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Russia: St. Petersburg Rally Calls for Attention to Falun Gong Practitioners' Human Rights in China

February 20, 2005 |   By a Russian practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) On the 5th of February 2005, Dafa practitioners from St. Petersburg, Russia held a rally on the square in front of the former Lenin College of Sports and Performance, calling for people to pay attention to the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners suffering brutal persecution in China.

The sun shone, yet the freezing February wind continued to blow. Nevertheless, it didn't have any impact on practitioners' activities. Some practitioners held banners and talked to people about the inhumane persecution happening in China, others demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises, while some practitioners walked to a nearby park and a shopping center to distribute informational leaflets. Afterwards, a peaceful vigil was held outside the Chinese Consulate.

A practitioner came from a nearby island after their group practice. She stood continuously in the wind for 2 hours until the event successfully concluded. She then displayed a banner in front of the Chinese Consulate for another hour. To let people know the truth, she spent most of her time that day on the streets, despite the cold.

Practitioners felt that more and more people are starting to learn about Falun Gong and to step forward to oppose the genocide against practitioners in China. Many people were interested and had questions to ask. The truth of Falun Dafa has diminished the Chinese Communist Party's overwhelming lies and helped the world's people become more aware. Practitioners must not slacken off in their efforts at any time, and should always strive to do better. They will accomplish the mission that history has bestowed upon them, helping more of the world's people see through the communist regime's propaganda.

Source http://clearharmony.net/articles/200502/24958.html