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Los Angeles: Practitioners Rally Against the CCP for Instigating Thai Police to Violate Human Rights (Photos)

December 21, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On December 16, practitioners from Los Angeles delivered a letter to the Thailand Consulate in Los Angeles. The letter strongly protested the incidents on December 10 and 15. Instigated by the Chinese Communist regime, on December 10, Thai police roughly treated the Falun Gong practitioners who were peacefully appealing in front of the Chinese Embassy to Thailand. On December 15, Thai police arrested eight practitioners. Los Angeles practitioners called on the Thai Government not to give in to the pressure from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and not to comply with the totalitarian regime to persecute Falun Gong. In addition, they demanded the immediate release of the detained practitioners and restoration of practitioners' rights to conduct peaceful appeals in front of the Chinese Embassy.

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In front of the Thailand Consulate, Los Angeles practitioners protest Thai police violence

In front of the Thai Consulate, practitioners displayed a huge banner which read: "Thailand, Do Not Help the Chinese Communist Regime Persecute Falun Gong." On behalf of Falun Gong practitioners, Dr. Wu Yingnian, associate professor from the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA), delivered the protest letter and truth-clarifying materials to the Consulate. During his meeting with Consul Som Pop Sermswatsri, Dr. Wu described details of the incident and facts of the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong. He hoped that the Thai government and people would uphold justice and not help the Chinese Communist regime to persecute Falun Gong. The consul stated that he would pass the practitioners' requests on to his government.

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A passing-by reporter from a Thai TV station recorded the entire event

According to professor Wu, on December 10, in order to protest the rape of Falun Gong practitioners by Chinese policeman He Xuejian, Falun Gong practitioners held a quiet sit-in on the roadside opposite the Chinese Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand. They "clarified the truth" to passersby and called for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong. Around noon, several dozen uniformed police and plainclothes police crossed the road and forcibly searched practitioners' bags, dragged practitioners away and grabbed their banners, causing injury to practitioners and damaging their personal belongings. At the site, some policemen said that they didn't want to interfere with the protest, but the Chinese Embassy ordered them to do so. Professor Wu stressed that such a gross violation of human rights happened on International Human Rights Day.

Professor Wu said, "The interference with the peaceful protests of practitioners is still happening. Yesterday (December 15), they arrested eight practitioners who were sitting in front of the Chinese Embassy. Among the detained practitioners, there were three children who are four, six, and fourteen years old. When policemen took the practitioners away, they dragged and beat them, causing several injuries. So far, one practitioner has been released, and the other seven are on a hunger strike."

Professor Wu called on the Thailand government to recognize the totalitarian and brutal nature of the CCP, not to be an accomplice of the regime in the persecution, and to uphold justice, human morality and conscience.