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Photographs of Wondrous Energy Fields of Falun Dafa

March 25, 2005 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in China


On the afternoon of April 8, 1997 (Chinese lunar year calendar), several Falun Dafa practitioners celebrated Master's birthday at a practitioner's home. After the birthday cake was placed on the "Kang" [a heated platform in people's homes in Northeast of China] and the candles were lit, a practitioner did the sitting meditation in front of the cake and had a photo taken. The camera captured the following wondrous scene:

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This photo was taken during a large-scale group practice in the summer of 1998 at Museum Square in Handan City, Hebei Province. I remembered someone shouted at the time, "Look, a big Falun." A practitioner took this photo. On the right side of the photo, the gong column can be seen clearly. Unfortunately, the camera didn't capture the Falun.

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