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Falun Dafa Practitioners from 495 More Locations in China Send Lunar New Year Greetings to Benevolent Great Master - Part 8

February 14, 2005 |  


All Falun Dafa Practitioners from Fragrant Hill, Haidian District, Beijing Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Master

Master, you've worked hard, your disciples are grateful for your benevolent and arduous salvation. We will definitely do well the three things as you require of us, and strive forward diligently. We will not let down of Master's grace.

Revered Master comes to the human world for the sake of sentient beings

Having predestined relationship, follow Master to do Fa-rectification

Ten thousand difficulties and dangers, our will as solid as diamond

Achieve Consummation and return home, thank Master for his benevolence.

All practitioners from Fragrant Hill, Haidian District, Beijing

February 4, 2005

A Practitioner from Mainland China Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Master with Five Poems

(Poems omitted)

Li Jingzhi, practitioner from Mainland China

January 19, 2005

Practitioners from Mainland China Respectfully Wish Benevolent Master a Happy New Year

Revered Master, how are you!

We respectfully wish revered Master a Happy New Year! Your disciples heshi to you!

We are grateful for revered Master's benevolent and arduous salvation, awaken your disciples from unknown delusion. ......! It turns out to be that a big drama is about to end, your disciples understand all at once. Once again, we heshi to Master. We wish Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Mainland China

January 2, 2005

Practitioners from Mainland China Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Revered Master

At the New Year, we heshi and send greetings to the greatest and most benevolent Master!

Buddha's grace is immense! Fa-rectification is sure be successful! Dafa disciples are sure be successful! Fa guides the righteous firmament! New cosmos is boundless and measureless! Righteous enlightened beings have mighty power!

Exhausting all that we have fails to express our gratitude to the most benevolent Master! It is you who recreate the firmament, sentient beings in layers upon layers cosmos are able to be reborn. You have exhausted all for all Gods, Buddhas, Taos and sentient beings, Exert all your strength to resolve hundreds of millions of huge tribulations and hardships and dangers. You bestow us with all that that has been unprecedented from time immemorial. Its immeasurable wisdom is perfectly harmonious and imperishable. The Fa principle that is as indestructible as diamond reaches the utmost macroscopic and microscopic fields. Righteous Fa and righteous enlightenment that are altruistic and unselfish you bestow upon us, is an eternal guarantee that tempers the cosmos.

Fa-rectification's enormous force is pushing forward, innumerable sentient beings are on the tiptoe of expectation, at the last moment that will pass in a blink of eye, we will absolutely not dishonor our mission. We will be more diligent, and take the responsibilities for ourselves, for sentient beings and for Fa-rectification, and truly walk well and righteously each step in the future, and truly emit pure and righteous radiance of Fa-rectification, illuminating the firmament, and fulfill our grand vows made ages ago. We will truly become the greatest enlightened beings created in Dafa that bestowed upon us by Master.

Practitioners in Mainland China

December 23, 2005

Practitioners from Shandong Province Respectfully Wish Benevolent Great Master a Happy New Year!

At the last stretch of Fa-rectification, we will closely follow Master, do well the three things for Fa-rectification disciples, and fulfill our prehistoric grand vows. At the New Year, we want to tell Master: Master, your disciples miss you, you have worked hard for Fa-rectification and for saving sentient beings!

A prosecuting attorney in a certain city in Shandong Province respects Master very much and here send Chinese New Year's Greetings on behalf of him!

Practitioners from Tianjin Wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year! We Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Revered Master!

All Practitioners from Jihu County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province Send Highest Regards to Master!

At the New Year, all practitioners from Jinhu County respectfully wish great revered Master a Happy New Year!

We deeply know that great revered Master concerns about every disciple (especially practitioners who are subjected to persecution in prisons, forced labor camps, detention centers, custody centers, mental hospitals, and brainwashing classes) Therefore, we should firmly believe in Master and Dafa even more, steadfastly and solidly cultivate and strive forward diligently, assist Master in Fa-rectification with righteous thoughts and righteous actions. In order to stop this evil persecution as soon as possible, we should melt individual life into the Fa, and actively and initiatively do well the three things, fulfill our prehistoric grand vows. We would like to take this opportunity to extend our regards to practitioners who are illegally detained in prisons, forced labor camps, custody centers, detention centers, mental hospitals and brainwashing classes! We also extend our regards to practitioners outside of China and practitioners at Minghui Net!

