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Latest News from China - January 24, 2005

February 18, 2005 |  


  1. [Guangdong Province] Ms. Zhang Yulan, an Employee from Boluomiao Shipyard of Guangzhou Shipping Bureau was Arrested After Being Surrounded by the Police for Two Days
  2. [Shandong Province] Several Practitioners from Qingzhou City Arrested
  3. [Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Xiufeng from Taojiatun Town Arrested
  4. [Yunnan Province] Practitioners, Including Ms. Zhang Wenhang, Arrested
  5. [Xinjiang] Practitioners, Including Deng Yanling, Arrested
  6. [Beijing] Arrest of Mr. Wang Guoxin, a Ph.D. Student of Beijing Normal University
  7. [Huichun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Han Chunhong Held Hunger Strike at Changchun Labor Camp for Fifteen Days
  8. [Shandong Province] Sun Yuwen from Weifang Economy Development District was Arrested While Distributing Truth-Clarifying Materials
  9. [Linying County, Henan Province] Several Dafa Practitioners Abducted in Linying County, Henan Province
  10. [Guangzhou City] Mr. Huang Zhuanqin and Ms. Xu Yueping Arrested and Taken to the Yuexiu District Brainwashing Class
  11. [Luoyang City, Henan Province] Ms. Gao Xuerong and Ms. Chen Chanqing Tortured
  12. [Shaoyang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Che Xiangyang from Zijiang Farm Chemicals Factory, Shaoyang City, Huann Province, Tortured Again
  13. [Luohe City, Henan Province] Ms. Zhu Yumei and Liu Sufang Arrested on Their Birthday
  14. [Chuzhou City, Anhui Province] Practitioners from Fengyang County Persecuted in July 2004
  15. [Bangbu City, Anhui Province] Ma Jun Arrested
  16. [Jiaohe City, Jilin Province] Ms. Yang Tiemei and her Mother Arrested
  17. [Chongqing] Yang Zuolin from Jiangjin City is Detained in the Langshan Labor Camp
  18. [Liaoning Province] Xu Chong, Li Ming and Zhao Yanxia Arrested

1. [Guangdong Province] Ms. Zhang Yulan, an Employee from Boluomiao Shipyard of Guangzhou Shipping Bureau was Arrested after Being Surrounded by the Police for Two Days

Ms. Zhang Yulan, 55, is an employee of the Boluomiao Shipyard of Guangzhou Shipping Bureau. She was reported to the police while she clarified the truth to her colleagues on December 17, 2004 at her workplace. Soon after this, the Guangzhou City Public Security Bureau and the Security Section of the Boluomiao Shipyard of Guangzhou Shipping Bureau surrounded the residential building of the Boluomiao Shipyard of Guangzhou Shipping Bureau (Unit 402, Building 5, Hongli West Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou City) for more than two days. During this period of time, the police combined threats with inducements, and on December 19, several policemen broke into her home and arrested Ms. Zhang Yulan. She is now jailed at the Guangzhou City Chatou Forced Labor Camp.

Relevant phone numbers:

The Office of the Huangpu District, Guangzhou City: 86-20-82279928, 86-20-82297729, 86-20-82283192, 86-20-82292192, 86-20-82282921, 86-20-88248619
Chen Peihu: 86-1335285895
Zhang Yulan's home phone number (her husband does not know the truth of Dafa): 86-20-82225919

2. [Shandong Province] Several Practitioners from Qingzhou City Arrested

Between November 25, 2004 and December 10, 2005, Ms. Zhao Guangye, Mr. Zhao Guangjing and Mr. Zhao Jishan from Jiajiazhuang Village, Tanfang Town, Qingzhou City, Shandong Province went to Dongxia Town to make the truth-clarifying materials. They were arrested by the police from Dongxia Town Police Substation. Mr. Zhao Jishan escaped using his wisdom. Zhao Guangye and Zhao Guangjing were arrested and sent to Qingzhou Forced Labor Camp. They were tortured severely without being released until recently. The labor camp demanded money from the families of Zhao Guangye and Zhao Guangjing for their release. As a result, the labor camp confiscated eight thousand yuan from both families. They were however, still dissatisfied with the eight thousand yuan fine from Zhao Guangye's family so they continued to purposely make trouble for them.

