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Falun Dafa Practitioners from 475 more Locations in China Send Lunar New Year Greetings to Benevolent Great Master - Part 11

February 13, 2005 |  


All Falun Dafa practitioners in Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province wish Master a Happy New Year!

No matter how wild the evil is, and how hard the environment is, we will do well the three things that Master requires us to do. We will follow Master's Fa-rectification progress, and accelerate the truth clarification progress in our area. We won't be sorry to the expectation of all the sentient beings' in the universe, and fulfill our prehistoric great wishes. We hope to see Master soon. The practitioners in Suihua miss Master very much.

Best respect,

All Dafa practitioners in Suihua City

February 6, 2005

Falun Dafa Practitioners in Minghang and Xuhui District, Shanghai Send New Year's Greetings to Master!

Dafa Practitioners in Shijingshan, Beijing Wish Master a Happy New Year

We will try our best to do well the three things, totally deny the evil old forces' arrangement, and stop the persecution.

Dafa Practitioners in Donggaodi and Nanwan area, Beijing Wish Master a Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to Master!

Happy New Year to all Dafa practitioners around the world!

Dafa Practitioners in Yangquan Region, Shanxi Province (Yangquan City and Its Mine Area and Suburban, Pingding County, and Meng County) Wish Master a Happy New Year!

Dafa Practitioners in Zuoquan County, Shanxi Province Wish Master a Happy New Year!

All Dafa Practitioners in Yanshan, Beijing Wish Master a Happy New Year!

Greeting to Master, and Happy New Year!

We will do well the three things, and work harder in our cultivation in the upcoming year!

Best respect,

All Dafa practitioners in Yanshan

February 7, 2005

All Dafa Practitioners in Shouguang City, Shandong Province Wish Compassionate and Great Master a Happy New Year!


All Dafa practitioners in Shouguang City, Shandong Province

February 7, 2005

All Dafa Practitioners in Zuo City, Guangxi Province Wish Master of Great Compassion Happy New Year!

We wish Master a Happy Chinese New Year!

February 7, 2005

All Dafa Practitioners in Zhencheng City, Shandong Province Send Greetings to Master: Happy New Year, Master!

In the New Year, we will do well the three things, and not be sorry to Master's compassionate and hard saving us. We will perfectly complete our sacred mission of assisting Master in Fa-rectification and saving people in the world.

All Dafa Practitioners in Xinganming, Neimenggu Wish Master a Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Master!

Dafa Practitioners in Pinggu District, Beijing Wish Master a Happy New Year!


Greetings! We are Dafa practitioners in Pinggu District, Beijing. We have no way to express our gratefulness to Master, except presenting the best wishes from our entire family. Happy New Year, Master!

We hope Minghui Net will get better and better! Wishing all overseas Dafa practitioners Happy New Year! In the New Year, let us all Dafa practitioners work hard together, and assist Master in our journey in the world.

All Dafa Practitioners in Fujin City, Heilongjiang Province Heshi to Master: Happy New Year!

Master, you've been working very hard! Your disciples miss you!

Master, your disciples' respect for you is beyond all of our words!

Only by carefully following Master's compassionate teaching, can we perfectly harmonize our prehistoric vows, can we not be sorry to the ultimate glory that Master gave us, and can we assist Master in Fa rectification and return with Master perfectly!

Dafa Pactitioners in Beijing Wish Master a Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Master!

February 8, 2005

Dafa practitioners in Beijing

Dafa Practitioners Who Have Become Homeless Due to the Persecution in Heilongjiang Province Wish Master a Happy New Year!

Dafa Practitioners in the Jails of Heilongjiang Province Send Greetings to Master With Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!

All Dafa Practitioners in the Departments of China Telecom and China Netcom

Wish Master a Happy New Year!

People miss their family members even more during festivals. When the Chinese New Year is around the corner, we heshi and send greetings to Master with wishes for a Happy New Year! Master, you have been working very hard! Your disciples miss you very much! No matter where we are, we will do well the three things that Dafa disciples should do. We will fully clarify the truth, positively eliminate the evil, and save the people. We will cleanse all impurity, purify our every thought, and work together with better coordination. We will improve as a one body, be more diligent in our cultivation without pausing, and until we succeed in our cultivation.


All Dafa practitioners in departments of China Telecom and China Netcom