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Argentine Embassy Official Meets Petitioning Japanese Falun Dafa Practitioners (Photo)

December 23, 2005 |   By a Japanese Falun Dafa practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) On December 19, 2005, several Falun Dafa practitioners from the Tokyo area petitioned the Argentinean Embassy. The embassy accepted a petition letter from the Japanese Falun Dafa Association to Ambassador Mr. Daniel A.D. POLSKI, along with materials introducing Falun Dafa and the persecution in China and the English and Japanese version of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.

In the letter, the Japanese Falun Dafa Association asked the Ambassador to pass their request on to the Argentinean government, to investigate the incident on December 14 in which a group of thugs hired by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) assaulted Falun Gong practitioners. They also requested the government to investigate the reason why the police at the scene did little to stop the assaults.

Embassy official Carlos R. Rubio Reyna received the Falun Gong practitioners. The practitioners briefly introduced the incident of December 14 when Luo Gan, one of the Chinese officials directly responsible for persecuting Falun Gong, was visiting Argentina. A group of Chinese men hired by the Chinese Communist Party assaulted Falun Gong practitioners outside the National Congress building. Falun Gong practitioners worldwide were shocked to hear of the incident. The Argentinean police at the site didn't interfere and stop the assaults. It was said that they received orders from a high level not to do so. The practitioners introduced the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to Mr. Rubio Reyna and emphasized the evil nature of the Communist Party and how it has extended the persecution of Falun Gong to countries overseas. If the government of Argentina cannot recognize the true nature of the CCP and goes along with them, it will have a bad effects on the future of the nation.

The embassy official said he knew about the persecution of Falun Gong in China and expressed regret for the incident. He stated that he would inform his government about the Japanese Falun Dafa practitioners' request. Finally, Mr. Rubio Reyna accompanied the practitioners outside the embassy and had a photo taken together with the petitioning practitioners.

Embassy official and Falun Gong practitioners take a photo together