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Solemn Declarations from Young Dafa Practitioners

March 23, 2005 |  


Solemn Declaration

I am a young Dafa practitioner who obtained Dafa along with my mother. I benefited tremendously from Dafa and I know that Dafa is precious. I support my mother's Dafa practice with all my heart. After July 20, 1999, my school organized an anti-[slanderous term omitted] activity targeting Dafa. I was afraid, so I signed my name against my conscience. I hereby solemnly declare that my signature is void. From now on I will study the Fa diligently and balance the relationship between Dafa practice and school study. I will do well to make up for the loss I caused Dafa.

Liang Zhujun

February 28, 2005


Solemn Declaration

I signed my name on an anti-Falun Gong banner during an activity organized by my elementary school. Later, my school organized us to write Dafa-attacking things. I asked someone to write it for me. I want to ask Teacher's forgiveness. From now on I will do well with the three things Teacher requires of us, and make up for the loss I caused Dafa.

Wang Dawei

February 28, 2005


Solemn Declaration

I am a young Dafa practitioner who started practicing Falun Dafa in September of 1998, along with my mother and brother. On July 20, 1999, the perpetrators from the village and town government coerced me to write a guarantee statement to give up Dafa practice. I caved in because I was young and had not studied the Fa well. In January 2001 my mother signed a document for my brother and me due to pressure from the village authority. I hereby announce that all of the signatures and the guarantee statement are completely void. I will cherish the opportunity to practice Dafa and redouble my efforts to make up for the loss I caused Dafa.

Liu Qian

March 2, 2005
