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Bangkok Post, via BBC Monitoring, Thailand: Thai Police Urged to Free Falun Gong Protesters

December 21, 2005 |  

Dec. 19, 2005

Text of report by Anchalee Kongrut Achara Ashayagachat entitled, "Police face call to free Falun Gong protesters" published in English by the Thai newspaper Bangkok Post website on 19 December.

Thai practitioners of Falun Gong have sought the release of six Chinese practitioners, including a four-year-old boy, detained on Friday [16 December] by Immigration Police. The six were among the eight practitioners arrested in front of the Chinese embassy in Bangkok while holding a peaceful sit-in to protest the alleged rape of their colleagues by Chinese police in Hebei Province.

The other two members of the group were released soon after their arrest.The four-year-old, identified as Kai Shin, was also taken to the detention cell after she refused to leave her father's side.

"Right now, Falun Gong practitioners are staging a sit-in protest in front of Thai embassies in 60 countries, petitioning for the release of their colleagues who have done nothing wrong," said Chachalai Sutakanat, a Thai practitioner of Falun Gong, at a press conference yesterday [18 December].

According to a statement released by the group, the detention of the six practitioners was unacceptable as the victims were all persons of concern (PoC) and under the UNHCR's protection.

The detainees have begun a hunger strike to protest their arrest which, they claim, was directed by the Chinese embassy.

Ms Chachalai also expressed concern for the girl, whose mother was killed during the violent persecution in China.

Fourteen-year-old Wang Anqi, who was arrested and then released, said her parents were still in the detention cell.

The Anqi family fled with other groups of Chinese practitioners to Thailand following the persecution and are now holding PoC refugee status.

Ms Wang said the basic human rights of the six detainees were being violated.