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Latest News from China - January 29, 2005

February 15, 2005 |  


  1. [Kunming City, Yunnan Province] Practitioner Ms. Gao Qiongxian and Others Arrested
  2. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Facts of the Persecution of Practitioners at Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp in October 2004
  3. [Beijing] Ms. Li Shiying is Arrested
  4. [Yibin City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Liu Maoqun is Arrested While Clarifying the Truth to People in a Park
  5. [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] "Su-Qing-Bei-Jian"-A Torture Method Used by the Chongqing Women's Forced Labor Camp
  6. [Laixi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Ping Sent to a Forced Labor Camp
  7. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhen Xiujuan is Arrested While Clarifying the Truth to A Young Man
  8. [Hubei Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Song Jinxiu is Illegally Detained
  9. [Da'an City, Jilin Province] Four Practitioners are Arrested
  10. [Changde City, Hunan Province] Mr. Ma Zhongguo and Mr. Deng Lantian are Arrested
  11. [Changde City, Hunan Province] Six Practitioners including Ms. Xiong Yulan are Still Detained
  12. [Binzhou City, Shandong Province] Warning: Police Pretend to Be Practitioners to Obtain Information
  13. [Zouping County, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhao Hongwei is Arrested
  14. [Meizhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Sun Tianyun is Arrested Because Falun Dafa Books Are Found in her Bag
  15. [Shanghai City] Ms. Zhang Shuying is Sentenced to One and Half Years in Prison
  16. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Xuan Enfeng's Son Died from the Persecution

1. [Kunming City, Yunnan Province] Practitioner Ms. Gao Qiongxian and Others Arrested

Ms. Gao from the Guandu District disappeared around October 2004. It was learned in December 2004 that she was abducted and sent to Banqiao Women's Forced Labor Camp to serve a three-year term. Mr. Ye Baofu, and Ms. Yang Mingqing from the Forestry System and their daughter Ye Mao were secretly arrested around January 11, 2005. There is no news on them at present.

Ms. Xu Yan was arrested again recently because she clarified the truth about Falun Dafa to people.

2. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Facts of the Persecution of Practitioners at Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp in October 2004

At noon on October 10, 2004, a meeting was held in the Brigade 4 of the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp. During the meeting, officials declared, "The labor camp is going to enforce its rules." They forced practitioners to read the jail rules, threatening that they would be tortured in the water room if they did not.

Some practitioners were tortured until their bodies were full of injuries. Practitioners tortured include: Yao Shiguo, An Tongxiu, Gao Jizhu, Chang Yongfu, Wang Shiwei, Li Chunlin, Kou Fangqi, Sun Rong, and He Qinghui. Among them, He Qinghui was beaten up until he passed out and was sent to a hospital. He is still in a coma. Others were tortured until they were unable to walk.

The guards do not allow practitioners to say anything on visiting day. Family members are forced to leave their items and then depart immediately. Mr. Xu Zhenfeng's term was completed over ten days ago, but he is still being detained. It's also been learned that He Qinghui's brain was badly injured from the beating.

Those who beat practitioners are: Yang Wei, Chen Shangang, Liu Ye, Guo Lei, Zhou Xutao, Zhong Xiaotao, Pang Haifeng, Zhang Hongcai, He Wei, Wu Zuowei, and Li Changhong.

The administration office pretended to investigate those who beat the practitioners, but they actually did nothing. The resident procurator at the labor camp inquired about the issue but also did nothing.

3. [Beijing] Ms. Li Shiying is Arrested

Ms. Li Shiying from the Fengtai District lives in the Nanyuan Airport Apartment Building. In November 2004, she was arrested while clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa to people and was badly tortured. She is now sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp and has been sent to the Daxin Women's Forced Labor Camp in Beijing.

