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San Diego, USA: Anti-Torture Exhibit Touches People's Hearts (Photos)

February 13, 2005 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in San Diego

(Clearwisdom.net) Balboa Park in San Diego, Southern California, is famous for its title, "America's Largest Urban Cultural Park." It attracts tourists from across the US and around the world. It is also a favorite destination for local residents on weekends and holidays. The flow of people is very dense, so it is a good place for practitioners to introduce Falun Dafa and clarify the facts about Falun Gong. This advantage has also been noticed by other different groups of people, and therefore, applying for a permit to hold activities in the park is a very complicated procedure and it is not easy to get approved. Over the years, this situation has brought about a lot of hurdles for practitioners to overcome in introducing Falun Dafa and clarifying the truth on weekends. Nevertheless, no matter how difficult, practitioners have continuously persevered.

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Anti-torture exhibit touches people's hearts
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More people stop to watch the anti-torture exhibit

Recently, however, the park has instituted a new policy: activities related to human rights are no longer required to apply for approval. This new policy provides us with a great, convenient opportunity to introduce Falun Dafa and clarify the truth.

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The persecution facts make people think
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After learning the truth, a child signs the petition to oppose the persecution
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The audience look at the display attentively

After hearing of this news, practitioners in San Diego decided to make full use of this wonderful opportunity, and seize the time to clarify the facts about Falun Gong to the public. Since the end of December 2004, groups of practitioners in San Diego have continuously held a series of anti-torture exhibits each weekend, and have had very good results.

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People are learning to practice the exercises
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Learning the exercises

Nearly 40 anti-torture exhibits and display boards were arranged in a row along the roadside. Many passers-by stopped and carefully looked at the exhibits. People were shocked at the unreasonable persecution of Falun Gong happening in China. People who have learned the truth signed the petition to call for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong.

In Balboa Park, the anti-torture exhibit has become part of the park, and there are always many touching stories occurring there each weekend.