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Thoughts About Elevating as a Group and Negating the Old Forces

February 11, 2005 |  


Recently, a few Dafa practitioners were illegally apprehended in our area. The incident started like this: While distributing truth-clarifying materials in this area, a certain Dafa practitioner was seen and reported to the police by the locals. Later, because he did not handle the situation properly, the source of the Dafa materials was disclosed to the police. Looking at the whole issue, it was the old forces that had taken advantage of this practitioner's loopholes, hence the damage was done. Speaking from fundamental point of view, Teacher has never accepted the arrangements of the old forces. Hence, Dafa practitioners should not acknowledge the present situation caused by the persecution from the old forces. The old forces have planted their own notions into the Fa-rectification, and this is interference. If all Dafa practitioners had walked their paths correctly, the persecution would not have happened, and it definitely would not be dragging on until today, especially as Fa rectification is now coming to an end.

It is a fact that the old forces have influenced the persecution, allowing it to continue for five years. In the course of Fa validation, many Dafa practitioners have ended up with financial problems. Physically, they have also suffered a lot--many have even lost their lives.

Teacher has said, "...everything that happens today in the ordinary society is the result of Dafa disciples' thoughts." (Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Philadelphia, U.S.A.)

Let us look inside and find out what else is left in our attitudes that could be prolonging the persecution.

1. Dafa practitioners have not, during the course of Fa validation, looked at the issue from the point of view of Fa-rectification. They have treated the interference as the persecution of cultivators by ordinary human beings, not damage caused by the old forces.

During the course of Fa validation, practitioners have been treating the interference as an opportunity for self-development, dwelling on this for a long period of time, and not realizing that the old forces were actually feeding on Dafa practitioners' attachments. Fa rectification is to save all sentient beings in the universe. The old forces have been directly manipulating the black minions, interfering with the Fa rectification work and preventing sentient beings from being saved. They want to enforce their notions in Fa rectification, and test Dafa practitioners' suitability. By doing this, they indicated their belief that they did not have to change themselves to remain protected during Fa rectification. They did not realize that it was Dafa that gave them their lives and the environment they survive in. They had no right or authority to put Dafa on trial, hence nothing they did earned Teacher's approval, and those things have caused lots of obstruction to Teacher. During the course of their persecution, they have caused innumerable beings to lose their opportunity to enter the future.

2. Dafa practitioners have not disciplined themselves during more relaxed periods.

Why have many Dafa practitioners failed to maintain diligent progress recently? Actually, they are not as disciplined when the environment is more relaxed, which has allowed the black minions to strengthen the remaining bits of human elements in us.

When a practitioner is not reaching the required level, both in thoughts and action, at every stage of his path of cultivation towards godhood, he needs to study the Fa more. Hence, a practitioner should value this relaxed period by disciplining himself. One should be diligent until the very end.

3. Insufficient understanding of Dafa practitioners as one body

Dafa practitioners are the protectors of the universe, whereas, the universe is created by Dafa. Hence, protecting the universe becomes the duty of Dafa practitioners, who will complete their cultivation under this unique situation. In the course of validating Dafa, a Dafa practitioner should look at everything from the standpoint of Fa rectification when coordinating Dafa work. Not over emphasizing one's personal opinion or approach will enhance Fa rectification work.

Because of the damage done by the evil, we have lost the environment of group Fa study and group practice, and our improvement as one body has slowed down. By rejecting the arrangements of the old forces, we can still practice in small groups of 2 or 3 to begin with and then slowly rebuild the environment.

The above is my just personal understanding. Your comments are welcome.