Benevolent great Master, your disciples miss you!

All Dafa disciples in Jinhu County

February 8, 2005

Practitioners from Haidian and Changping Area in Beijing Send the Sincerest Chinese New Year's Greetings to Revered Master

We are practitioners from Haidian and Changping Area in Beijing, we respectfully request practitioners from Minghui Editorial Office to convey our most sincere Chinese New Year's Greetings to revered Master.

We also wish practitioners at Minghui and abroad everything goes smoothly, strive forward diligently and do well the three things in the New Year!

All Practitioners from Suizhong, Huludao Island in Liaoning Province Extend Loftiest Reverence to Benevolent Great Master!

Esteemed Master, Happy New Year!

In the New Year, our veteran and new practitioners will definitely follow Master's Fa-rectification process, and do well the three things.

All Practitioners from Ganzhou District of Zhangye City, Minyue County, Shandan County, Sunan County, Gaotai County and Linze County in Gansu Province Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Revered Master!

Practitioners from Yingkou, Liaoning Province Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Revered Master!

All Practitioners from Qian'an County, Songyuan City, Jilin Province Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Revered Master. Revered Master, You've Worked Hard!

Practitioners from Jinzhou District, Dalian Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master

Revered Master, Happy New Year!

Practitioners from Wulanchabu Prefecture, Inner Mongolia Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Great Revered Master! We Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Lunar Yiyou Year!

Practitioners from Linyi City and Mengyin of Shandong Province Send Greetings to Master

Benevolent Great Master, you've worked hard. Your disciples will definitely strive hard to do well!

Practitioners from Benxi, Liaoning Province Wish Revered Master a Happy Year of the Rooster

Your disciples miss you. We are looking forward to meet Master soon. In the New Year, we will continue strive hard to do well the three things Dafa disciples should do, and live up to revered Master's benevolent and arduous salvation.

Dafa practitioners in Benxin, Liaoning

February 8, 2005

Practitioners from Chongqing Extend Highest Respect to Great Revered Master!

We wish revered Master a Happy New Year! We send festival greetings to practitioners outside of China!

All Practitioners from Ningxia Autonomous Region Sincerely Wish Revered Master a Happy New Year!

The Year of the Rooster is coming, great revered Master, please allow me to represent all practitioners who want to send Chinese New Year's Greetings to revered Master but are unable to get on the Internet, to sincerely wish revered Master a Happy New Year. We also wish practitioners at Minghui Net a Happy New Year! We will do well the three things, strive forward together all the way until reaching Consummation!

Practitioners in Ningxia Autonomous Region

February 8, 2005

Practitioners from Zhuhai City Send Greetings to Master

Respected great Master, Happy New Year! My daughter and I have practiced Falun Dafa many years, we are grateful for Master's benevolent and arduous salvation. On lunar New Year's Eve, we miss Master, and extend our sincerest greetings and heartfelt wishes: We respectfully wish revered Master a Happy New Year! We will seize the time to do well the three things, walk well the last stretch and not let down of revered Master's salvation and sentient being's expectation.

Practitioners in Zhuhai City

February 8, 2005

All Practitioners from Liling City, Zhuzhou, Hunan Province Respectfully Wish Benevolent Great Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners from Tengzhou City, Shandong Province Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Revered Master

On behalf of practitioners in Zaozhuang Area, I send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master. I grow up in the North, but I have never seen revered Master, I feel very regrettable. Practitioners in Tengzhou City miss you very much. Here I assured revered Master that we will definitely be worthy of our prehistoric pledge, and never let down Master's benevolent salvation. We hope the ringing of New Year's bell will bring our blessings to you from afar. We wish you a Happy New Year.

We also wish practitioners at Minghui Net a Happy New Year. You've worked hard, and let us encourage each other and assist Master in Fa-rectification.

February 8, 2005

Practitioners from Laishui County, Hebei Province Respectfully Wish Great Revered Master a Happy New Year!

In the New Year, we ill be more diligent, do well the three things, and constantly rectify ourselves according to Dafa, and cultivate well ourselves and assimilate to the Fa. We will fulfill our prehistoric grand vows and return home while following Master after achieving Consummation!

