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Ukraine: Introducing Falun Gong to a Group of Disabled People in the City of Lviv

February 06, 2005 |   By a Ukrainian practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) On the 28th of January, Falun Gong practitioners in the city of Lviv held an activity in a local arts center, introducing Falun Gong to hearing and vocally challenged and disabled people. In the city of Lviv there are almost two thousand people who are hearing and vocally challenged.

Around fifty people attended the activity. The participants showed great interest in the Falun Gong exercise demonstration. Nevertheless, they were very puzzled as to why the persecution in China is happening. The practitioners explained to everyone present what Falun Gong is and why the persecution is taking place. Practitioners answered their questions and had a discussion with the audience through a sign language interpreter.

At first the participants were astonished at Falun Gong's symbol. When the practitioners explained the origin of the Swastika and how it has been a symbol of good fortune and prosperity for thousands of years, everyone understood and felt comfortable with the explanation.

This was the third time that practitioners have come to the arts center to hold activities, and everyone has gotten to know each other. The practitioners have arranged a monthly exercise teaching class with this club.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200502/24716.html