At around 8 o'clock on December 28, 2004, police went to Jiajiazhuang to arrest Zhao Jishan and then went to Dazhao Village to arrest Mr. Zhao Hongsheng. On the evening of December 27, 2004, police went to Gongyin Village to arrest Ms. Zhang Ruiyun. Luckily, due to some kind-hearted people's help, Zhang Ruiyun was not arrested. Since the police failed to arrest her, they pried open the lock and broke down the front door of her house. They searched everywhere and found Dafa books and four thousand yuan. Zhang Ruiyun and her husband were forced to leave home to avoid further persecution, and are still homeless.

Relevant phone numbers:
Liu Keqiang, the Party Secretary of the Qingzhou City Committee: 86-536-3886016 (3822916) (Office), 86-536-3220196 (Home), 86-13953626799 (Cell)

3. [Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province] Ms. Li Xiufeng from Taojiatun Town Arrested

Ms. Li Xiufeng from Yihe Village, Taojiatun Town, Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province was reported and arrested by the Bawu Town Police Substation, Gongzhuling City. Her sister-in-law was also arrested and sent to the Gongzhuling Detention Center. On January 19-20, several policemen from the Taojiadun Police Substation went to Yihe Village to harass all those known to have practiced Falun Gong.

4. [Yunnan Province] Practitioners, Including Ms. Zhang Wenhang, Arrested

Ms. Zhang Wenhang, 37, an engineer from Yunnan Provincial Technology Supervising Bureau, was illegally sentenced to a forced labor camp. Recently she was arrested when she clarified the truth of Dafa at a Chinese New Years Party held at her workplace.

Police broke into the house of Mr. Ye Baofu, the former deputy director of the hospital of the Yunnan Provincial Forestry Bureau, and arrested him, his wife Ms. Yang Mingqing, and their daughter, Ms. Ye Mao. Ms. Tang Rui, a teacher from Chuxiong Technology School, 39, was arrested after being interrogated.

5. [Xinjiang] Practitioners, Including Deng Yanling, Arrested

Ms. Deng Yanling from Shihezi, Xinjiang, 38, was arrested by the Shihezi Public Security Sub-Bureau on the evening of January 11, 2005, and is now detained at Shihezhi No. 1 Detention Center. Besides Ms. Zhang Xiuyun from Yili City, Xinjiang and her husband Mr. Gong Wending are still being persecuted at Huocheng Detention Center.

Relevant phone numbers:
Director of the 610 Office, Wen Jianbang: 86-13999736166 (Cell), 86-993-7588535 or 86-993-2099399 (Office), 86-993-2031788 (Home)
Li Handong, Deputy Director of the 610 Office: 86-993-2360221 (Office), 86-993-7588536 or 86-993-2066722 (Home)
Xue Yuejin, the Comprehension Section: 86-993-2395522 (Office), 86-993-7588537 or 86-993-2099610, 86-993-2093299 (Home)
Guan Bao, Director of the No. 1 Detention Center: 86-13909937252 (Cell), 86-993-2913065
Wang Weili, Deputy Director of the No. 1 Detention Center: 86-993-2913065, 86-993-2033161
Hu Xinjian, Deputy Director of the No. 1 Detention Center: 86-993-2913065, 86-993-2093287

6. [Beijing] Arrest of Mr. Wang Guoxin, a Ph.D. Student of Beijing Normal University

Mr. Wang Guoxin is a teacher from the Education Science Institute of Hebei Normal University. He was monitored by the building surveillance system of Beijing Normal University in 2004, while he was clarifying the truth as a PhD student. As a result, an investigation was made against Wang. The Security Section of Beijing Normal University and the local staff pried open the door of his room during the New Year holidays of 2005, when he had returned to Shijiazhuang to visit. They searched his room, found the Falun Gong truth-clarifying flyers, and so they arrested Wang Guoxin.

