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Exposing the Scheme to Slander Falun Dafa and Deceive People during the May 1st Holiday

April 18, 2005 |   By a Falun Dafa Practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) We learned recently that after the failure of the evil scheme of using college students' patriotism to fan hatred against Falun Gong, that Jiang's faction is planning another round of slander targeting Falun Gong before the May 1st holiday. They are trying to get the well known collaborators who were persuaded in recent years to say that they stopped practicing Falun Dafa on nationwide Chinese television and in the press, to do so again. They want these collaborators to announce to the public that it was the CCP that saved them, that brought happiness to their lives, and that generated prosperity for the mass population, etc. It is a plan created by Jiang's faction intended to openly deny the truth of the persecution, and target Falun Gong practitioners.

The purpose of this May 1st scheme is to create confusion, intensify the regime's deception of the general public, and hinder as well as interfere with the practitioners' tasks of clarifying the truth and saving sentient beings. All practitioners, please take eliminating this evil scheme seriously, and send forth righteous thoughts to disintegrate the arrangements by the evil forces and the communist evil spirits to poison sentient beings.