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Family Seeks Justice When a 74-year-old Practitioner Is Disabled by Torture; Court Refuses to Accept the Case

February 12, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ning Bo, 74, is a resident in Xiaolianggou Village, Xi'an Town, Dawa County in Panjin City. In May 2004, while Mr. Ning Bo was clarifying the facts about Falun Gong, Xi'an Town Police Station Chief Zhang Mingjiang and a person named Gao Xianbao seized him and forced him to walk over 10 miles with them. They fiercely beat him the entire way, and severely injured and eventually disabled him. He became deaf in his right ear and he could not move his right arm. His lower back was seriously injured, and he could not walk on his own anymore. Subsequently, officials in the Dawa County Court sentenced Mr. Ning Bo to three years in jail. They tortured him in the Jinzhou Jail and then transferred him to the No. 1 Jail in Lingyuan City. On January 17, 2005 they transferred Mr. Ning Bo to the 10th jail ward in the Xinsheng Jail, Panjin City.

While he was detained, Ning Bo proclaimed his innocence. He requested that the court investigate the criminal acts of Xi'an Town Police Station chief Zhang Mingjiang and political head Gao Xianbao for beating him into disability and then throwing him in jail illegally. However, the court did not conduct an investigation. When Mr. Ning Bo was detained, Zhang Mingjiang and Gao Xianbao brutally beat him and twice tortured him to the brink of death.

In accordance with the law, Ning Bo's family sued Zhang Mingjiang and Gao Xianbao at the Dawa County People's Council and Procuratorate. The People's Council and Procuratorate have refused twice to formally hear the case. Zhang Mingjiang and Gao Xianbao are still unpunished as of this date.

Duty office of Xinsheng Jail, Panjin City: 86-427-5637074
The 10th jail ward in Xinsheng Jail, Panjin City: 86-427-5630001
Duty office of Dawa County People's Council: 86-427-6862737
Other related people who persecuted Mr. Ning Bo:
Ding Ziqing, head of the Politics and Law Committee in Dawa County, Panjin City,: 86-427-6862905
Police Department chief in Dawa County, Yang Wanguo: 86-427-2684201
Police Department deputy chief, Liu Jingli: 86-427-2684007
President of the People's Council in Xi'an Town, Dawa County, Yu Songqi: 86-427-8892312
Xi'an Town Police Station chief, Zhang Mingjiang, 86-427-6870056 (Home), 86-427-8892541 (Office)
Police Station duty office: 86-427-8892110