4. [Yibin City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Liu Maoqun is Arrested While Clarifying the Truth to People in a Park

On November 27, 2004, 61-year-old Ms. Liu was arrested while clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa to people in a park. Police searched her home and sent her to the Cuiping District Detention Center in Yibin City. On December 30, the Cuiping District Procurator issued an arrest warrant for Ms. Liu.

5. [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] "Su-Qing-Bei-Jian"-A Torture Method Used by the Chongqing Women's Forced Labor Camp

Due to our limited resources, we cannot upload pictures showing the actual torture. The following is a written description:

2005-1-30-SuQingBeiJian.jpg (148561 bytes)

Figure 1 Su-Qing-Bei-Jian

"Su-Qing-Bei-Jian" is a torture method as shown in above drawing. Literally, this word means "Su-Qing (an ancient swordsman) puts his sword on the back." A person's hands are handcuffed behind the back with one hand crossed over a shoulder. It causes extreme pain. However, guards in the Chongqing Women's Forced Labor Camp think it's not cruel enough. They have used the following modifications to make it even more painful for the detained women Falun Gong practitioners.

  1. Officers tie a towel to the handcuffs, pull the practitioners up with the towel, and hang them on the upper level of the handrail on a bunk bed. It causes extreme pain, difficulty in breathing, and fainting.
  2. Officers push the practitioner facedown onto a small stool to add pain and make it very hard for them to breathe.

Police officers involved are Yu Qinghua (Squadron Commander) and Chen Liqiong (Assistant Squadron Commander).

6. [Laixi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Ping Sent to a Forced Labor Camp

Ms. Wang Ping is a resident of Wangjiazhuang Village, Wubei Township, Laixi City. On the evening of June 10, 2004, Ms. Wang, her husband Wang Dexiang, Ms. Li Meizhi, and Ms. Ding Yonghong were watching a Falun Gong truth-clarification video. The four were arrested by eight police officers led by deputy director Geng Bingsheng and Li Yanxin of the Wubei Police Station. Ms. Wang's home was also illegally searched. Ding Yonghong and Wang Dexiang were released one day later. However, police officers forced Wang Dexiang to have his picture taken sitting in front of his TV, took fingerprints, and made him write guarantees to renounce Falun Gong. Li Meizhi was detained for two weeks at the Laixi Detention Center and another month at the Xinzhuang Brainwashing Center in Wangcheng. Ms. Wang Ping was sent to a forced labor camp and is still being detained.

People who should be held responsible for the persecution:

Cheng Guojie, former director of the Wubei Police Station: 86-13206470777(Cell), 86-532-2411069(Office)
Geng Bingsheng, deputy director: 86-13361200786(Cell)
Liu Yongzhi, deputy director: 86-13706487321(Cell), 86-532-8456793
Li Yanxin: 86-13361200787(Cell)

7. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhen Xiujuan is Arrested While Clarifying the Truth to A Young Man

Fifty-year-old Ms. Zhen Xiujuan is a resident of No.31-30 Laobaonan Street in the Linhe District of Jinzhou City. At about 3 p.m. on January 21, 2005, Ms. Zhen tried to clarify the truth of Falun Gong to a young man at the Jinzhou Railway Station. The man shouted and drew transportation police officers over. Ms. Zhen was arrested and sent to the Jinzhou City No. 2 Detention Center. At 10 p.m. on the same day, officers searched her home.

8. [Hubei Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Song Jinxiu is Illegally Detained

Near the end of 2004, 84-year-old Ms. Zeng Zhaoyu and her daughter Ms. Song Jinxiu, 62, and son-in-law Feng Fayi, 63, moved back to their hometown in Huangpi County. However, police officers from the Huangpi County Political and Security Brigade frequently harassed them at their home and took away their Falun Dafa books, Teacher's photos, and other materials. On January 20, 2005, Ms. Song Jinxiu was tricked into leaving her home and was arrested by police officers. She is being detained at the Dongxihu Women's Detention Center for 15 days.

