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Latest News from China - February 1, 2005

March 06, 2005 |  


  1. [Wuwei County, Gansu Province] Police from the No. 4 Division of Wuwei County Prison Cruelly Torture Falun Gong Practitioners
  2. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Hu Aiyun Sentenced to Eleven Years of Imprisonment
  3. [Xingtai City, Hebei Province] Seven Dafa Practitioners Still Detained at Xingtai City's Brainwashing Class
  4. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Liang Zihui Arrested While Distributing Dafa Truth-Clarifying Materials
  5. [Chiping County, Shandong Province] Zhang Guifang, Liu Guicun and Niu Suying Sentenced to Forced Labor for Posting Falun Dafa Truth-Clarification Notices
  6. [Tianjin] Liu Chunyang Sent to the Shuangkou Forced Labor Camp for Distributing Falun Gong Truth-Clarifying Materials
  7. [Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province] Zhang Wenxue and Lin Wuyong Arrested for Making Falun Gong Truth-Clarifying Materials
  8. [Taipusi Banner, Inner Mongolia AR] Zhang Junqing on Hunger Strike to Protest Illegal Detention
  9. [Chongqing] Xiong Zhiqiong from Tongliang County Arrested
  10. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia AR] Xie Yanshuai Arrested and Sent to a Detention Center
  11. [Wen County, Gansu Province] Police Brutally Beat Practitioner Zhao Yongyu
  12. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Practitioner Yao Ailian Forcibly Sent to a Brainwashing Class
  13. [Pingchang County, Sichuan Province] Persecution of Lu Chunshan and His Family Members
  14. [Chongqing] Chen Changlan and Ren Xiaoli Sentenced to Forced Labor for Distributing Falun Gong Truth-clarifying Materials
  15. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Peng Jingtao Sentenced to Four Years in Prison

1. [Wuwei County, Gansu Province] Police from the No. 4 Division of Wuwei County Prison Cruelly Torture Falun Gong Practitioners

Officials at all levels, as well as policemen from the Wuwei County Prison have been deceived by the Jiang Zemin regime's lies and propaganda, and they cruelly torture practitioners held there. The No. 4 Division has the worst reputation. They strictly block any news and information from leaking out about the treatment of Falun Gong practitioners. The information below was received after overcoming many hurdles and layer after layers of information blockades.

Wang Xuetong, head of the Wuwei County Prison, as well as policeman Zhang Renshou, policeman Yuan Bo from the No. 4 Division, and policeman Yan Zhong from the No. 3 Team, No. 4 Division, tortured Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ma Zhigang using excruciating methods. They hung Ma Zhigang by his handcuffed wrists for approximately eight hours per day after shocking him with electric batons. Ma Zhigang has been abused in this manner for two weeks. Wang Xuetong even forces senior-citizen practitioners who are over 60 years old to do heavy manual labor.

Telephone numbers:
(Country code: 86, area code: 935. Do not dial area code before a cell phone number.)
Wang Xuetong, head of Wuwei County's Prison: 2222888 (home) and 13909351701 (cell phone)
Yuan Bo from the No. 4 Team: 2266993 (home)

2. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Hu Aiyun Sentenced to Eleven Years of Imprisonment

Practitioner Ms. Hu Aiyun from Harbin City was sentenced to eleven years of imprisonment and is now being held in the No. 12 Ward of the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. A while ago she was held in solitary confinement.

Telephone numbers of Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison:

(Country code: 86, area code: 451.)

Wang Xing, head of the prison: 86359454
Chu Shuhua, deputy head of the prison: 86359322
Address of the prison: 387 Xuefu Road, Nangang District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province. Postal code: 150069

3. [Xingtai City, Hebei Province] Seven Dafa Practitioners Still Detained at Xingtai City's Brainwashing Class

As the 2005 Chinese lunar New Year was approaching, seven Dafa practitioners are still being detained at Xingtai City's Brainwashing Class. They are: Ms. Li Chunfang, Ms. Liu Liping, Ms. Hou Yanshuang, Ms. Li Xiaozhen, Mr. Dou Pingjun, Ms. Liu Fengxia from Shahe City, and Ms. Yu Huimin from Julu County. They have been detained for nearly a month.