Relevant phone numbers:
The Security Section of Beijing Normal University: 86-10-58806110
Lu Zhongyi, Dean of the Education and Science Institute of Hebei Normal University: 86-311-6263469
Shi Guo, Party Secretary: 86-311-6263470

7. [Huichun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Han Chunhong Held Hunger Strike at Changchun Labor Camp for Fifteen Days

Ms. Han Chunhong, around 42 years old, is a resident of Huichun City, Jilin Province. She was arrested on November 18, 2004 by three policemen. Later she was sent to Heizhuizi Labor Camp in Changchun and tortured there. She has been on a hunger strike for fifteen days at the Changchun Forced Labor Camp, and is now suffering from shock.

8. [Shandong Province] Sun Yuwen from Weifang Economy Development District was Arrested While Distributing Truth-Clarifying Materials

Sun Yuwen from Youyi Village, Weifang Economic District, is a new practitioner who started studying the Fa recently. When he was handing out truth-clarifying flyers on the afternoon of January 5, 2005, he was arrested by police from the Xuanwu Street Police Substation. His home was searched and the police took away his TV set, DVD player, Dafa books and Teacher's photos. His family refused to pay the three thousand yuan that the police are trying to extort from them. He was then detained at Kuiwen District Detention Center and his family was not allowed to visit him.

9. [Linying County, Henan Province] Several Dafa Practitioners were Abducted in Linying County, Henan Province

On the morning of January 20, 2005, Mr. Tong Haikuang, the former Deputy Presiding Judge of Guxiang Village, Linying County was arrested (He was removed from his post as a judge in 2002 since he went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa, and he is now working at the county courthouse). On the same day, he was detained at Linying County Detention Center, and is now being detained at the Brainwashing Class located on the second floor of the county military department. Another practitioner was arrested the same day.

Relevant phone numbers:
Person in charge of the 610 Office, Dong Yinshan: 86-13803958369 (Cell), 86-395-8862396
The Secretary General of the County Party Committee, Guo Guohui: 86-13839553666 (Cell), 86-395-8886566

10. [Guangzhou City] Mr. Huang Zhuanqin and Ms. Xu Yueping were Arrested and Taken to the Yuexiu District Brainwashing Class

In January 2005, the Yuexiu District 610 Office arrested Mr. Huang Zhuanqing and Ms. Xu Yueping. Their homes were ransacked. Many Dafa materials were confiscated on January 21, 2005. Huang and Xu were then transferred to Yuexiu District Brainwashing Class.

11. [Luoyang City, Henan Province] Ms. Gao Xuerong and Ms. Chen Chanqing Tortured

Ms. Gao Xuerong, who is approximately 65 years old, is from Tang Village, Gongnong Town, Jianxi District, Luoyang City, Henan Province. Since July 20, 1999, when the persecution began, she has been forced to attend three brainwashing classes and was detained once. Her home was searched and she was fined a total of seven thousand yuan. In January 2005, she was reported for clarifying the facts in Zhang Village, Shanshan Town, Gaoxin District, Luoyang City. She is currently being tortured at the Luoyang City Forced Labor Camp. Her family is not allowed to visit her.

Ms. Chen Chanqing, who is around 50 years old, is from Tang Village, Gongnong Town, Jianxi District, Luoyang City. Since July 20, 1999, she has been arrested twice, and taken to brainwashing classes. She has also been fined over a thousand yuan. In January 2005, she was also arrested for clarifying the facts in Zhang Village, Shanshan Town, Gaoxin District, Luoyang City. She is currently being tortured at the Luoyang Forced Labor Camp. Her family is not allowed to visit her.

12. [Shaoyang City, Hunan Province] Ms. Che Xiangyang from Zijiang Farm Chemicals Factory, Shaoyang City, Huann Province, Tortured Again

On December 31, 2004, Ms. Che Xiangyang from Zhijiang Farm Chemicals Factory, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, was arrested by the Shuangqing District police. Che Xiangyang is currently detained in the No. 1 Detention Center in Shaoyang City.

