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Elementary School Affiliated with Chongqing University Uses Slanderous Article to Poison the Minds of Children

April 18, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On January 19 2005, right before the winter break, the elementary school affiliated with Chongqing University gave every student a short article slandering Falun Gong as homework over the break. The students were told to transcribe the entire article and encouraged to enter writing contests by writing similar articles. Students who did not complete the homework would not be allowed to attend school the following semester. This approach used to poison the minds of children made many people very upset.

This incident reminded me of the Cultural Revolution, when everyone in China was forced to participate in Cultural Revolution activities, even elementary school students. At that time, students attended daily exposures, critiques, and witnessed class struggles which tormented innumerable innocent people to death. These tragedies should awaken the conscience of people.

Over thirty years later, this tragic history is repeating itself. For more than five years, the corrupt authorities have been brutally persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, who practice "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance" and focus on uplifting their moral character. During these five years, China's mass media has been used to spread lies and induce hatred, and unspeakable torture methods have been applied to torment steadfast Falun Gong practitioners. More than one thousand Falun Gong practitioners have been tortured to death, and hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners are currently illegally detained or imprisoned. While the authorities claim this period is "the best time for human rights" and "freedom of belief", such scandalous actions which seriously violate the Chinese Constitution and Laws still take place. The torture methods from the Cultural Revolution are in full use today.

April 8, 2005