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Summary of Other Articles and News - March 31, 2005

April 11, 2005 |  


Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitoners

Practitioners Mr. Ma Lingxi, Ms. Yang Fuzhen, and Mr. Yang Fujun from Yushu City, Jilin Province Abducted

On March 20, 2005, practitioners Mr. Ma Lingxi, Ms. Yang Fuzhen from Xinli Town, and Mr. Yang Fujun from Chengfa Township, Yushu City, Jilin Province, were abducted by police from the local substation one by one. Ms. Yang Fuzhen had previously been detained and sentenced to forced labor. She was brutally beaten, and forced to wear ankle shackles, perform heavy labor, and endure many other forms of physical abuse. Mr. Ma Lingxi had also been previously harassed, abducted, and detained.


Persecution of Mr. Chen Weidong from Fei County 610 Office, Shandong Province

Ever since July 20, 1999, when the persecution began, the Fei County 610 Office, Chen Weidong, and County Deputy Secretary Wang Dongsheng (male) of the CCP Committee, lead the Political Security Committee and other officials to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. At the beginning of the persecution, they openly monitored practitioners, and then started using hidden recording and reporting systems. They gathered most of the practitioners together, ordered practitioners to march in the baking sun, stand in a half-squat (1) position, or stand on one leg. They did not allow practitioners to drink water. When practitioners could no longer stand on one leg, they were forced to crawl on the burning-hot asphalt. More than twenty Fei County practitioners were sent to the Linyi Brainwashing Class. Practitioners were also detained and interrogated in a county government-owned motel. Several practitioners employed by a meat processing plant were detained there. Among them, Ms. Wang Yan escaped with handcuffs still on, and was forced to become homeless in order to avoid being arrested at home. As of 2003, twenty nine practitioners in Fei County had been sentenced to forced labor. In October 2004, officers from the 610 Office arrested practitioner Ms. Yin Xuhua and ransacked her house. They also ransacked the home of a lady (non-practitioner) who helped Ms. Yin make copies of truth clarifying materials. She was not arrested only because she was pregnant. Ms. Yin Xuhua was soon sentenced to three years of forced labor for the second time. On January 27, 2005, practitioner Ms. Gao Xiaolan clarified the truth at a morning market, and was abducted by Chen Weidong, head of the 610 Office. She was held at the Fei County Detention Center for ten days.


Mr. Zhao Weisheng Brutally Tortured at Weibei Prison in Shandong Province

Practitioner Mr. Zhao Weisheng , 50, lives in Binzhou City, Shandong Province. He was sentenced to two years of forced labor because he firmly cultivates Falun Dafa. After his release, he wrote an article about how Jiang and his regime violated human rights and the laws by persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. He was abducted again, and sentenced to three years in prison. In Weibei Prison, the guards could not "transform" him because of his strong righteous thoughts. Later Sun Jisheng (male) transferred him to the Fifth Ward, and tortured him secretly. Practitioner Mr. Li Guang was tortured to death in the Fifth Ward, where a group of guards shocked him with high voltage batons. According to information from the Weibei Prison, Mr. Zhao was also brutally tortured.


Persecution of Former Yongyang Town Legal Institute Deputy Director Ms. Liu Xiufeng

Ms. Liu Xiufeng is a former Yongyang Town Legal Institute Deputy Director, and also head of the Legal Service Department. Because she firmly cultivated Falun Dafa, she was sent to the brainwashing center many times, and detained by government personnel where she worked. She was sentenced to one year of forced labor in May 2000, but she was rejected by the labor camp due to high blood pressure. The Laishui County 610 Office held her at Laishui County Detention Center for one year, and forced her husband to divorce her. Her employer dismissed her from the CCP and the organization. On November 20, 2004, Ms. Liu Xiufeng was abducted again, and sentenced to three years of forced labor. The labor camp rejected her again because she had high blood pressure and kidney failure. Despite her condition, she is still in custody.



(1) Squat down with legs apart and both arms raised forward parallel to the ground. See illustration on http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2005/3/18/58552.html.