Phone numbers of the persecutors:
Liu Zhijin, Communist Party Secretary of the Shuangqing District:
86-739-5261618 (Office)
86-739-5319231 (Home)
86-13873929000 (Cell)

Li Bin, Head of the Shuangqing District:
86-739-5322882 (Home)
86-13807398600 (Cell)

Xiao Hui, Leader of the National Security Team of the Shuangqing Public Security Sub-bureau:
86-739-5229969 (Office)
86-739-5228321 (Home)
86-13973909269 (Cell)

13. [Luohe City, Henan Province] Ms. Zhu Yumei and Liu Sufang Arrested on Their Birthday

Ms. Zhu Yumei from Luohe, Henan Province and her daughter Ms. Liu Sufang from Zhengzhou, visited Beijing on September 28, 2004. On the same night, police took them to the Luohe Office using the excuse of checking identification. Officers of the Nanguang Office of Zhengzhou City and the Guancheng Public Security Sub-bureau arrested Zhu and Liu. Later Liu was taken to Wanqingshanzhuang brainwashing class. Zhu was taken back to the Luohe 610 Office. Zhu was fined over ten thousand yuan and is now under constant government surveillance.

Mr. Zhao Gongping from Ningling County, Shangqiu City, Henan Province was arrested by police for clarifying the facts at Yichuan. A farmer who knows the facts was also arrested.

14. [Chuzhou City, Anhui Province] Practitioners from Fengyang County Persecuted in July 2004

Mr. Shen Xuean, an employee of the Fengyang Agricultural Bank, was arrested on July 19, 2004. He has been tortured at the Fengyang County Detention Center ever since. Shen was also sentenced to a year of forced labor.

Mr. Shao Qing, a security guard at the Linhuaiguan Rubber Factory, was arrested on July 20, 2004. Shao was detained at the Fengyang Detention Center.

Mr. Zhang Decan, a farmer in the Dashandi Production Team of Caodian Village, Fengyang County, was arrested at the end of December 2004. He has been tortured at Nanhu Forced Labor Camp.

15. [Bangbu City, Anhui Province] Ma Jun Arrested

In July 2004, Ma Jun was arrested by Zhong Yongxiang, an officer in the Longzihu District brainwashing class. Ma walked out of the class using righteous thoughts. However, Ma has not been able to return home since then. On January 14, 2005, Ma was arrested in Shanghai and is now jailed at Bangbu City No. 1 Labor Camp.

16. [Jiaohe City, Jilin Province] Ms. Yang Tiemei and her Mother Arrested

Ms. Yang Tiemei and her mother from Chishui Village, Jiaohe City, Jilin Province were arrested for distributing truth-clarification materials on the evening of January 21, 2005.

Wang Lin, from Huangsongdian Town, Jiaohe City was arrested by the police from Huangsongdian Police Substation, Jiaohe City.

17. [Chongqing] Yang Zuolin from Jiangjin City is Detained in the Langshan Forced Labor Camp

On the morning of December 7, 2004, Yang Zuolin, from Jiangjin, Chongqing City was arrested at the Chongqing Dafa-Materials Center. Yang is now detained in Building 8 of the Jiangjin City Detention Center.

18. [Liaoning Province] Xu Chong, Li Ming and Zhao Yanxia Arrested

Xu Chong, from Pulandian City, Liaoning Province was arrested by the police from Dalian City Public Security Bureau in the morning of January 21. Xu used to work for the Pulandian City Public Security Bureau.

On January 19, Li Ming from Fushun City was arrested in Beilongfeng.

Zhao Yanxia from Hele Village, Taipingzhuang, Chaoyang County was arrested.

Relevant phone numbers:
Chen Ying, a policeman from Mashanjia Labor Camp: 86-24-24210210
Yang Nanlin, from the Gaizhou City Brainwashing Class, Liaoning Province: 86-13941723873 (Cell)

January 24, 2005