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Enlightening to the Fa While Distributing the "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" to Save People

December 21, 2005 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shaanxi Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Over the last year since the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party was published, a great impact has been made on the entire world. Earlier this year, Teacher published a series of articles including: "We Are Not "Getting Political," "Turning the Wheel Towards the Human World" and "Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference." In these articles Master hinted that promoting the Nine Commentaries and urging people to quit communist organizations is important for Falun Dafa practitioners to clarify the truth and save people at this time. Studying the Fa well and strengthening our righteous thoughts are the absolute and most fundamental requirements to ensure that we can do well in spreading the Nine Commentaries.

When I first delivered the Nine Commentaries to friends, and they asked me what the relationship between the Nine Commentaries and Falun Dafa was, I did not answer them directly in order to avoid misunderstandings. In April of this year, an educated older man, after reading the Nine Commentaries, asked me, "Who wrote the Nine Commentaries?" I replied that I did not know. He then said, "This must be written by Falun Dafa practitioners." (I had clarified the truth about Falun Dafa to him before). As I looked so surprised by his comment, he gave me some explanation, "Others cannot write such a good article; they cannot write at such a high level and in such a deep context."

I was moved by what the man had said. I felt both gratified by the recognition and ashamed by my fear of others' misunderstanding things and accusing me of getting political. Teacher said:

"And that is done, in fact, to stop the persecution, not to get political. We have no political motives. We are cultivators, people walking the road to godhood, we transcend the human world, and we neither seek nor covet the fame and profit found in this world. We expose the evildoers and that vile party in order to stop the wicked persecution, and it is done to awaken and save the sentient beings who have been deceived by the evil." ("We Are Not "Getting Political"")

"The Nine Commentaries aim to save all beings whose minds have been poisoned by the evil, which includes members of the malevolent CCP, those in the CCP's most powerful organs, and the common people. The goal is to help beings in all realms see clearly the factors behind the malevolent CCP." ("We Are Not "Getting Political"")

The reasons I was afraid to be misunderstood were: One, I did not realize the importance and sacredness of distributing the Nine Commentaries from the higher-level perspective of exposing the evil and saving all living beings. Two, I did not understand the relationship between clarifying the truth of Falun Dafa and distributing the Nine Commentaries. Three, I had used human notions to judge the results and the effects I got from distributing the Nine Commentaries. I was not clear on Master's teaching:

"There are divine factors behind the Nine Commentaries, and they will have a positive impact on people, Asians and Westerners alike." ("Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference")

My fear resulted from a lack of righteous belief in Dafa that led to the decrease of my righteous thoughts and influenced the effect of distributing the Nine Commentaries and saving people.

I felt ashamed when I realized this, so I studied Teacher's articles again. I read them repeatedly and soon I understood more about the Nine Commentaries and further realized the evil of the Chinese Communist Party and the significance of distributing the Nine Commentaries. Teacher told us:

"During the last hundred or so years, the gangster-like Communist clique has been constantly at war with the free world, but nobody has been able to spell out what this malevolent Party really is. The Republic of China [Taiwan] has fought with the CCP for decades, and articles about the CCP have been written one after another. But they too haven't managed to really spell out what that malevolent Party is. We have managed to completely explain it, which is a first." ("Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference")

Chinese people will be able to see clearly the evil nature of the CCP, get rid of the fetters that growing up in the CCP-created culture instilled in them, break off relations with the CCP with a sincere heart and withdraw from all organizations related to the CCP automatically - only by reading the Nine Commentaries. Only by understanding the Nine Commentaries can people know the reason why the CCP brutally persecutes Falun Gong. Therefore, I deeply recognized that to further clarify the truth of Falun Gong and save people is to promote the Nine Commentaries and urge them to quit communist organizations.

When I clarified the truth of Falun Dafa and introduced the Nine Commentaries and about withdrawing from the CCP to a Buddhist woman, she listened to me attentively and discussed the issues with me. After receiving my materials, she sincerely said "Thank you." She immediately convened others to read the materials and watch the VCD. She urged others to persuade their friends and relatives to resign from the CCP. Recently, she sent me a name list containing more than 50 names, and requested me to help them to publish a solemn declaration to quit the CCP on the Internet. This was really beyond my expectations.

However, when I told the same thing to my nephew and my younger sister's husband, their responses were the opposite of my expectations. One of them said he did not want my materials and said something very harsh. I was quite moved by these differing results. I then calmed down and seriously thought it over. The Buddhist lady, who recently withdrew from the CCP, usually gets along with me. When I introduced the Nine Commentaries to her, my mind was peaceful and my only thought was to save people. She understood well the compassion of Falun Dafa and my good intentions. In contrast, when I faced my nephew and my younger sister's husband, I had the attachment of qing that overshadowed my compassion. Therefore, the results were the opposite.

For a period of time I distributed a lot of truth clarifying materials, however the number of people willing to withdraw from the CCP organizations were few. I started feeling anxious and gradually got disappointed. Although I knew that worry and disappointment were attachments and I should let them go, I was not sure how to further understand this situation. I knew I could find the answer only from studying the Fa. From repeatedly studying the Fa, I realized that if we were reckless in the process of clarifying the truth and only emphasized the results, we would be doing things with strong attachments. We would only go for the numbers that were seen by ordinary people. Teacher said:

"As you validate the Fa, a lot of things look similar, or identical, to the form of ordinary people's things. However, the factors behind those things, and the Dafa disciples' starting point for doing things, the responsibilities the disciples shoulder, and their goals, are fundamentally different from those of ordinary people." ("Teaching the Fa at the Western U.S. International Fa Conference")

The process of urging people to quit communist organizations and saving people is also a cultivation process whereby our comprehension of Dafa and the level of our xinxing is revealed. Thereafter, I focused only on the important and holy mission of a Dafa practitioner, as a practitioner should, and gave attention to every incident.

At this writing, I have posted on the Internet the requests to resign from the CCP from more than 900 people. I am quite happy for those who decided to purge the mark of the beast and obtained the opportunity to save themselves. However, there are still a lot of people who are poisoned by the CCP and need us to save them. Only by firmly studying the Fa can we take the righteous path in cultivation and not let down the expectations of the sentient beings that are still waiting for us.