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Japan: Promoting Falun Dafa in Seto (Photo)

December 20, 2005 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On December 17, practitioners from Aichi County participated in a "2005 International Sharing Convention" held in Seto City. In their booth, they played Master Li's Exercise Instruction Video, demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises and introduced the practice to convention participants.

High Resolution Picture
Demonstrating Falun Gong at practitioners' booth

More than 30 groups participated in this event, including Seto International Center, some local companies, foreigners who work or live in the city, Chinese, Indonesian, Thai and Nepali international students from several local universities.

Taking this precious opportunity, practitioners talked with many Chinese students and told them the truth of Falun Gong and the persecution.

Many people came to the practitioners' booth. A Chinese chef from Jinlin province thanked practitioners repeatedly when he was presented with some truth-clarifying materials. A young Australian bought a copy of Falun Gong Exercises Instruction VCD (English) and said that he wanted to learn the practice.

The owner of a nearby booth, a Rwanda lady, asked how to learn the practice after having read a brief English introduction. Practitioners told her that they still have one copy of Falun Gong Exercise Instruction Video Cassette left. The lady wanted it very much, however, she was sure if the format is playable in her country as she is going back to Rwanda next February. When practitioners told her that all the Falun Gong books and videos are free to download online, she was very happy.