Information about Xingtai City's Brainwashing Class:

(Country code: 86, area code: 319. Do not dial area code before cell phone number.)
Telephone number: 3191294
Address: Legal System Education Center, Xinxing Road East, Xingtai City, Hebei Province. Postal code: 054001
Liu Lixiang, principal: 13313398989 (cell phone)
Qiu Youlin, deputy principal: 13930961675 (cell phone)

4. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Liang Zihui Arrested While Distributing Dafa Truth-Clarifying Materials

On January 25, 2005, practitioner Ms. Liang Zihui from the Dongshan District was arrested while distributing truth-clarifying materials. She is now being held at the Tianhe District Detention Center.

5. [Chiping County, Shandong Province] Zhang Guifang, Liu Guicun and Niu Suying Sentenced to Forced Labor for Posting Falun Dafa Truth-Clarification Notices

During the night of January 24, 2005, practitioners Ms. Zhao Guifang, Ms. Liu Guicun and Ms. Niu Suying from Boping Town were arrested while posting signs to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa. They were sent to the Chiping County Detention Center. Zhao Guifang and Liu Guicun have been sentenced to forced labor.

Telephone number for the Chiping County Detention Center: 86-635-4210328.

6. [Tianjin] Liu Chunyang Sent to the Shuangkou Forced Labor Camp for Distributing Falun Gong Truth-Clarifying Materials

At the end of November 2004, practitioner Mr. Liu Chunyang from Hebei District was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor for distributing Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials in the Nankai District. He is now being held at the Shuangkou Forced Labor Camp in Tianjin.

7. [Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province] Zhang Wenxue and Lin Wuyong Arrested for Making Falun Gong Truth-Clarifying Materials

In September 2004, police arrested Mr. Zhang Wenxue and Mr. Lin Wuyong while they made truth-clarifying materials. The practitioners were taken to the city's Meixi No. 2 Detention Center.

8. [Taipusi Banner, Inner Mongolia AR] Zhang Junqing on Hunger Strike to Protest Illegal Detention

On January 21, personnel from the National Security Team of Xilingol Prefecture Police Department tortured practitioner Ms. Zhao Suqin from Taipusi Banner until she was close to death and then released her. But her fellow practitioner, Zhang Junqing, is still being held in the Xilinhaote City Detention Center. At present, Zhang Junqing is on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention.

9. [Chongqing] Xiong Zhiqiong from Tongliang County Arrested

At about 8:00 p.m. on January 27, 2005, police from Tongliang County arrested Ms. Xiong Zhiqiong, who is in her 30s, from her home at Xingnong East Street of Tongliang County, Chongqing. They confiscated some Dafa books and other materials.

10. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia AR] Xie Yanshuai Arrested and Sent to a Detention Center

On January 16, 2005, personnel from the Yuanbaoshan District Xilutian Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Xie Yanshuai from Yuanbaoshan District, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and detained her in the Yuanbaoshan District Police Precinct. On the second day, police transferred Ms. Xie to the Hongshan District Detention Center.

Related phone numbers in Chifeng City: (Country code: 86, area code: 476)
Hongshan District Detention Center: 8663772, 8670899
Bai Gula, Hongshan District Detention Center chief: 86-476-8670866 (fax)
Yin Jintang, Pingzhuang Police Precinct chief in Yuanbaoshan District, 3532589, 3512925 (home)
Liu Weimin, the National Security Team chief of the Pingzhuang Police Precinct: 3514143 (office)
Teng Haiqui, the political commissar of the Pinzhuang Police Precinct: 3510525, 8371669 (home)

11. [Wen County, Gansu Province] Police Brutally Beat Practitioner Zhao Yongyu

Practitioner Mr. Zhao Yongyu (his registered name at Ping'antai Forced Labor Camp is Zhao Yongyi), 40, is a resident of Yinpingzhai, Shijiba Township, Wen County, Gansu Province. In March 2004, personnel from Wen County's Police Department and the National Security Department arrested him while he clarified the truth of Falun Gong and distributed truth-clarifying materials. Afterwards, Mr. Zhao was sentenced to one year of forced labor. He is being held in the No. 6 Division of the Ping'antai Forced Labor Camp.

