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NGO Files Complaint against Thailand to UN Human Rights Commission; the World's People Condemn Thailand & CCP

December 25, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On December 18, 2005, the "Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group" (FGHRWG) filed a complaint to the UN Human Rights Commission regarding the Thai police's violence against innocent Falun Gong practitioners. During the incident, instigated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Thai police first roughly treated practitioners who were conducting a peaceful protest in front of the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok on December 10. On December 15, Thai authorities arrested five practitioners and three children in front of the embassy. As a member of the United Nations, the Thai government is fully responsible for observing the Universal Human Rights Declaration. The violence was the result of the CCP's pressure and orders. In its complaint, the FGHRWR detailed the incident and recounted past repeated harassment of practitioners by the Thai government under the CCP's pressure. What is even more troubling is that Thai police detained three children, though it later released two of them. The children have been nevertheless traumatized. The Thai government should explain why such a human rights violation could happen and compensate the victims.

The FGHRWG publicized the incident worldwide and requested that the Thai government release all practitioners immediately. As soon as the news was released, the FGHRWG started receiving voices of support from all over the world.

Some of the comments from all over the world are reproduced below:

Chris Ameln from Germany: " In the year 2005 it is a crying shame that a nation like China is still using torture and intimidation... I also support the boycott of Chinese and Thai-made goods. The Thai government must bow their heads in shame, as their acts not only violate all human rights, but also the Buddhist belief of non-violence.

Ted L'Estrange from Oxford UK: It is a terrible fact that torture is still the norm in China. The communist party has always had a very low opinion of its subjects and knows that it can torture with impunity while the world is distracted with the potential rewards of commerce.

Ebby Mohseni from Canada: Humanity stands up for justice.

Alan Coles from UK: Thailand should be ashamed but not as ashamed as China.

Richard Jacobs from Washington State, USA: Please release the detained Chinese refugees. The decision to make the arrests and the manner in which it was carried out was unworthy and tainted the honor of the Thai nation.

William Franklin McCoy, M.D. from the USA: Please recognize that Thailand is not China. Thailand does not have to follow the dictates of the Chinese government. It is outrageous that the Thai government thoughtlessly complies with the orders of the Chinese Communist Party.

Ivan Huber from the USA: Please release the Falun Gong practitioners who are illegally detained in Thailand, for they have done nothing wrong.

Bradley Lavelle from the United Kingdom: I am currently boycotting all products from China and will do the same if Thailand commits to this atrocious behavior. I had planned a trip to Thailand this coming summer but that is very much in doubt now...will spend my money elsewhere...these practices are not acceptable.

Eric Williams from Austin TX, the United States of America: I FOR ONE WILL BOYCOTT ANY PRODUCTS THAT BEAR THE LABEL "MADE IN THAILAND." WHO IS WITH ME? Together we can all make an impact.

Tucker-the TLC WORKS from Connecticut, USA: The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China is absurd and stupid enough.

John Alphonse from One Earth: Open Message to Politicians and Humanity: It's easy to focus on war and huge natural and man-made disasters, and somehow everyone wants to get behind these causes to the point of creating waste, but it takes a stronger mind to focus on the abuses to life happening in China and in our own backyards. Physical and sexual abuse must be addressed directly and actively eliminated as much as possible from the human sphere...

A Human Rights group from Canada: Let these people go.

Dr. Josette Cline from Arkansas, USA: If we do not stand up to the acts of the Chinese, or torture anywhere, then we are condoning it with our silence...speak out!!

Mitch Gerber from the USA: The ongoing persecution against Falun Gong must truly end. The Thailand authorities should know better. I urge kind people around the world to help support Falun Gong and end the brutal persecution against Falun Gong at the hands of the evil Chinese communist party.

Mingzhi Lu from Atlanta, Georgia, USA: I am ashamed of the Thailand Government. Stop following the Chinese Communist Party's persecution of Falun Gong.

Ben from USA: This has to stop.

Jason Loftus from Canada: This is outrageous! How can foreign governments follow the Chinese Communist Party to repress innocent people in their own country? It is bad enough that they are silent about the persecution of Falun Gong in communist China--now it seems they want to import it. What's going through their heads? Can they really just throw away human rights and democratic values so easily to appease a communist dictatorship?

Australians: All Governments the world over should work together to put pressure on the Chinese Communist Party to stop this inhumane torture.

Zam Tual from the United States: All people should have the basic right to express their opinions. These protestors are merely exercising this right. Torturing them is cruel and unlawful.

Muhammad Asghar from Pakistan: The world should to stop torture now!!!

Bigael Teklu from Ethiopia: Stop violence.

Peter Ridderstolpe from Sweden: I'm involved in Swedish international aid work within the Ecosanres R&D program. I'm very concerned about the lack of human rights in China and considering quitting co-work with China

Gordon Webster from Australia: I've spoken with some of these people who were having a peaceful protest in Perth. I was appalled that I had not been aware sooner. Perhaps people will think twice about attending the Olympics, etc.

Jenny Richards from the UK: The Chinese government must observe international human rights norms.

Dr. Arne Thies from France: A real crime against conscience and humanity.

Hellenic Tao from Greece: As a group of people who work with outer and inner peace of the body and soul, we feel strongly against the mistreatment of any human being on the planet.

Glen McRae from Australia: Please do not bow down to the CCP. Support human dignity and human life by immediately releasing the innocent Falun Gong practitioners!

Ms. M. Bhunnoo from Geneva, Switzerland: Human rights prevail. Freedom of thought is a right and no power can take it away.

Peter Tiong from Australia: Immediately and unconditionally release the detained Falun Gong Practitioners

Patricia Murillo from Belgium: This is unacceptable. We cannot and should not let Chinese officials get control over other countries' people's conscience!

Dr. Albert Lin from Western Australia: The Thai government should release all detained Falun Gong practitioners immediately and stop kowtowing to the Chinese Communist Party, whose collapse is imminent.