Relevant phone numbers:

Security Police Officers: 86-27-85915321
Legal Office: 86-27-85915324

9. [Da'an City, Jilin Province] Four Practitioners are Arrested

On the evening of January 26, 2005, a group of police officers from Daan City broke in to Ms. Zou Yuxia's home and arrested her and her husband. Ms. Gao Guiling and another female practitioner were also arrested around that time. They were arrested because they took a taxi to the countryside to deliver Falun Dafa truth materials a few days ago.

10. [Changde City, Hunan Province] Mr. Ma Zhongguo and Mr. Deng Lantian are Arrested

On January 16, 2005, Mr. Ma and Mr. Deng went to the Worker's Cultural Palace to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa to people. Officers from the Chengnan Police Station, who were lead by head officer Liu, arrested them.

Liu's office number: 86-736-7223125

11. [Changde City, Hunan Province] Six Practitioners including Ms. Xiong Yulan are Still Detained

At about 8 p.m. on September 20, 2004, a group of 55 police officers led by the Dingcheng District 610 Office arrested Ms. Xiong Yulan, Ms. Zhang Cuiying, Mr. Su Yongneng, Mr. Liu Jinyun, Ms. Yuan Youzhi, and Ms. Zhen. The purpose of the arrest was to find out the location of a Falun Dafa material production site. The six are being detained separately at different detention centers in Changde City.

12. [Binzhou City, Shandong Province] Warning: Police Pretend to Be Practitioners to Obtain Information

According to reliable sources, officers from the 610 Office have trained officers to pretend to be Falun Dafa practitioners in chat rooms and send emails to genuine practitioners in order to find out who is in contact with Clearwisdom.net (www.minghui.ca is the Chinese counterpart).

Right after July 1999 in Beijing, police officers also pretended to be practitioners, carrying the book Zhuan Falun in their hands as they walked through the parks. They tried to lure genuine practitioners from other areas so that they could arrest them.

13. [Zouping County, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhao Hongwei is Arrested

Forty-five-year-old Mr. Zhao Hongwei is a resident of Dongjing Village, Huangshan Office, Zouping County. Since he clarified the truth about Falun Dafa to people, he was arrested on January 27, 2005. He is still being detained at the Zouping Detention Center.

14. [Meizhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Sun Tianyun is Arrested Because Falun Dafa Books Are Found in her Bag

On the morning of January 5, 2005, Ms. Sun Tianyun went to a bazaar with a bag in her hand. Two local police officers searched her bag and found two Falun Dafa books. The officers instantly handcuffed her and searched her home. A neighbor saw the arrest and warned practitioner Ms. Song Xiangmu, but Ms. Song's home was also searched.

Ms. Sun was detained for two days. Police extorted 20,000 yuan from Ms. Sun's family before releasing her.

Hesi Police Station: 86-753-2433301

15. [Shanghai City] Ms. Zhang Shuying is Sentenced to One and Half Years in Prison

In October 2004, Changning District officers detained Ms. Zhang Shuying from the Yangpu District while she was clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to people in the Changning District. She has now been sentenced to one and a half years in jail for "disturbing the stability of society" and no family visits are allowed.

16. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Xuan Enfeng's Son Died from the Persecution

Ms. Xuan Enfeng is a resident of Xiliang Village, Xinzhuang Township, Zhaoyuan City. She started practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. Since December 1999, she has gone to Beijing to appeal four times and was arrested three times. The former deputy township head Li Shumei and officer Ding Fuzhai from Xinzhuang Township have persecuted her. After about nine months of detention, Ms. Xuan was later sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp. After Ms. Xuan was arrested, her home was searched three times. Xuan's son Cao Jincai was 20 years old. While Ms. Xuan was detained, the local government did not allow Jincai to visit his mother. They also harassed him many times, which affected him mentally. Local officers witnessed this. Due to the abuse, Cao Jincai suffered from melancholia and died on May 27, 2003.

January 29, 2005