When he was in the Wen County Detention Center, a policeman instigated a criminal inmate held in the same cell to force Mr. Zhao to kneel down. Zhao Yongyu didn't cooperate. So three criminals punched and kicked him, causing bruises all over his body. Mr. Zhao still can feel the pain in his leg six months later. In June 2004, Zhao Yongyu was sent to the Ping'antai Forced Labor Camp. On the way there, he was held in the Tianshui Detention Center for a night, where several policemen brutally beat him.

12. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Practitioner Yao Ailian Forcibly Sent to a Brainwashing Class

At about 4:30 p.m. on January 25, 2005, personnel from the Tuanjiexin Village Police Precinct in Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, and about six people who had been waiting in ambush around Ms. Yao Ailian's house for a long time, arrested her on her way home in the Lanzhou Railway Station East Street. They sent Ms. Yao to the Tuanjiaxin Village Police Precinct. Then they transferred her to the notorious Gongjiawan Brainwashing Class in Lanzhou City after extorting 5,000 yuan from her work unit. When Ms. Yao's family members went to the brainwashing class to see her, they were denied permission to visit.

13. [Pingchang County, Sichuan Province] Persecution of Lu Chunshan and His Family Members

Practitioner Mr. Lu Chunshan from Pingchang County, Sichuan Province was an associate director of a tax branch office of the county's tax bureau. He began to practice Falun Dafa in 1997. His family members are all steadfast Falun Gong practitioners.

In 2001, practitioner Ms. Lu Chunmei's sister, who is disabled, was sentenced to five years of imprisonment. Currently, she is being incarcerated at the Yangmahe Women's Prison in Sichuan Province. In December 2000, Lu Chunshan was sent to a forced labor camp for two and a half years. All together, he was detained for almost three years and was released on October 25, 2003. At the same time, Lu Chunshan's wife was also forced to leave home to avoid illegal arrest. Their child was forced live with grandparents and led a difficult life.

In the summer of 2004, Lu Chunshan was detained for 15 days for clarifying the truth to the public. Recently, Lu Chunshan exposed the persecution to fellow practitioners on Minghui.org [the Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net], which frightened the 610 Office personnel who are responsible for these evildoings. They therefore began to raid practitioners at will. On January 13, 2005, policemen broke into Lu Chunshan's house and arrested him. Without any legal documentation, the National Security Team in Pingchang County sentenced him to three years of forced labor. Mr. Lu is currently being detained at the Xinhua Forced Labor Camp in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province.

14. [Chongqing] Chen Changlan and Ren Xiaoli Sentenced to Forced Labor for Distributing Falun Gong Truth-clarifying Materials

On November 6, 2004, when Ms. Chen Changlan and Ms. Ren Xiaoli, from Jiangbei District, Chongqing were distributing Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials at the dam outside Caijia Town, Jiangjin City, policemen from Caijia Town arrested them and sent them to the Jiangjin City Langshan Detention Center the same day. On November 19 they were sentenced to forced labor and were transferred out of the detention center. Their whereabouts are currently unknown.

15. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Peng Jingtao Sentenced to Four Years in Prison

Practitioner Mr. Peng Jingtao, 64, is a retired employee from the Hengshui City Oil Company in Hebei Province. He was arrested and sentenced for clarifying the truth of Falun Gong. At 11:00 p.m. on May 19, 2004, personnel from the Hengshui City Police Department broke into Peng Jingtao's house and confiscated his computers, printer, copier and some Dafa books. They arrested Peng Jingtao and sent him to the city detention center. His family is not allowed to see him.

At the end of December 2004, when Peng Jingtao's wife went to the detention center to bring him some money for daily expenses, she discovered that he had been sentenced to four years of imprisonment and had been put into the Tangshan City Prison two weeks ago. When his family inquired at the court about why they didn't receive any information about Mr. Peng having been sentenced to prison, the personnel said that when sentences are pronounced against Falun Gong practitioners, the court is not required to inform their families.

February 1, 2005