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Summary of Other Articles and News - February 8, 2005

February 24, 2005 |  


Facts of the Persecution

1. Practitioner Mr. Zhu Zhongguo from Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province, Is Tortured in Dabei Prison in Shenyang City

Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Zhu Zhongguo from Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province, is being tortured in the Dabei Prison in Shenyang City. He started cultivating Falun Dafa in 1995. During the busy spring seeding season in 2001, the Fengcheng City 610 Office (formed mainly by the Party Political and the Judicial Committee) arrested Mr. Zhu and placed him in the Brainwashing Center for twenty days. In June 2002, government official Yu Chunbo (male) and officer Ma Guoquan (male, now transferred) led two thugs to storm into Mr. Zhu's house. Mr. Zhu resisted the illegal arrest and tried to reason with them, but he was beaten. Mr. Zhu ran to his neighbor's yard and shouted, "I am being mistreated! I am being wronged!" They chased him and then brutally beat him until bruises covered his entire face and body. They arrested him and took him to the Fengcheng City Detention Center again. Several months later, his family heard that he had been sentenced to five years in the Dabei Prison in Shenyang City. His wife and twelve-year-old daughter are at home alone, living a very hard life. His daughter will soon quit school due to financial difficulties. They plan to visit him soon and try to persuade the guards and administrators to release him on a medical parole.


2. Practitioner Mr. Liu Jingxin from Changchun City Jilin Province, Is Arrested and in Jilin Prison; His Family Exposes the Police Torture

We are relatives of Mr. Liu Jingxin, who is jailed in the First Ward of Jilin Prison. We are exposing the crimes of Li Yongsheng, a man in the Education Department. Mr. Liu Jingxin was arrested on March 11, 2002, from his work place without any reason. Police interrogated him the whole night, while eight or nine police beat him one after the other. Some of them used a rubber baton, and others used a mop handle that broke into pieces from beating him so hard. Some kicked his chest with their leather boots, while others beat his head and ears. They cuffed his hands behind his back onto a chair for more than thirty minutes while they beat him, leaving visible marks on his wrists to this day. The most unspeakable torture they used was placing a plastic bag over his head to suffocate and terrorize him. On March 13, 2002, he was sent to the Tiebei First Detention Center in Changchun City. He was detained there for more than one year. After a rushed trial, he was sentenced to three and half years in Jilin Prison. He was tortured until both his feet were swollen and numb. He cannot sleep normally, has become very weak, and his day-to-day existence is very difficult.

When we visited him on January 6, 2005, we heard that Li Yongsheng had mentally tortured him for three days beginning on January 4, 2005. On February 1, 2005, when we visited him again, we found he had changed into a different person. He was terribly weak, with a blank stare and pale face. Li Yongsheng from the Education Department had been trying to force him to succumb to the brainwashing since January 4. Mr. Liu Jingxin had put him in a Strict Monitoring Cell for 12 days to create severe psychological trauma. We demand the following:

1. That the torture of Mr. Liu Jingxin be stopped. 2. That Li Yongsheng stop torturing and beating/cursing Mr. Liu at once. 3. That Li Yongsheng be held responsible for his actions in causing Mr. Liu Jinxin's severe mental and physical trauma. 4. That the Education Department be brought to justice for promoting such atrocities. 5. That Mr. Liu Jingxin be immediately and unconditionally released.


3. Police Actions Against Practitioners in Lushuihe Town, Fusong County, Jilin Province

On October 14, 2004, police in Lushuihe Town, Fusong County, Jilin Province, together with police from the Bao'an Branch Substation, went to Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Yuan Shufang's home and arrested her and then detained her in the Fusong County Detention Center. She was sentenced to eighteen months in the Heizuizi Women's Labor Camp in Changchun City. Because she was tortured while in detention, she failed her physical examination, and the labor camp refused to accept her. But the Town Police Station Deputy Director Lu Hongyan (male) forced the camp to accept her. Police abducted another Falun Dafa practitioner Qiao Guilan, because he wrote, "Falun Dafa is great." The Lushuihe Town Police Station Director Chen Gang slapped her face, decided to detain her in the Fusong Detention Center, and sentenced her to eighteen months of forced labor. The labor camp refused to accept her because of her advanced age, but Chen Gang said he would rather lock her up for eighteen months until her sentence ends.
