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Jilin City: Illegal Trial in the Changyi District Court Fails to Reach a Verdict

February 07, 2005 |   By a Dafa practitioner in Jilin City

(Clearwisdom.net) On the morning of January 17, 2005, the Jilin City Changyi District Court held an illegal hearing to try four practitioners in courtroom four. The practitioners were Sun Jingyun, Wu Yuzhen, You Jinmei and Liu Chunhua.

Local practitioners learned about the trial several days beforehand and immediately organized several small conferences. They discussed how to expose the evil in Jilin City, how to clarify the facts, how to save people, and how to rescue fellow practitioners.

Some practitioners collected background material and phone numbers of key organizations as well as the phone numbers of those responsible. They sent the information to the Minghui website for worldwide publication. They also made flyers telling how the Changyi police are persecuting Falun Gong practitioners and giving news about the trial. They posted the flyers throughout the city to let everyone know about the upcoming trial. Some practitioners visited the families of the practitioners on trial and told them that their loved ones were innocent.

Practitioners located the courthouse near the river and informed everyone who planned to participate in the hearing of the location. Practitioners reminded one another to be rational and calm. They were determined to give the highest priority to truth clarification and saving people. They also began to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate all the evil elements in other dimensions.

Around 9:00 a.m. on January 17, 2005, before the trial started, dozens of practitioners arrived at the courthouse and waited at the front gate. Fearing the exposure of the illegal trial to the public, the court had not informed the families of the practitioners that were on trial, but some practitioners' family members still found their way to the hearing.

When the judge made slanderous remarks about Falun Dafa, practitioners Sun Jingyun, Wu Yuzhen and You Jinmei shouted aloud, "Falun Dafa is righteous! Falun Dafa is great!" They also clarified the facts about Dafa to everyone in the court.

When the judge suggested that court-appointed lawyers would "defend" the practitioners, Sun Jingyun, Wu Yuzhen and You Jinmei told the lawyers, "If you really want to defend us and argue for our innocence, then we agree to allow you to represent us. Otherwise, we do not agree to use you as our lawyers." The three lawyers were very embarrassed and, without a word, left the courtroom with their briefcases under their arms.

During the trial, the court only allowed people to say favorable things the court approved of, otherwise people were not allowed to speak. But this could hardly stop practitioners from speaking the truth and validating Dafa.

Sun Jingyun, Wu Yuzhen and You Jinmei pleaded not guilty and demanded their immediate release. They kept on shouting, "Falun Dafa is righteous! Falun Dafa is good!" The judge didnt know what to do and finally closed the session without a verdict.

On that day, several thousand practitioners in Jilin City were sending forth righteous thoughts in their own places to support their fellow practitioners. Some of them even managed to stay close to the courthouse to send forth righteous thoughts.

Contact information:

(Note: for phone numbers, dial the country code + the area code before all numbers. For cell phone numbers, dial the country code only before the number. Country code: 86, area code: 432)
Yang Xingyuan, Judge responsible for the illegal trial in the Chanyi District Court
Wang Ying, Chief Judge for Courtroom four
Changyi District Court: 68 Tongtan Road, Post Code 132022
Court Chief Office Phone: 2793829
Dongjuzi Police Station: 2454429
Han Dongfei, Police Station Chief: 13039256088 (Cell)
Police Officers: Zhong Jigang, Nan Changgao, Yang Keyi, Gao Yang
Changyi District Police Department: East Section, Jiefang Road, Jilin City, Post Code 132041
National Security Team: 2485537
Command Center: 2459110
Police Department Office: 2485162, 2485940
Chief Office: 2485301
Political Head Office: 2499302
Deputy hief Office: 2485303, 2485306
Politics Division Head: 2485943
Criminal Police Chief Office: 2485378
Gao Yi, Criminal Team Chief: 13904414391(cell)
Wang Lijun, Officer from Team 6 of the Changyi Police Department: 13804407828 (cell)