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Senior Police Officer Finds Opportunities to Protect Falun Gong Practitioners

March 14, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) My classmate's father is a senior police officer. Once he learned that I was taken to the detention center for the second time, he tried everything to help rescue me. After I was released, I learned that after I was transferred to the detention center, he was the one who coordinated the effort resulting in my unconditional release.

Another practitioner was also detained for one month for no reason. No one even touched her case. My schoolmate's father informed her when the Chief Officer in charge of prison policy visited the detention center. He prompted her to ask to see him and to ask to be released. At his suggestion, the practitioner was able to meet the Chief Officer and tell him her situation. With the Chief Officer's attention to the case, she was released unconditionally within a couple of days.

From the beginning of the persecution until today, faced with vicious, underhanded tactics, this man has maintained the clarity of mind not to be fooled by the lies, and is able to find opportunities to protect Falun Gong practitioners. I would like to send my New Year's greetings to the all the people like him who display their kind hearts, and help rescue and protect Falun Gong practitioners. Your good deeds will be rewarded!