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Faced with a Falun Gong Practitioner's Righteous Questions, a Special Agent from the National Security Department Flees in a Hurry

Feb. 5, 2005 |   By Ming Yu, a Falun Dafa Practitioner from Jilin Province

(Clearwisdom.net) One local Falun Gong practitioner assertively validates the Fa in all environments. His sister has been illegally sentenced to ten years for making Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. He and his family members frequently appealed to the relevant departments and requested the release of his innocent sister.

One day in January 2005, he went to the local court with one of his family members to inquire about the details of his sister's case and her illegal sentence. As soon as he walked out of the court, he spotted a plainclothes special agent from the National Security Department holding a bicycle and closely following him. He did not panic, but turned around and walked toward the special agent while sending forth righteous thoughts. He asked the special agent assertively, "Who are you? Why are you following me? What's your name?"

The agent was shocked by the sudden and upright questions, dared not to answer anything, and hurriedly turned and ran away. The practitioner followed closely behind him. The special agent ran until he came to a police van. He got into the van with his bicycle, closed the door and hurriedly drove away.