred to the 610 Office brainwashing center in Weifang City and has been detained there ever since. The management of her school has requested the 610 Office to release her so she could teach at the school. As a class director, Ms. Chen is responsible for teaching 65 students. The Weifang City 610 Office and the so-called Anti-Cult Unit of the Weifang City Police Department, however, refuse to release her. Her family has also requested on many occasions to visit her, but their requests were denied. Since her arrest, her condition has been unknown.


3. Ms. Zhong Limin is still Persecuted at the Banqiao Forced Labor Camp and her Term is Repeatedly Extended

Ms. Zhong Limin is 52 years old and lived in Liuzhuang Village of East Majuan Township of Wuqing District, Tianjin City. During the last several years, Ms. Zhong has endured inhumane torture. In 2001, Ms. Zhong was sentenced to one year in a forced labor camp. After her term was up, however, the perpetrators extended it for another year without any legal ground. Even though she suffered brutal persecution in the labor camp, Ms. Zhong persisted in her practice of Falun Gong. Since she refused to renounce Falun Gong, Ms. Zhong was unlawfully sentenced to two years in prison. Policewomen Xia Chunlin, Wang Chunying, and Liu Xiaohong ordered drug addict inmates to torture and beat Ms. Zhong. She was handcuffed for a long period of time, which caused her wrists to bleed. Although she has lost consciousness, the prison guards still continue torturing her. Although her term was up on April 4, 2005, the authorities at the Banqiao Forced Labor Camp refuse to release her. They claim that they are going to extend her term again.


4. Perpetrators in Yi County, Hebei Province Who Participated in the Persecution Against Falun Gong Practitioners

After July 20, 1999, Zhang Guodong, Director General of Yi County Educational Bureau, organized all the teachers in the county educational system to slander Falun Gong. Whoever refused to do so was threatened with being fired. During 2000 to 2002, before July 20, he forced all the practitioners in the county educational system to attend brainwashing sessions at the Yi County Occupational Educational Center. On "sensitive days," Zhang Guodong notifies every school to assign people to monitor practitioners. In May 2003, Zhang held a Party Committee meeting in the County Educational Bureau to declare that no Falun Gong practitioners would be hired in the county educational system.

Zhuo Wanghe is the Communist Party Chief in Zhuojiazhuang Village of Gaocun Township, Yixian County, Hebei Province. On July 20, 1999, he forcibly disbanded the Falun Gong group practice site and reported on more than 20 practitioners. The officials and police in Gaocun Township repeatedly threaten Falun Gong practitioners, and they forced practitioners to attend brainwashing sessions for several days in a row. Zhuo also ordered other party members to tear down Falun Dafa posters. They often report practitioners to the township police station when they distribute Falun Gong materials.