All practitioners from Laishui County, February 8, 2005

Practitioners from Jingzhou City, Hubei Province and Practitioners' families Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Great Benevolent Master

We will be more diligent in striving forward in the New Year, do well the three things and not let down of Master's immense Buddha's grace.

All Practitioners from Jieyang City, Guangdong Province Send Greetings to Master

In the New Year, we will definitely be more diligent in doing the three things.

Practitioners from Qingdao Hai'er Group are Grateful Master! We Respectfully Wish Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners Who Become Homeless Due to the Persecution in Laiwu, Shandong Province Wish Benevolent Great Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

I represent practitioners who are being detained in Laiwu. We wish revered Master a Happy New Year!

Your disciples miss you. We are looking forward to meeting you soon. There are many shortcomings in our cultivation path. As Fa-rectification is close to the completion, in the remaining time, we will strive hard to do well the three things to make up for our shortcomings.

Practitioners who become homeless due to persecution in Laiwu, Kowtow,

February 8, 2005

Practitioners from Henan Petroleum Exploration Bureau Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master! We Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners from Jiedong, and Zhuhai, Guangdong Province Send Greetings to Master!

Practitioners in Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Revered Master

Revered Master,

At the time of discarding the old and ushering the new, and the dawn is about the break, we bear in mind Master's teachings to walk well the last leg of the journey, and rationally and clearheadedly fulfill our mission. We will use our righteous thoughts and righteous actions to repay debts of gratitude to Master.

Practitioners in Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province

February 7, 2005

All Practitioners from Zhaoyuan County, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province Wish Benevolent Revered Master a Happy New Year

We wish benevolent revered Master a Happy New Year! Master, you've worked hard!

All practitioners from Zhaoyuan County, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province

All Practitioners from Lingyuan City, Heilongjiang Province Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy New Year!

Revered Master, please rest assured, we will definitely do better!

All practitioners in Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province

All Practitioners from Xiangtan, Hunan Province Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Master

February 7, 2005

Practitioners from Fengtai District, Beijing Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners from Gaoxin District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Master

At the New Year, four practitioners (they asked me to be sure to represent them) from Gaoxin District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province especially send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master: Happy New Year! Master, please rest assured, we will do well and strive forward unceasingly!

Here, we also send Chinese New Year's Greetings to practitioners around the world! Let us strive hard together!

Practitioners from Haidian District, Beijing Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Benevolent Great Master!

We will redouble our efforts, and not let down Master's benevolent salvation and sentient beings' expectations.

Practitioners Who are Illegally Detained in Shanghai's Women's Prison Send Greetings to Revered Master!

Revered Master, Happy New Year!


Practitioners from Putuo District, Changning District in Shanghai Wish Benevolent Great Master a Happy New Year

As the Chinese New Year is coming, we heshi to Master: Master, Happy New Year!

Your disciples will bear in mind Master's teachings, do well the three things Fa-rectification period disciple should do, be more diligent and walk righteously our path.

Practitioners from Putuo District and Changning District, in Shanghai


All Practitioners from Changzhou, Jiangsu Respectfully Wish Great Benevolent Master a Happy New Year!

All practitioners in Changzhou greet the New Year amidst assisting Master in Fa-rectification. Here we would like to extend our most sincere wishes to benevolent Master: We respectfully wish Master a Happy New Year!

We will be more diligent as usual in doing well the three things. Together with all practitioners, we will assist Master in Fa-rectification and greet the arrival of the Fa rectifying the human world.

Respectful wishes from all practitioners in Changzhou

Practitioners Who Become Homeless Due to Persecution in Wucheng, Shandong Province Send Chinese New Year's Greetings to Great Master!

Praise to Revered Master

Beyond the boundless firmament

Fa-rectification succeed with a single thought

Revered Master benevolent wishes

All things are bathed in the breeze of spring

February 7, 2005

Practitioners from Harbin Railway Bureau Send Greetings to Revered Master!

All practitioners from all sections affiliated to Harbin Railway Bureau send greetings to Master!

We wish revered Master a Happy New Year!

Master, please rest assured. We will definitely walk well the path to Godhood, do well the three things, save sentient beings and follow revered Master closely to achieve Consummation and return home!

February 8, 2005